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Exosomes possess significant clinical potential, but their practical application is limited due to easy in vivo clearance and poor stability. Microneedles present a solution by enabling localized delivery by puncturing physiological barriers and dry-state preservation, thereby addressing the limitations of exosome administration and expanding their clinical utility.


Exosomes, as emerging "next-generation" biotherapeutics and drug delivery vectors, hold immense potential in diverse biomedical fields, ranging from drug delivery and regenerative medicine to disease diagnosis and tumor immunotherapy. However, the rapid clearance by traditional bolus injection and poor stability of exosomes restrict their clinical application. Microneedles serve as a solution that prolongs the residence time of exosomes at the administration site, thereby maintaining the drug concentration and facilitating sustained therapeutic effects. In addition, microneedles also possess the ability to maintain the stability of bioactive substances. Therefore, we introduce a microneedle patch for loading and delivering exosomes and share the methods, including isolation of exosomes, fabrication, and characterization of exosome-loaded microneedle patches. The microneedle patches were fabricated using trehalose and hyaluronic acid as the tip materials and polyvinylpyrrolidone as the backing material through a two-step casting method. The microneedles demonstrated robust mechanical strength, with tips able to withstand 2 N. Pig skin was used to simulate human skin, and the tips of microneedles completely melted within 60 s after skin puncture. The exosomes released from the microneedles exhibited morphology, particle size, marker proteins, and biological functions comparable to those of fresh exosomes, enabling dendritic cells uptake and promoting their maturation.


Exosomes, which are small vesicles released by cells into the extracellular matrix, have been proposed as potential biotherapeutics and drug delivery vectors for the treatment of several diseases and cancers1. During their biogenesis process, exosomes encapsulate various biologically active molecules from within the cells, including functional proteins and nucleic acids2. As a result, when taken up by recipient cells during the transport process, exosomes have the ability to modulate gene expression and cellular functions in the target cells3. As a kind of natural information messenger, exosomes h....


This study does not require ethical clearance as the pig skin used for the experiments described in section 3 was purchased as edible pig ears from the market and not sourced from experimental animals.

1. Isolation of exosomes

  1. Cell culture
    1. Cultivate mouse ovarian epithelial cancer cells ID8 in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) culture medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% penicillin-streptomycin solution (100×) (see Table of Materials) in Petri dishes with a diameter of 15 cm.
    2. Incubate ID8 cells in a CO2 incubator (see Table of M....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Here, we present a protocol for the isolation of exosomes, fabrication and characterization of exo@MN patch. Figure 1 illustrates the process flowchart for the fabrication of exo@MN patch. The exosomes were mixed with trehalose and HA, and the mixture was then added to the microneedle mold and centrifuged. This process facilitated the aggregation of exosomes at the needle tips, promoting rapid release. After drying, PVP solution was added and centrifuged to fill the mold completely. Upon com.......


Currently, the main methods for isolating exosomes include ultracentrifugation, density-gradient centrifugation, ultrafiltration, precipitation, immunoaffinity magnetic beads, and microfluidics24. Due to the limited loading capacity of microneedles caused by their small needle tip space, it is necessary to increase the concentration of exosomes to load more. Therefore, we chose ultrafiltration to concentrate the cell culture supernatant and then used ultracentrifugation to isolate the exosomes. Th.......


H. C., F.L.Q, and S.J.M are inventors in a patent application that has been filed based on the data in this manuscript. H.C. is the scientific founder of Medcraft Biotech. Inc.


