Immunoprecipitation of 10S Fractions of Glycerol Gradients by Anti-Gal3
Assembly of Splicing Reaction and Analysis of Products
Results: RNA and Polypeptide Compositions of the Anti-Gal3 Precipitate of the 10S Region of the Glycerol Gradient and its Ability to Reconstitute Splicing in U1ΔNE
This report provides the experimental evidence for the documentation that a galectin-3 U1 snRNP complex binds to pre mRNA substrate forms a functional complex and leads to products of the splicing reaction. This protocol utilizes the galectin-3 U1
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This article describes the experimental procedures for (a) depletion of U1 snRNP from nuclear extracts, with concomitant loss of splicing activity; and (b) reconstitution of splicing activity in the U1-depleted extract by galectin-3 - U1 snRNP particles bound to beads covalently coupled with anti-galectin-3 antibodies.