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外泌体具有显著的临床潜力, 但由于体内易 清除且稳定性差,其实际应用受到限制。微针提供了一种解决方案,通过刺穿生理屏障和干态保存来实现局部递送,从而解决了外泌体给药的局限性并扩大了其临床应用。
外泌体作为新兴的“下一代”生物治疗药物和药物递送载体,在从药物递送和再生医学到疾病诊断和肿瘤免疫治疗等多个生物医学领域具有巨大潜力。然而,传统推注的快速清除和外泌体的稳定性差限制了其临床应用。微针作为一种溶液,可延长外泌体在给药部位的停留时间,从而维持药物浓度并促进持续的治疗效果。此外,微针还具有维持生物活性物质稳定性的能力。因此,我们介绍了一种用于加载和递送外泌体的微针贴片,并分享了包括外泌体分离、制造和表征外泌体负载的微针贴片的方法。以海藻糖和透明质酸为尖端材料,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮为基材,通过两步铸造法制备微针贴片。微针表现出强大的机械强度,尖端能够承受 2 N。猪皮用于模拟人体皮肤,微针尖端在皮肤穿刺后 60 秒内完全熔化。从微针释放的外泌体表现出与新鲜外泌体相当的形态、粒径、标志蛋白和生物学功能,使树突状细胞能够摄取并促进其成熟。
外泌体是细胞释放到细胞外基质中的小囊泡,已被提议作为治疗多种疾病和癌症的潜在生物治疗药物和药物递送载体1。在其生物发生过程中,外泌体封装了细胞内的各种生物活性分子,包括功能性蛋白和核酸2。因此,当外泌体在运输过程中被受体细胞吸收时,外泌体具有调节靶细胞中基因表达和细胞功能的能力3。作为一种天然信息信使,外泌体在组织再生、免疫调节和作为递送载体中得到了充分利用4。通过工程技术,可以在外泌体表面富集特异性配体,从而能够诱导或抑制受体细胞中的信号转导事件或靶向特定细胞类型5。化疗剂也可以加载到外泌体中用于癌症治疗6。此外,外泌体能够穿过血脑屏障进行治疗性货物递送,使其在治疗脑部疾病方面非常有前途7。与脂质体相比,外泌体表现出增强的细胞摄取和更好的生物相容性8。它们能够有效地进入其他细胞,同时表现出更好的耐受性和更低的毒性9。然而,传统的外泌体推注容易被血流中的肝脏、肾脏和脾脏隔离和快速清除10。此外,外泌体 在体外 稳定性差,易受储存条件的影响,这....
这项研究不需要道德审查,因为用于第 3 节中描述的实验的猪皮是从市场上作为可食用的猪耳朵购买的,而不是来自实验动物。
1. 外泌体的分离
在这里,我们提出了一种用于分离外泌体、exo@MN 贴片的制造和表征的方案。 图 1 说明了制造exo@MN贴片的工艺流程图。将外泌体与海藻糖和 HA 混合,然后将混合物加入微针模具中并离心分离。这个过程促进了外泌体在针尖的聚集,促进了快速释放。干燥后,加入 PVP 溶液并离心以完全填充模具。完全干燥后,去除霉菌以获得exo@MN补丁。使用显微镜和 SEM 表征微针的形态,如图.......
