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Aquí, presentamos un protocolo para lograr la fabricación a gran escala de células adherentes a través de un sistema completamente cerrado basado en microportadores solubles de grado GMP. El cultivo de células madre mesenquimales humanas, células HEK293T y células Vero se validó y cumplió tanto con las demandas de cantidad como con los criterios de calidad para la industria de la terapia celular y génica.
Los investigadores de la industria de la terapia celular y génica (CGT) se han enfrentado durante mucho tiempo a un desafío formidable en la expansión eficiente y a gran escala de las células. Para abordar las principales deficiencias del sistema de cultivo plano bidimensional (2D), desarrollamos de manera innovadora una plataforma automatizada de producción celular a escala industrial cerrada (ACISCP) basada en un microportador poroso, soluble y de grado GMP para el cultivo 3D de células adherentes, incluidas las células madre/estroma mesenquimales humanas (hMSC), las células HEK293T y las células Vero. Para lograr una expansión a gran escala, se llevó a cabo una expansión en dos etapas con biorreactores de tanque agitado de 5 L y 15 L para producir 1,1 x 1010 hMSC con una expansión total de 128 veces en 9 días. Las células se cosecharon disolviendo completamente los microportadores, se concentraron, se lavaron y se formularon con un sistema de procesamiento celular basado en centrífugas de flujo continuo, y luego se alícuota con un sistema de llenado celular. En comparación con el cultivo plano 2D, no hay diferencias significativas en la calidad de las hMSC recolectadas del cultivo 3D. También hemos aplicado estos microportadores porosos solubles a otros tipos de células populares en el sector CGT; en concreto, se han cultivado células HEK293T y células Vero a densidades celulares máximas de 1,68 x 10 7 células/ml y 1,08 x 107 células/ml, respectivamente. Este estudio proporciona un protocolo para el uso de una plataforma de ingeniería de bioprocesos que aprovecha las características de los microportadores solubles de grado GMP y equipos cerrados avanzados para lograr la fabricación a escala industrial de células adherentes.
La industria de CGT ha sido testigo de una expansión exponencial en las últimas dos décadas. Se prevé la evolución de los medicamentos de nueva generación para tratar y curar numerosas enfermedades refractarias1. Desde la primera aprobación por parte de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) de un producto de CGT, Kymriah, en 2017, la investigación y el desarrollo relacionados con CGT en el mundo han seguido creciendo a un ritmo rápido, y la FDA ha visto que las solicitudes activas de nuevos medicamentos en investigación para CGT aumentaron a 500 en 20182. Se había pronosticado que ....
El cordón umbilical humano se obtuvo del Hospital Tsinghua Changgeng de Pekín. Todos los procedimientos y protocolos relativos a la adquisición, aislamiento y cultivo de células madre mesenquimales del cordón umbilical humano (UCMSC) se llevaron a cabo con consentimiento informado y con la aprobación del Comité de Ética del Hospital Tsinghua Changgeng de Beijing (número de expediente 22035-4-02), y los procedimientos y protocolos cumplieron con la Declaración de Helsinki de 1964 y sus enmiendas posteriores o estándares éticos comparables.
1. Cultivo monocapa de hMSCs, células HEK293T y células Vero
La plataforma ACISCP es un sistema completamente cerrado que emplea una serie de biorreactores de tanque agitado para la expansión a escala, un sistema de procesamiento celular para la recolección y formulación celular automatizada y un sistema de llenado celular (Figura 1). Las células adherentes se adhieren a los microportadores porosos, que pueden dispersarse en el biorreactor, logrando así el cultivo suspendido de las células adherentes.
Siguiendo el pro.......
Tanto la inmunoterapia como la terapia con células madre utilizan células vivas como fármacos; Sin embargo, sus productos finales no deben purificarse o esterilizarse de la misma manera que las moléculas pequeñas o los virus. Por lo tanto, el principio de Calidad por Diseño (QbD) siempre debe tenerse en cuenta y aplicarse en la práctica al proceso de Fabricación y Control de Productos Químicos (CMC) durante la producción de células23. Se considera preferentemente que un sistema de culti.......
Y.D. es asesor científico, y H.X., Y.Z., L.G., M.L., Y.Y., W.L. y X.Y. son empleados de Beijing CytoNiche Biotechnology Co. Ltd. Los otros autores no tienen ningún interés comercial, de propiedad o financiero en los productos o empresas descritos en este artículo. Todos los demás autores declaran que no tienen intereses contrapuestos.
Este trabajo fue apoyado financieramente por la Fundación Nacional de Ciencias para Jóvenes Académicos Distinguidos (82125018).
