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Deriving enteric nervous system (ENS) lineages from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) provides a scalable source of cells to study ENS development and disease, and to use in regenerative medicine. Here, a detailed in vitro protocol to derive enteric neurons from hPSCs using chemically defined culture conditions is presented.


The human enteric nervous system, ENS, is a large network of glial and neuronal cell types with remarkable neurotransmitter diversity. The ENS controls bowel motility, enzyme secretion, and nutrient absorption and interacts with the immune system and the gut microbiome. Consequently, developmental and acquired defects of the ENS are responsible for many human diseases and may contribute to symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Limitations in animal model systems and access to primary tissue pose significant experimental challenges in studies of the human ENS. Here, a detailed protocol is presented for effective in vitro derivation of the ENS lineages from human pluripotent stem cells, hPSC, using defined culture conditions. Our protocol begins with directed differentiation of hPSCs to enteric neural crest cells within 15 days and yields diverse subtypes of functional enteric neurons within 30 days. This platform provides a scalable resource for developmental studies, disease modeling, drug discovery, and regenerative applications.


The enteric nervous system (ENS) is the largest component of the peripheral nervous system. The ENS contains more than 400 million neurons that are located within the GI tract and control nearly all functions of the gut1. Molecular understanding of the ENS development and function and its defects in enteric neuropathies requires access to a reliable and authentic source of enteric neurons. Access to human primary tissue is limited, and animal models fail to recapitulate key disease phenotypes in many enteric neuropathies. Human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) technology has proven exceedingly beneficial in providing an unlimited source of desired ....


1. Media preparation

NOTE: Concentrations mentioned throughout the protocol are final concentrations of the media components. Prepare all media under sterile conditions in a laminar flow hood, and store at 4 °C in the dark. Use within 2 weeks.

  1. hPSC maintenance medium: Mix feeder-free hPSC maintenance medium supplement (20 µL/mL) with its base medium.
  2. Medium A: Add bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4; 1 ng/mL), SB431542 (10 μM), and CHIR99021 (600 nM) to differentiation base medium.
  3. Medium B: Add SB431542 (10 μM), and CHIR99021 (1.5 μM) to differentiation base medium.

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

This protocol provides a method to derive enteric neural crest and enteric neurons from hPSCs using chemically defined culture conditions (Figure 1A-B). Generating high-quality neurons depends on an efficient enteric neural crest induction step. This can be visually assessed by checking the morphology of the free-floating spheres that should look round with smooth surfaces with a size of approximately 0.1 - 0.4 mm as seen in Figure 1C. These sph.......


The differentiation protocol described here provides a robust in vitro method to obtain enteric neurons from hPSCs within 30-40 days (Figure 1E) and enteric glia expressing glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP, and SOX10 in older cultures (> day 55)13,14,19,22. These neurons and glia are induced by stepwise differentiation of hPSCs into vagal and ente.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The work was supported by grants from UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research and Sandler Foundation, March of Dimes grant no. 1-FY18-394 and 1DP2NS116769-01, the NIH Director's New Innovator Award (DP2NS116769) to F.F. and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R01DK121169) to F.F., H.M. is supported by Larry L. Hillblom Foundation postdoctoral fellowship, NIH T32-DK007418 fellowship and UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research independent postdoctoral fellowship.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Ascorbic acidSigma-AldrichA5960
B27 supplement (serum free, minus vitamin A)Gibco12587-010
Basement membrane matrix, GeltrexGibcoA14133-2
BMP4R&D systems314-BP
Cell culture centrifugeEppendorf, model no. 5810R02262501
Cell detachment solution, AccutaseStemcell Technologies07920
Conical tubesUSA scientific1475-0511, 1500-1211
Differentiation base medium, Essential 6Life TechnologiesA1516401
DMEM/F-12 no glutamineLife Technologies21331020
Feeder-free hPSC maintenance medium, Essential 8 Flex Medium KitLife TechnologiesA2858501
FGF2R&D systems233-FB/CF
HemocytometerHausser Scientific1475
Human pluripotent stem cells, H9 ESCWiCellRRID: CVCL_1240
Incubator with controlled humidity, temperature and CO2Thermo Fisher ScientificHerralcell 150i
Inverted microscopeThermo Fisher ScientificEVOS FL
Laminar flow hoodThermo Fisher Scientific1300 series class II, type A2
L-glutamine supplement, GlutagroCorning25-015-CI
MEM NEAAsCorning25-025-CI
Multiwell plates, FalconBD353934, 353075
N-2 SupplementCTSA1370701
Neurobasal MediumLife Technologies21103049
PBS (Ca and Mg free)Life Technologies10010023
Pipette fillerEppendorfZ768715-1EA
Pipette tipsUSA scientific1111-2830
PipettesFisherbrand13-678-11E, 13-678-11F
polymer coverslip bottom imaging plates, ibidiibidi81156
SB431542R&D systems1614
Trypan blue stain, 0.4%Thermo Fisher Scientific15250-061
Ultra-low attachment platesFisher Scientific07-200-601
Y-27632 dihydrochlorideR&D systems1254


  1. Gershon, M. D. The enteric nervous system: a second brain. Hosp Pract. 34 (7), 35-38 (1999).
  2. Haggarty, S. J., Silva, M. C., Cross, A., Brandon, N. J., Perlis, R. H. Advancing drug discovery for neuropsychiatric dis....

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Enteric Nervous SystemHuman Pluripotent Stem CellsNeural Crest CellsEnteric NeuronsNeurotransmitter DiversityBowel MotilityEnzyme SecretionNutrient AbsorptionImmune SystemGut MicrobiomeParkinson s DiseaseIn Vitro DerivationDirected DifferentiationDisease ModelingDrug DiscoveryRegenerative Applications

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