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Structural and biochemical studies of human membrane transporters require milligram quantities of stable, intact, and homogeneous protein. Here we describe scalable methods to screen, express, and purify human solute carrier transporters using codon-optimized genes.


Solute carriers (SLCs) are membrane transporters that import and export a range of endogenous and exogenous substrates, including ions, nutrients, metabolites, neurotransmitters, and pharmaceuticals. Despite having emerged as attractive therapeutic targets and markers of disease, this group of proteins is still relatively underdrugged by current pharmaceuticals. Drug discovery projects for these transporters are impeded by limited structural, functional, and physiological knowledge, ultimately due to the difficulties in the expression and purification of this class of membrane-embedded proteins. Here, we demonstrate methods to obtain high-purity, milligram quantities of human SLC transporter proteins using codon-optimized gene sequences. In conjunction with a systematic exploration of construct design and high-throughput expression, these protocols ensure the preservation of the structural integrity and biochemical activity of the target proteins. We also highlight critical steps in the eukaryotic cell expression, affinity purification, and size-exclusion chromatography of these proteins. Ultimately, this workflow yields pure, functionally active, and stable protein preparations suitable for high-resolution structure determination, transport studies, small-molecule engagement assays, and high-throughput in vitro screening.


Membrane proteins have long been targets for researchers and pharmaceutical industries alike. Of these, the solute carriers (SLCs) are a family of over 400 secondary transporter genes encoded within the human genome1. These transporters are involved in the import and export of numerous molecules, including ions2, neurotransmitters3, lipids4,5,6,7, amino acids8, nutrients9,10,


NOTE: All codon-optimized RESOLUTE SLC genes have been deposited into AddGene43, the links to which are available on the list of RESOLUTE public reagents44. These genes have been cloned into the pDONR221 plasmid and allow direct cloning of the genes into the destination vector using recombination cloning45. To maximize parallelism, bacterial, insect, and mammalian cells are grown in block format for bacmid production (section 3), baculovirus amplification (section 5), and expression testing (section 6), respectively. For these steps, a micro-expression shaker is required to ensure sufficient ....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

SLC genes can be cloned from RESOLUTE pDONR plasmids into BacMam vectors for mammalian expression
The described protocols for cloning, expression, and purification have proven successful for many SLC transporters across multiple protein folds. Nevertheless, the procedures include several checkpoints for monitoring progress, allowing for optimization to account for differences in expression, protein folding, lipid- and detergent-dependent stability, and sensitivity to buffer conditions.


The development of SLC-targeting therapies has remained hampered due to the absence of systematic characterization of transporter function. This has led to disproportionally fewer drugs targeting this protein class relative to GPCRs and ion channels63, despite their numerous roles in normal and pathophysiological processes. RESOLUTE is an international consortium aimed at developing cutting-edge research techniques and tools to accelerate and improve current SLC research. As a part of RESOLUTE, we.......


The authors declare no competing financial interests.


This work was performed within the RESOLUTE project. RESOLUTE has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 777372. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA. This article reflects only the authors' views and neither IMI nor the European Union and EFPIA are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The pHTBV plasmid was kindly provided by Prof. Frederick Boyce (Harvard).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
3C proteaseProduced in-house
50 or 100 kDa cut-off centrifugal concentratorsSartoriusVS0242
96-well bacmid purification kitMilliporeLSKP09604Montage Plasmid Miniprep
96-well block (2 mL)Greiner Bio-One780271
Adhesive plastic sealsQiagen19570Tape Pads
Agarose size exclusion chromatography columnCytiva29091596Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL
Benzonase DNAseProduced in-house
BisTrisSigma AldrichB9754
Cholesteryl Hemisuccinate Tris saltAnatraceCH210CHS
Cobalt metal affinity resinTakara Bio635653TALON Metal Affinity Resin
D(+)-BiotinSigma Aldrich851209
Dextran-agarose size exclusion chromatography columnCytiva28990944Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL
DigitoninApollo ScientificBID3301
Dounce tissue grinder (40 mL)DWK Life Sciences357546
EDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktailSigma Aldrich4693132001cOmplete, EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail
Fetal Bovine SerumThermo Fisher10500064
GlycerolSigma AldrichG5516
Gravity flow columnsCole-ParmerWZ-06479-25
HEK293 mediumThermo Fisher12338018FreeStyle 293 medium
HEPESApollo ScientificBI8181
Hydrophilic, neutral silica UHPLC columnSepax231300-4615Unix-C SEC-300 4.6 x 150
ImidazoleSigma Aldrich56750
Insect transfection reagentSigma Aldrich71259Reagent
Lauryl Maltose Neopentyl GlycolAnatraceNG310LMNG
Magnesium Chloride HexahydrateSigma AldrichM2670
Micro-expression shakerGlas-Col107A DPMINC24CE
NaClSigma AldrichS9888
Octaethylene Glycol Monododecyl
Octyl Glucose Neopentyl GlycolAnatraceNG311OGNG
Phosphate Buffered SalineSigma AldrichD8537DPBS
Polyoxyethylene(10)dodecyl EtherAnatraceAP1210C12E10
Polyoxyethylene(9)dodecyl EtherAnatraceAPO129C12E9
Porous seal for tissue culture platesVWR60941-084Rayon Films for Biological Cultures
Proteinase KNew England BiolabsP8107S
Recombination enzyme mixThermo Fisher11791020Gateway LR Clonase II
Serum-free insect mediaGibco10902088Sf-900 II serum-free media
Sodium ButyrateSigma Aldrich303410
Sonicator 24-head probeSonics630-0579
Sonicator power unitSonicsVCX 750
Strep-Tactin resinIBA Life Sciences2-5030-025Strep-TactinXT 4Flow high- capacity resin
SucroseSigma AldrichS7903
Sucrose MonododecanoateAnatraceS350DDS
Suspension-adapted HEK293 cellsThermo FisherA14527Expi293F
Transfection reagentSigma Aldrich70967GeneJuice Transfection Reagent


  1. Wang, W. W., Gallo, L., Jadhav, A., Hawkins, R., Parker, C. G. The druggability of solute carriers. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 63 (8), 3834-3867 (2020).
  2. Liao, J., et al. Structural insight into the ion-exchange mechanism of the s....

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Solute CarriersSLCsMembrane TransportersDrug DiscoveryHigh throughput ExpressionProtein PurificationStructural StudiesBiochemical StudiesReSOLUTEBacMam Expression SystemCryo EM

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