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Here, we present a protocol to establish a distal middle cerebral artery occlusion (dMCAO) model through transcranial electrocoagulation in C57BL/6J mice and evaluate the subsequent neurological behavior and histopathological features.


Ischemic stroke remains the predominant cause of mortality and functional impairment among the adult populations globally. Only a minority of ischemic stroke patients are eligible to receive intravascular thrombolysis or mechanical thrombectomy therapy within the optimal time window. Among those stroke survivors, around two-thirds suffer neurological dysfunctions over an extended period. Establishing a stable and repeatable experimental ischemic stroke model is extremely significant for further investigating the pathophysiological mechanisms and developing effective therapeutic strategies for ischemic stroke. The middle cerebral artery (MCA) represents the predominant location of ischemic stroke in humans, with the MCA occlusion serving as the frequently employed model of focal cerebral ischemia. In this protocol, we describe the methodology of establishing the distal MCA occlusion (dMCAO) model through transcranial electrocoagulation in C57BL/6 mice. Since the occlusion site is located at the cortical branch of MCA, this model generates a moderate infarcted lesion restricted to the cortex. Neurological behavioral and histopathological characterization have demonstrated visible motor dysfunction, neuron degeneration, and pronounced activation of microglia and astrocytes in this model. Thus, this dMCAO mouse model provides a valuable tool for investigating the ischemiastroke and worth of popularization.


Stroke is a common acute cerebrovascular disease characterized by high incidences of disability and fatality1. Of all stroke cases, nearly 80% belong to ischemic stroke2. Up to now, intravenous thrombolysis remains one of a limited number of productive approaches for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. However, the effectiveness of thrombolytic treatment is restricted by the narrow effective time window and the occurrence of hemorrhagic transformation3. In the long-term rehabilitation phase following an ischemic stroke, a considerable number of patients are likely to experience durable neurolo....


The experimental protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Jianghan University and was conducted in accordance with Experimental Animals Ethical Guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control of China. Adult male C57BL/6J mice, 10 weeks old, weighted 24-26 g, were used in this protocol. All mice were housed under a 12-h light/dark cycle controlled environment with food and water ad libitum.

1. Preoperative preparation

NOTE: The key instruments and equipment required for this protocol are shown in Figure 1.

  1. P....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The key instruments used to perform the dMCAO are the microsurgical instruments set, the isoflurane vaporizer, and the monopolar microsurgical electrocoagulation generator shown in Figure 1. The experimental procedure of this study is illustrated in Figure 2. In brief, a small bone window craniotomy was employed to expose the distal MCA, which was subsequently coagulated to induce permanent focal cerebral ischemia in C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, the ischemic .......


In the present protocol of the craniotomy electrocoagulation dMCAO model, the surgical procedures are conducted with minimal invasiveness, wherein only a portion of the temporalis muscle is separated to mitigate the adverse effects on masticatory function. The mice all recovered well after the procedure, with no observed instances of feeding difficulties. The MCA can be easily discerned in the temporal bone of the mouse, thereby facilitating precise identification of suitable craniotomy locations. This dMCAO model-induce.......


The authors have no conflicting interests to disclose.


This study was supported by the Grants from the Nature Science Foundation of Hubei Province (2022CFC057).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Chloride (TTC)
Sigma-Aldrich108380Dye for TTC staining
24-well culture plateCorning (USA)CLS3527Vessel for TTC staining
4% paraformaldehydeWuhan Servicebio Technology
Co., Ltd.
G1101Tissue fixation
5% bovine serum albuminWuhan BOSTER Bio Co., Ltd.AR004Non-specific antigen blocking
5-0 Polyglycolic acid sutureJinhuan Medical Co., LtdKCR531Material for surgery
Anesthesia machineMidmark CorporationVMRAnesthetized animal
Antifade mounting mediumBeyotime BiotechP0131Seal for IF staining
Leica Biosystems (Germany)TP1020Dehydrate tissue
Depilatory creamVeet (France)20220328Material for surgery
Diclofenac sodium gelWuhan Ma Yinglong Pharmaceutical
 Co., Ltd.
H10950214Analgesia for animal
Drill tip (0.8 mm)Rwd Life Science Co., Ltd.Equipment for surgery
Eosin staining solutionWuhan Servicebio Technology
Co., Ltd.
G1001Dye for H&E staining
Eye ointmentGuangzhou Pharmaceutical Co., LtdH44023098Material for surgery
Fluorescence microscopeOlympus (Japan)BX51Image acquisition
GFAP Mouse monoclonal antibodyCell Signaling Technology Inc.
(Danvers, MA, USA)
3670Primary antibody for IF staining
Goat anti-mouse Alexa
488-conjugated IgG
Cell Signaling Technology Inc.
(Danvers, MA, USA)
4408Second antibody for IF staining
Goat anti-rabbit Alexa
594-conjugated IgG
Cell Signaling Technology Inc.
(Danvers, MA, USA)
8889Second antibody for IF staining
Grip strength meterShanghai Xinruan Information Technology Co., Ltd.XR501Equipment for behavioral test
Hematoxylin staining solutionWuhan Servicebio Technology
Co., Ltd.
G1004Dye for H&E staining
Iba1 Rabbit monoclonal antibodyAbcamab178846Primary antibody for IF staining
IsofluraneRwd Life Science Co., Ltd.R510-22-10Anesthetized animal
Laser doppler blood flow meterMoor Instruments (UK)moorVMSBlood flow monitoring
MeloxicamBoehringer-IngelheimJ20160020Analgesia for animal
MicrodrillRwd Life Science Co., Ltd.78001Equipment for surgery
Microsurgical instruments setRwd Life Science Co., Ltd.SP0009-REquipment for surgery
MicrotomeThermo Fisher Scientific (USA)HM325Tissue section production
Microtome bladeLeica Biosystems (Germany)819Tissue section production
Monopolar electrocoagulation generatorSpring Scenery Medical Instrument
Co., Ltd.
CZ0001Equipment for surgery
Mupirocin ointmentTianjin Smith Kline & French
Laboratories Ltd.
H10930064Anti-infection for animal
NeuN Rabbit monoclonal antibodyCell Signaling Technology Inc.
(Danvers, MA, USA)
24307Primary antibody for IF staining
Neutral balsamAbsin Bioscienceabs9177Seal for H&E staining
Paraffin embedding centerThermo Fisher Scientific (USA)EC 350Produce paraffin blocks
Pentobarbital sodiumSigma-AldrichP3761Euthanized animal
Phosphate buffered salineShanghai Beyotime Biotech Co., LtdC0221ARinsing for tissue section
ShaverShenzhen Codos Electrical Appliances
CP-9200Equipment for surgery
Sodium citrate solutionShanghai Beyotime Biotech Co., Ltd.P0083Antigen retrieval for IF staining


  1. Patel, P., Yavagal, D., Khandelwal, P. Hyperacute management of ischemic strokes: JACC Focus Seminar. J Am Coll Cardiol. 75 (15), 1844-1856 (2020).
  2. GBD 2016 Stroke Collaborators.

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Ischemic StrokeMiddle Cerebral Artery OcclusionDistal Middle Cerebral Artery OcclusionC57BL 6 MiceNeurological DysfunctionNeuron DegenerationMicroglia ActivationAstrocyte Activation

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