F.L.Q. appreciates the support by supported by the Pioneer R&D Program of Zhejiang (2022C03031), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFA0910103), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (22274141, 22074080), the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2022ZD28) and the Taishan Scholar Program of Shandong Province (tsqn201909106). H.C. acknowledges the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82202329). The authors acknowledge the use of instruments at the Shared Instrumentation Core Facility at the Hangzhou Institute of Medicine (HIM), Chinese Academy of Sciences.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
100x penicillin-streptomycin solutionsJrunbio ScientificMA0110Cell culture
180 kDa pre-stained protein markerThermo26616Western blotting
3% Uranyl acetateHenan Ruixin Experimental SuppliesGZ02625Morphological characterization of exosomes
3D printerBMF technologynanoArch S130Mold preparation
4%–20% precast gelGenscriptExpressPlus PAGE GELWestern blotting
5× SDS-PAGE loading bufferTitan04048254Western blotting
Anti-mouse Alix antibodyBiolegend12422-1-APWestern blotting
Anti-mouse CD63 antibodyBiolegendab217345Western blotting
APC anti-mouse CD80 antibodyBiolegend104713Antibody
Auto fine coaterZIZHUJBA5-100Morphological characterization of microneedle
BCA assay kitBeyotimeP0012Protein concentration assay
CentrifugeThermo FisherMuitifuge X1R proCell centrifuge
Circulating water vacuum pumpYuhua InstrumentSHZ-D(III)Filtration
CO2 incubatorEppendorfCellXpert C170Cell culture
Confocal laser scanning microscopeNikonA1HD25Fluorescence imaging
Copper meshBeijing Zhongjingkeyi Technology JF-ZJKY/300Morphological characterization of exosomes
D- (+) -Trehalose dihydrateAladdin5138-23-4Fabrication of microneedle 
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s mediumMeilunbioMA0212Cell culture
Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered salineMeilunbioMA0010Cell culture
Electrophoresis systemBio-radPowerPac-basicWestern blotting
Fetal bovine serumJrunbio ScientificJR100Cell culture
FITC anti-mouse CD11c antibodyBiolegend117305Antibody
Flow cytometryBDLSR FortessaFluorescence detection
Gel imagerCytivaAmersham ImageQuant 800Western blotting
HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgGCST7074SWestern blotting
HTL resinBMF technologyMold preparation
Hyaluronic acid (MW = 300 kDa)Bloomage Biotechnology9004-61-9Fabrication of microneedle 
Immersion oilNikonMXA22168Fluorescence imaging
Ion cleanerJEOLEC-52000ICMorphological characterization of exosomes
MicroscopeOlympusCKX53Observe the microneedle tip dissolving process
Mouse ovarian epithelial cancer cell ID8MeisenCTCC CC90105Cell culture
Nanoparticle tracking analysisParticle MetrixZetaViewSize analysis of exosomes
Pacific Blue anti-mouse I-A/I-E antibodyBiolegend107619Antibody
Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluorideBeyotimeST507Protease inhibitors
Plasma cleanerHefei Kejing Material TechnologyPDC-36GFabrication of microneedle 
PolydimethylsiloxaneDow Corning9016-00-6Mold preparation
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (MW = 40 kDa)Aladdin9003-39-8Fabrication of microneedle 
Prism GraphPadVersion 9Statistical analysis
PVDF membraneMilliporeIPVH00010Western blotting
Quick-snap centrifugeBeckman344619Exosomes extraction
RIPA lysis bufferApplygenC1053Lysis membrane
Roswell park memorial institute 1640MeilunbioMA0548Cell culture
Scanning electron microscopeJEOLJSM-IT800Morphological characterization of microneedle
Stereo microscopeOlympusSZX16Characterization of morphology
Super ECL detection reagentApplygenP1030Western blotting
Tensile meterInstron68SC-05Mechanical testing
Transmission electron microscopeJEOLJEM-2100plusMorphological characterization of exosomes
Tris buffered salineSangon BiotechJF-A500027-0004Western blotting
Tween-20BeyotimeST825Western blotting
UltracentrifugeBeckmanOptima XPN-100Exosomes extraction
Ultrafiltration tubeMilliporeUFC910096Exosomes concentration
Vacuum drying ovenShanghai Yiheng TechnologyDZF-6024Fabrication of microneedle
Vacuum filtration systemBiosharpBS-500-XTFiltration


  1. Barile, L., Vassalli, G. Exosomes: Therapy delivery tools and biomarkers of diseases. Pharmacol Ther. 174, 63-78 (2017).
  2. Kalluri, R., Lebleu, V. S. The biology, function, and biomedical applications of exosomes.

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MicroneedlesExosomesDrug DeliveryBiotherapeuticsRegenerative MedicineDisease DiagnosisTumor ImmunotherapyMicroneedle PatchesFabricationCharacterizationDrug ConcentrationBioactive SubstancesTrehaloseHyaluronic AcidPolyvinylpyrrolidoneMechanical StrengthDendritic Cells

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