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This protocol outlines a chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) model for depression based on Mongolian medical theory, along with methods for validating behavioral tests.


Depression is a prevalent affective disorder and constitutes a leading cause of global disability. The limitations of current pharmacological interventions contribute to the substantial health burden attributed to this condition. There is a pressing need for a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms of depression, making pre-clinical models with translational potential highly valuable. Mongolian medicine, a subset of traditional medicine, posits that disease occurrence is closely tied to the equilibrium of wind, bile, and Phlegm. In this study, we introduce a protocol for the chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) method in rats. Within this framework, rats are subjected to a series of fluctuating, mild stressors to induce a depression-like phenotype, mimicking the pathogenesis of human depression. Behavioral assays employed in this protocol include the sucrose preference test (SPT), indicative of anhedonia-a core symptom of depression; the open field test (OFT), which measures anxiety levels; and the Morris water maze test (MWM), which evaluates spatial memory and learning abilities. The CUMS method demonstrates the capability to induce anhedonia and to cause long-term behavioral deficits. Furthermore, this protocol is more aligned with Mongolian medical theory than other animal models designed to elicit depression-like behavior. The development of this animal model and subsequent research provide a robust foundation for future innovative studies in the realm of Mongolian medicine.


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a prevalent mental illness, ranking as the third leading cause of disability globally and affecting over 300 million people1,2,3. Notably, it is estimated that at least half of the affected individuals do not receive adequate treatment4. Given this gap, animal models serve as a crucial tool for investigating the etiology of depression. To date, more than 20 different animal models for depression exist5. Among these, the chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) model, refined by Paul Winer in 19....


The experimental protocols received approval from the Ethics of Animal Experiment Care Committee of Inner Mongolia Medical University (YKD202301172) and adhered to the National Institutes of Health guidelines for animal care and ethics. The license number for our animal center is NO.110324230102364187. Twenty-four male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, each 8 weeks old (200 g ± 20 g), were acquired and housed in a controlled environment with a temperature of 22°C ± 2°C and humidity of 55% ± 15%. Feed the rats with a rodent maintenance-feed diet and pure water with corn cobs for bedding. The rats were subjected to a 12 h/12 h light/dark cycle for 1 wee....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Results from the behavioral tests in the CUMS-induced rat depression model
To corroborate the efficacy of the CUMS procedure for inducing depression-like behaviors, a manipulation check was performed. Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly allocated to either the MOD or CON group for a period of 4 weeks, as outlined in step 1.2.3. Subsequently, the rats were sacrificed, and their hippocampi were completely dissected for assessment of 5-HT, a neurotransmitter strongly associated with depression.......


Depression is a mental disorder characterized by symptoms such as low mood, lack of pleasure, and reduced energy30. In the field of depression research, the establishment of a reliable animal model is crucial for advancing therapeutic interventions. Among various animal models, the CUMS model is particularly noteworthy for its high reliability, validity, and its congruence with the characteristics of human depression31. It is well-suited to mimic the cumulative effects of l.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


We are grateful for the instrumentation and laboratory provided byextend our gratitude to the Mongolian medical faculty of the Inner Mongolian Medical University, China.This study was supported by, for providing the necessary instrumentation and laboratory facilities. This study received financial support from the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant No. 81760762) and), the Inner Mongolia Medical University Project of China (Grant No. YKD2022MS074), and the Scientific Research Project of Higher Education in Inner Mongolia, China (Grant No. NJZY22661) and the Open Fund Project of Key Laboratory of Chinese and Mongolian Medicine in Inner Mongolia Autonom....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1.5 mL centrifuge tubeservice Biotechnology Co., LtdEP-150-M
1000 µL Pipetteservice Biotechnology Co., LtdIC021198160223
10 µL pipette tipservice Biotechnology Co., LtdIC012395160823
10 µL pipette tipservice Biotechnology Co., LtdTP-10
1250 µL pipette tipservice Biotechnology Co., LtdTP-1250
2 mL centrifuge tubeservice Biotechnology Co., LtdEP-200-M
200 µL pipette tipservice Biotechnology Co., LtdTP-200
200 µL pipette tipservice Biotechnology Co., LtdIC021029160323
300 µL Multi-Channel Pipetteservice Biotechnology Co., LtdIC091006161022
50 µL Pipetteservice Biotechnology Co., LtdDS35110
Automatic plate washing machinerayto Life Sciences Co., LtdRT-3100
Benchtop High-Speed Freezing Centrifugedalong construction Co., LtdD3024R
electronic balanceMettler Toledo International Trade (Shanghai) Co., LtdME203E/02
Electrothermal blast drying ovenLabotery Experimental Instrument Equipment Co., LtdGEL-70
Enzyme Label DetectorBioTeK Co., LtdEpoch
High Speed Tissue Grinderservice Biotechnology Co., LtdKZ-figure-materials-2178-F
Horizontal FreezerMellow Group Co., LtdBCD-318AT
Laboratory Ultrapure Water MachineJinan Aiken Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd  AK-RO-C2
Morris water maze video trail analysing system Tai Meng Tech Co., LtdWMT-200
Rat 5-HT ELISA KitLian Ke bio Co., Ltd,China96T/48T
SPF grade Sprague Dawley (SD) ratsSPF (Beijing) Biotechnology Co SCXK(JING)2019-0010
Sprague Dawley ratsBeijing Biotechnology Co., Ltd, China SCXK (JING) 2019-0010
Vertical Refrigerated Display CabinetXingx Group Co., LtdLSC-316C
video tracking systemTai Meng Tech Co., LtdZH-ZFT
vortex mixerServicebio technology Co., LtdMV-100


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Chronic Unpredictable Mild StressCUMSMongolian MedicineDepressionAnhedoniaOpen Field TestMorris Water MazeAnimal ModelBehavioral Assays

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