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
0.25% trypsin EDTA | BasalMedia | S310JV | Used for 2D cell harvest. |
3D FloTrix Digest | CytoNiche Biotech | R001-500 | This is a reagent that specifically dissolves 3D TableTrix microcarriers. |
3D FloTrix MSC Serum Free Medium | CytoNiche Biotech | RMZ112 | This is a serum-free,animal-free medium for mesenchymal stem cell expansion and maintenance in 2D planar culture as well as 3D culture on 3D TableTrix microcarriers. |
3D FloTrix Single-Use Filtration Module | CytoNiche Biotech | R020-00-10 | This module contains 0.22 μm capsule filters used for filtration of culture medium and digest solution. |
3D FloTrix Single-Use Storage Bag (10 L) | CytoNiche Biotech | R020-00-03 | Used as feed bag for 5 L bioreactor. |
3D FloTrix Single-Use Storage Bag (3 L) | CytoNiche Biotech | R020-00-01 | Used as cell seeding or transfer bags. |
3D FloTrix Single-Use Storage Bag (50 L) | CytoNiche Biotech | R020-00-04 | Used as feed bag for 15 L bioreactor. |
3D FloTrix vivaPACK Disposable Fill&Finish Consumable Kit | CytoNiche Biotech | PACK-01-01 | This is a standard kit adapted to 3D vivaPACK fill and finish system. |
3D FloTrix vivaPACK fill and finish system for cells | CytoNiche Biotech | vivaPACK | This system is a closed liquid handling device, with automated mixing and gas exhausting functions. Cells resuspended in cryopreservation buffer can be rapidly and evenly aliquoted into 20 bags per batch. |
3D FloTrix vivaPREP PLUS cell processing system | CytoNiche Biotech | vivaPREP PLUS | This system is a continuous flow centrifuge-based device.Cells can be concentrated, washed, and resuspended under completely closed procedures. |
3D FloTrix vivaPREP PLUS Disposable Cell Processing Kit | CytoNiche Biotech | PREP-PLUS-00 | This is a standard kit adapted to 3D vivaPREP PLUS cell processing. |
3D FloTrix vivaSPIN bioreactor 15 L | CytoNiche Biotech | FTVS15 | This bioreactor product employs a controller, a 15 L glass stirred-tank vessel, and assessories. A special perfusion tube is available. |
3D FloTrix vivaSPIN bioreactor 5 L | CytoNiche Biotech | FTVS05 | This bioreactor product employs a controller, a 5 L glass stirred-tank vessel, and assessories.A special perfusion tube is available. |
3D FloTrix vivaSPIN Closed System Consumable Pack (10/15 L) | CytoNiche Biotech | R020-10-10 | This is a standard tubing kit adapted to 3D vivaSPIN bioreactor 15 L, containing sampling bags. |
3D FloTrix vivaSPIN Closed System Consumable Pack (2/5 L) | CytoNiche Biotech | R020-05-10 | This is a standard tubing kit adapted to 3D vivaSPIN bioreactor 5 L, containing sampling bags. |
3D TableTrix microcarriers G02 | CytoNiche Biotech | G02-10-10g | These porous and degradable microcarriers are suitable for HEK293T cell culture. They come pre-sterilized in 10g/bottle with C-Flex tubings for welding to tubes on bioreactors. |
3D TableTrix microcarriers V01 | CytoNiche Biotech | V01-100-10g | These porous and degradable microcarriers are suitable for adherent cell culture, they come as non-sterilized microcarriers that need to be autoclaved in PBS before use. They are especially suitable for vaccine production. |
3D TableTrix microcarriers W01 | CytoNiche Biotech | W01-10-10g (single-use packaging); W01-200 (tablets) | These porous and degradable microcarriers are suitable for adherent cell culture, especially for cells that need to be harvested as end products. They come pre-sterilized in 10g/bottle with C-Flex tubings for welding to tubes on bioreactors.The product has obtained 2 qualifications for pharmaceutical excipients from CDE, with the registration numbers of [F20200000496; F20210000003]. It has also received DMF qualification for pharmaceutical excipients from FDA, with the registration number of [DMF:35481] |
APC anti-human CD45 Antibody | BioLegend | 368512 | Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment |
Calcein-AM/PI Double Staining Kit | Dojindo | C542 | Calcein-AM/PI Double Staining Kit is utilized for simultaneous fluorescence staining of viable and dead cells. This kit contains Calcein-AM and Propidium Iodide (PI) solutions, which stain viable and dead cells, respectively. |
Cap for EZ Top Container Closures for NALGENE-containers (500mL) | Saint-Gobain | CAP-38 | Brands and catalogue numbers are only for example, similar products are available from various suppliers and as long as they have the same functionality, items could be substituted with other brands. |
C-Flex Tubing, Formulation 374 (0.25 in x 0.44 in) | Saint-Gobain | 374-250-3 | Used for tube welding and disconnection. |
CryoMACS Freezing Bag 50 | Miltenyi Biotec | 200-074-400 | Used for expanding the 3D FloTrix vivaPACK Disposable Fill&Finish Consumable Kit. |
