The overall goal of this procedure is to induce psychological distress using a modified version of the Trier Social Stress Test, or TSST, among vulnerable adolescents. This method can help answer key questions in the field of psychobiology, such as how the human body responds to psychosocial stress in the laboratory environment, using a disease such as hormone reactivity. The main advantage of this technique is that it's modified in a culturally sensitive manner for vulnerable Mexican-American adolescents, yet it still induces a significant cortisol response to the stressor.
Begin by greeting the participant into the lab. Then, ask them to rinse out their mouth with cold water for 5-10 seconds, and spit in the sink. After the participant rinses their mouth, escort them into a solitary room.
For the next 10 minutes, have them complete a non-invasive questionnaire and watch a three minute peaceful video of sea life. Next, to collect the first sample of saliva, place a line to indicate one milliliter of saliva on a two milliliter cryovial. Then tell the participant to fill the cryovial to this line.
Collet the participants saliva via passive drool through a two inch straw, into the two milliliter cryovial and freeze immediately at 80 celsius. After the participant has provided the saliva sample, offer them some water. Be sure to take back the cup after they have finished drinking.
Note, this procedure will be repeated three more times at 15, 30, and 45 after stressor onset. To prepare for the stress test, inform the participant that they will deliver a speech. In a few minutes, we would like you to give a five minute speech about how you are a good friend.
There is a committee of two trained reviewers who are in the room next door who are going to be listening to your speech. Your job is to make the reviewers believe that you are a good friend. Provide the participant with paper, pen and a clip board to allow them to take notes alone in the room for three minutes.
During the time that the participant is alone, start the video recording in an adjacent testing room. After three minutes, return to the solitary room and tell the participant that it is time to deliver the speech. Take any written notes from the participant at this time.
Then, escort the participant to the testing room and ask them to face the confederates and the video camera. Set the timer for five minutes, and ask the participant to begin their speech. After five minutes, stop the participant.
Inform them that time is up and that there is a second task. We're now going to ask you to count out loud backward, start at 423 and count backward by sevens. Keep counting backwards by sevens out loud until we tell you to stop.
If you make a mistake, we will let you know and we will ask you to start over. Please be as quick and accurate as possible. Set the timer for five minutes, and then ask the participant to begin.
Note, during either task, if the participant cries, becomes angry or aggressive, or otherwise shows distress, stop the study immediately in a calm and non-distressed manner. Finally, after five minutes, inform the participant that time is up and escort them back to the solitary room. After the participant reenters the solitary room, have them complete the identical saliva collection procedure as before.
Collect additional saliva samples at 30 and 45 minutes post-stressor onset as well. Lastly, after the experiment is complete, debrief the participant about the speech and math activities. Results from the TSST indicated significant changes in mean cortisol levels from pre-stress to 15 minutes post-stressor onset, from 15 minutes post-stressor onset to the 30 minute post-stressor onset, and from 30 minutes post-stressor to 45 minutes post-stressor.
Additionally, the greatest change in cortisol occurred when comparing the pre-stress cortisol concentration to the 30 minute post-stressor concentration, and lower 45 minute post-stressor cortisol concentration suggests the individuals begin to recover from the stressor at this time. Once mastered, this technique can be completed within 15 minutes if it's performed properly. While attempting this procedure, it's important to remember to maintain a neutral state, follow the script, and use unfamiliar staff for the confederate and debriefing roles.
Following this procedure, other methods such as self report can be used to assess individual's emotional responding to the TSST. Personality traits or behavior associated with the aberrant response and early life stress. After its development, this technique paved the way for researchers in the field of psychology to study biological stress response among vulnerable adolescents.
After watching this video, you should have a good understanding of how to conduct the TSST in a culturally sensitive manner. Don't forget that working with bio specimens can be hazardous, and precautions such as wearing gloves should always be taken when performing this procedure.