H. C.、F.L.Q 和 SJM 是根据本手稿中的数据提交的专利申请的发明人。H.C. 是 Medcraft Biotech 的科学创始人。公司。
F.L.Q. 感谢浙江省先锋研发计划(2022C03031)、国家重点研发计划(2021YFA0910103)、国家自然科学基金(22274141,22074080)、山东省自然科学基金(ZR2022ZD28)和山东省泰山学者计划(tsqn201909106)的支持。H.C. 感谢中国国家自然科学基金 (82202329) 的财政支持。作者承认了中国科学院杭州医学研究所 (HIM) 共享仪器核心设施的仪器使用情况。
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
100x penicillin-streptomycin solutions | Jrunbio Scientific | MA0110 | Cell culture |
180 kDa pre-stained protein marker | Thermo | 26616 | Western blotting |
3% Uranyl acetate | Henan Ruixin Experimental Supplies | GZ02625 | Morphological characterization of exosomes |
3D printer | BMF technology | nanoArch S130 | Mold preparation |
4%–20% precast gel | Genscript | ExpressPlus PAGE GEL | Western blotting |
5× SDS-PAGE loading buffer | Titan | 04048254 | Western blotting |
Anti-mouse Alix antibody | Biolegend | 12422-1-AP | Western blotting |
Anti-mouse CD63 antibody | Biolegend | ab217345 | Western blotting |
APC anti-mouse CD80 antibody | Biolegend | 104713 | Antibody |
Auto fine coater | ZIZHU | JBA5-100 | Morphological characterization of microneedle |
BCA assay kit | Beyotime | P0012 | Protein concentration assay |
Centrifuge | Thermo Fisher | Muitifuge X1R pro | Cell centrifuge |
Circulating water vacuum pump | Yuhua Instrument | SHZ-D(III) | Filtration |
CO2 incubator | Eppendorf | CellXpert C170 | Cell culture |
Confocal laser scanning microscope | Nikon | A1HD25 | Fluorescence imaging |
Copper mesh | Beijing Zhongjingkeyi Technology | JF-ZJKY/300 | Morphological characterization of exosomes |
D- (+) -Trehalose dihydrate | Aladdin | 5138-23-4 | Fabrication of microneedle |
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium | Meilunbio | MA0212 | Cell culture |
Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline | Meilunbio | MA0010 | Cell culture |
Electrophoresis system | Bio-rad | PowerPac-basic | Western blotting |
Fetal bovine serum | Jrunbio Scientific | JR100 | Cell culture |
FITC anti-mouse CD11c antibody | Biolegend | 117305 | Antibody |
Flow cytometry | BD | LSR Fortessa | Fluorescence detection |
Gel imager | Cytiva | Amersham ImageQuant 800 | Western blotting |
HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG | CST | 7074S | Western blotting |
HTL resin | BMF technology | Mold preparation | |
Hyaluronic acid (MW = 300 kDa) | Bloomage Biotechnology | 9004-61-9 | Fabrication of microneedle |
Immersion oil | Nikon | MXA22168 | Fluorescence imaging |
Ion cleaner | JEOL | EC-52000IC | Morphological characterization of exosomes |
Microscope | Olympus | CKX53 | Observe the microneedle tip dissolving process |
Mouse ovarian epithelial cancer cell ID8 | MeisenCTCC | CC90105 | Cell culture |
Nanoparticle tracking analysis | Particle Metrix | ZetaView | Size analysis of exosomes |
Pacific Blue anti-mouse I-A/I-E antibody | Biolegend | 107619 | Antibody |
Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride | Beyotime | ST507 | Protease inhibitors |
Plasma cleaner | Hefei Kejing Material Technology | PDC-36G | Fabrication of microneedle |
Polydimethylsiloxane | Dow Corning | 9016-00-6 | Mold preparation |
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (MW = 40 kDa) | Aladdin | 9003-39-8 | Fabrication of microneedle |
Prism | GraphPad | Version 9 | Statistical analysis |
PVDF membrane | Millipore | IPVH00010 | Western blotting |
Quick-snap centrifuge | Beckman | 344619 | Exosomes extraction |
RIPA lysis buffer | Applygen | C1053 | Lysis membrane |
Roswell park memorial institute 1640 | Meilunbio | MA0548 | Cell culture |
Scanning electron microscope | JEOL | JSM-IT800 | Morphological characterization of microneedle |
Stereo microscope | Olympus | SZX16 | Characterization of morphology |
Super ECL detection reagent | Applygen | P1030 | Western blotting |
Tensile meter | Instron | 68SC-05 | Mechanical testing |
Transmission electron microscope | JEOL | JEM-2100plus | Morphological characterization of exosomes |
Tris buffered saline | Sangon Biotech | JF-A500027-0004 | Western blotting |
Tween-20 | Beyotime | ST825 | Western blotting |
Ultracentrifuge | Beckman | Optima XPN-100 | Exosomes extraction |
Ultrafiltration tube | Millipore | UFC910096 | Exosomes concentration |
Vacuum drying oven | Shanghai Yiheng Technology | DZF-6024 | Fabrication of microneedle |
Vacuum filtration system | Biosharp | BS-500-XT | Filtration |
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