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Fibroblasts isolated from the adult human heart were cultured to confluence on gelatin-coated dishes to produce the myocardium-specific extracellular matrix. After decellularization, this substrate can be used for the culture and study of other cardiac cells and cell-matrix interactions.


The myocardium is composed of cardiomyocytes and an even greater number of fibroblasts, the latter being responsible for extracellular matrix production. From the early stages of heart development throughout the lifetime, in both normal and pathological conditions, the composition of the extracellular matrix changes and influences myocardium structure and function. The purpose of the method described here is to obtain the substrate for the culture of cardiac cells in vitro (termed cardiac ECM), mimicking the myocardial extracellular matrix in vivo. To this end, fibroblasts isolated from the adult human heart were cultured to confluence on gelatin-coated dishes to produce the myocardium-specific extracellular matrix. The subsequent removal of cardiac fibroblasts, while preserving the deposited cardiac ECM, produced the substrate for studying the influence of the myocardium-specific extracellular matrix on other cells. Importantly, the composition of the fibroblast-derived coating of the culture dish changes according to the in vivo activity of the fibroblasts isolated from the heart, allowing subsequent studies of cell-matrix interactions in different normal and pathological conditions.


All cells are located in vivo in a specialized microenvironment in which they can survive and carry out their specific functions. Within any given tissue, the cells are surrounded by an extracellular matrix composed of fibrillar and non-fibrillar proteins, and fundamental substances rich in glycosaminoglycans1. The qualitative and quantitative changes in the matrix content influence cell biology, controlling processes such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, migration, or differentiation. Hence, efforts are invested in recreating this microenvironment for in vitro studies of cells from different tissues2<....


Cardiac tissues were obtained from patients with end-stage heart failure due to ischemic cardiopathy who were undergoing heart transplantation. All specimens used for the experiments were collected with patient consent and without patient identifiers, following the protocols approved by the ethical committee of the University of Naples Federico II and in accordance with the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki. The details of all the reagents and equipment used for the study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Experiment preparation

  1. Prepare sterile tools/apparatus: One large p....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The outgrowth of fibroblasts from the small fragments of native myocardium placed in culture was observed within 3-5 days (Figure 1).

In the subsequent days, the number of fibroblasts continued to increase, possibly due to sustained outgrowth from the cardiac tissue specimen and the proliferation of migrated fibroblasts on the dish surface. It should not be expected that all myocardium fragments obtained by mechanical disaggregation with a scalpel yield the same n.......


The fibroblasts isolated from human heart samples were cultured to confluence for 21 days to synthesize and deposit the extracellular matrix, forming a cohesive layer firmly adherent to the surface of the culture plate. Subsequent removal of cardiac fibroblasts, while preserving the deposited cardiac ECM, produced the substrate for studying the influence of myocardium-specific extracellular matrix on other cells within the cardiac tissue.

The concept of using a natural and tissue-specific subs.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.





NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 L laboratory bottle VWR215-1595Clean and autoclave before use
10 mL serological pipetFalcon357551Sterile,  polystyrene
100 mm glass plate VWR391-0578Clean and autoclave before use
100 mm platesFalcon351029Treated, sterile cell culture dish
15 mL sterile tubesFalcon352097Centrifuge sterile tubes, polypropylene
22 mm x 22 mm cover glassesVWR631-1570Autoclave before use
25 mL serological pipetFalcon357525Sterile,  polystyrene
250 mL laboratory bottle VWR215-1593Clean and autoclave before use
35 mm platesFalcon353001Treated, sterile cell culture dish
5 mL serological pipetFalcon357543Sterile, polystyrene
50 mL sterile tubesFalcon352098Centrifuge sterile tubes, polypropylene
500 mL laboratory bottleVWR215-1594Clean and autoclave before use
60 mm platesFalcon353004Treated, sterile cell culture dish
Ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH)Sigma- Aldrich338818Liquid
Disposable scalpelsVWR233-5526Sterile and disposable
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM)Sigma- AldrichD6429-500mlStore at 2-8 °C; avoid exposure to light
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)Sigma- AldrichF9665-500mlStore at -20 °C. The serum should be aliquoted into smaller working volumes
Fine forcepsVWR232-1317Clean and autoclave before use
Gelatin from porcine skinSigma- AldrichG1890-100GCommercial Powder
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS)Sigma- AldrichH1387-1LPowder
Large surgical scissorsVWR233-1211Clean and autoclave before use
Microdissecting scissors Sigma- AldrichS3146Clean and autoclave before use
Penicillin and Streptomycin Sigma- AldrichP4333-100mlStore at -20°C. The solution  should be aliquoted into smaller working volumes
Potassium ChlorideSigma- AldrichP9333Powder
Potassium Phosphate MonobasicSigma- AldrichP5665Powder
Sodium Chloride Sigma- AldrichS7653Powder
Sodium Phosphate DibasicSigma- Aldrich94046Powder
Stericup FiltersMilliporeS2GPU05RESterile and disposable 0.22 mm filter membranes 
Triton X-100Sigma- Aldrich9002-93-1Liquid
Trypsin-EDTASigma- AldrichT4049-100mlStore at -20 °C. It should be aliquoted into smaller working volumes


  1. Gattazzo, F., Urciuolo, A., Bonaldo, P. Extracellular matrix: A dynamic microenvironment for stem cell niche. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1840 (8), 2506-2519 (2014).
  2. Zhang, Y., et al.

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Cardiac ECMExtracellular MatrixFibroblastsCardiomyocytesMyocardiumCell CultureCell matrix InteractionsHeart DevelopmentNormal And Pathological Conditions

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