Dimethyl Sulfate (DMSO) | Sigma | D2650-100mL | Used for preparation of cryopreservation solution. |
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) | BasalMedia | L120KJ | Used for cultivation of HEK293T and Vero cells. |
DURAN Original GL 45 Laboratory bottle (2 L) | DWK life sciences | 218016357 | Used for waste collection from the 5 L bioreactor. |
DURAN Original GL 45 Laboratory bottle (5 L) | DWK life sciences | 218017353 | Used for waste collection from the 15 L bioreactor. |
DURAN Original GL 45 Laboratory bottle (500 mL) | DWK life sciences | 218014459 | Used for supplementary bottle of 0.1 M NaOH. |
EZ Top Container Closures for NALGENE-containers (500mL) | Saint-Gobain | EZ500 ML-38-2 | Brands and catalogue numbers are only for example, similar products are available from various suppliers and as long as they have the same functionality, items could be substituted with other brands. |
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) superior quality | Wisent | 086-150 | Used for cultivation of HEK293T cells. |
FITC anti-human CD14 Antibody | BioLegend | 301804 | Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment. |
FITC anti-human CD34 Antibody | BioLegend | 343504 | Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment. |
FITC anti-human CD90 (Thy1) Antibody | BioLegend | 328108 | Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment. |
Flow cytometry | Beckman Coulter | CytoFLEX | Used for cell identity assessment. |
Fluorescence Cell Analyzer | Alit life science | Countstar Rigel S2 | Used for cell counting. Cell viability can be calculated by staining with AO/PI dyes. |
GL 45 Multiport Connector Screw Cap with 2 ports | DWK life sciences | 292632806 | Brands and catalogue numbers are only for example, similar products are available from various suppliers and as long as they have the same functionality, items could be substituted with other brands. |
Glucose Meter | Sinocare | 6243578 | Used for detecting glucose concentration in cell culture medium and supernatant. |
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), with calcium and magnesium | Gibco | 14025092 | Used for preparation of digest solution. |
Human Albumin 20% Behring (HSA) | CSL Behring | N/A | Used for preparation of wash buffer. |
Inverted fluorescent microscope | OLYMBUS | CKX53SF | Used for brifgt field and fluorescent observation and imaging. |
Nalgene Measuring Cylinder (500 mL) | Thermo Scientific | 3662-0500PK | Used for calibrating the liquid handling volume speed of peristaltic pumps. |
Newborn calf serum (NBS) superfine | MINHAI BIO | SC101.02 | Used for cultivation of Vero cells. |
OriCell human mesenchymal stem cell adipogenic differentiation and characterization kit | Cyagen | HUXUC-90031 | Used for tri-lineage differentiation of hUCMSCs. |
OriCell human mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenic differentiation and characterization kit | Cyagen | HUXUC-90041 | Used for tri-lineage differentiation of hUCMSCs. |
OriCell human mesenchymal stem cell osteogenic differentiation and characterization kit | Cyagen | HUXUC-90021 | Used for tri-lineage differentiation of hUCMSCs. |
PE anti-human CD105 Antibody | BioLegend | 800504 | Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment. |
PE anti-human CD19 Antibody | BioLegend | 302208 | Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment. |
PE anti-human CD73 (Ecto-5'-nucleotidase) Antibody | BioLegend | 344004 | Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment. |
PE anti-human HLA-DR Antibody | BioLegend | 307605 | Used in flow cytometry for MSC identity assessment. |
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) | Wisent | 311-010-CL | Used in autoclaving of glass vessel and V01 microcarriers, and replacement of culture medium. |
Sani-Tech Platinum Cured Sanitary Silicone Tubing (0.13 in x 0.25 in) | Saint-Gobain | ULTRA-C-125-2F | Used for solution transfering driven by peristaltic pumps. |
Sterile Saline | Hopebiol | HBPP008-500 | Used for preparation of wash buffer. |
Trypzyme Recombinant Trypsin | BasalMedia | S342JV | This reagent is used for bead-to-bead transfer of HEK293T and Vero cells. |
Tube Sealer | Yingqi Biotech | Tube Sealer I | This sealer is compatible with both C-Flex tubing and PVC tubing. |
Tube Welder for PVC tubing | Chu Biotech | Tube Welder Micro I | Used for welding of PVC tubing. |
Tube Welder for TPE tubing | Yingqi Biotech | Tube Welder I-V2 | Used for welding of TPE tubing. |
ViaStain AO / PI Viability Stains | Nexcelom | CS2-0106-25mL | Dual-Fluorescence Viability, using acridine orange (AO) and propidium iodide (PI), is the recommended method for accurate viability analysis of primary cells, such as PBMCs, and stem cells in samples containing debris. |
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