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Capillaroscopy is an accessible tool for direct, inexpensive, and non-invasive visualization of microvasculature. The goal of this protocol is to enable researchers to use capillaroscopy for the visualization of peripheral microvascular morphology in the nailbeds of mice.


Imaging microcapillary networks of the skin in humans using nailfold capillaroscopy (NFC) has underscored the importance of microcirculation as a target organ system in critical systemic illnesses. Nailfold capillaroscopy is applied clinically to detect peripheral microvascular dysfunction and abnormalities in a range of systemic conditions, including rheumatic, cardiac, ocular (e.g., glaucoma), and endocrine disorders (e.g., hypertension and diabetes mellitus). NFC is useful not only in detecting peripheral systemic microvasculature disruption but also in assessing drug efficacy. However, translating clinical NFC findings to animal disease models can be challenging. Detecting microvascular dysfunction or abnormalities in animals is often invasive (e.g., endoscopic), carried out ex vivo (e.g., post-mortem imaging of tissues), or expensive, requiring specialized equipment such as those used in microcomputed tomography and photoacoustic imaging techniques. Developing quick, non-invasive, and inexpensive techniques to image peripheral microvasculature in animal models of disease is warranted to decrease research expenses and increase translatability to the clinic.

Capillaroscopy has previously been used to visualize the nailfold microvasculature in animal models, including in guinea pigs and mice, thus demonstrating the capability of capillaroscopy as a non-invasive imaging tool in animal models. This study provides a protocol that applies capillaroscopy to a mouse nailbed, allowing researchers to easily and inexpensively assess the morphology of its microvasculature. Representative images of typical nailbed microvascular architecture in wild-type mice using two commonly used laboratory strains, SV129/S6 and C57/B6J, are provided. Further studies using this method are essential for applying nailbed capillaroscopy to a wide range of mouse disease models with peripheral microvascular abnormalities.


Imaging peripheral microcapillary networks in humans using nailfold capillaroscopy (NFC) has highlighted the importance of microcirculation as a target organ system in a wide range of systemic illnesses1. Capillaroscopy involves the use of a microscope to magnify and visualize vessels in the nailfold in vivo. As such, it is a technique widely used in the clinic to detect peripheral microvascular dysfunction and abnormalities in a range of systemic conditions, including rheumatic2,3, cardiac4, ocular (e.g., glaucoma)5,


All methods described here have been approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Massachusetts General Hospital.

1. Preparation of mouse nails for imaging

NOTE: For optimal vessel clarity and skin recovery, allow at least 24 h before imaging.

  1. To enable unobstructed imaging of mouse nailbeds, remove fur from the rodent paws at least 24 h before capillaroscopy imaging (Figure 1A). To remove fur from mouse paws, follow steps 1.1.1-1.1.6.
    1. Sedate the animal using inhaled isoflurane....

Representative Results

Using the capillaroscopy method described here, nailbed vascular morphology can be easily imaged, as shown in Figure 4A. Typical nailbed vasculature in a mouse exhibits three consistent features, as highlighted in Figure 4B: each nailbed has 1) an afferent vessel, 2) an efferent vessel, and 3) a network of capillaries connecting both the afferent and efferent vessels. To demonstrate the consistency of nailbed morphology, we show in Figure 4C.......


In summary, we provide a protocol allowing researchers to easily and inexpensively assess the morphology of mouse nailbed microvasculature, a novel location for non-invasive peripheral vascular imaging. Like NFC methods used in guinea pigs20 and mice21, the major strength of the protocol described here is that it allows for quick and non-invasive evaluation of peripheral microvasculature in mouse models of disease. This could be particularly useful for studies that involve .......


Unrelated to this work, Dr. Pasquale was a paid consultant to Twenty Twenty. Unrelated to this work, Clara Cousins is a paid consultant to Cartography Biosciences. The other authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was funded by unrestricted departmental funds awarded to Lauren K. Wareham. Dr. Pasquale is supported by The Glaucoma Foundation (NYC) and by an unrestricted challenge grant from Research to Prevent Blindness (NYC).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Anesthetic Charcoal Filter CannisterReFreshEZ-258
Capillaroscope Jiahua Electronic Instrument Co., Jiangsu, ChinaJH-1004
Compressed gas (5% carbon dioxide, 95% oxygen)AirgasUN3156
Corn oilSigmaC8-267 
Debut video capture softwareDebutAvailable free online.
Eye spearsBVI Weck- Cel0008680For application and removal of hair removal cream.
Hair removal creamNair 610370323649
Isoflurane 250 mL bottlePiramal critical careNDC  6679401725
Lab jack Fisherbrand14-673-52Used as a platform to hold the mouse.
Nose cone (low profile anesthesia mask)Kent ScientificSOMNO-0801
Transfer pipettesFisherbrand13-711-9AMApply corn oil generously to mouse paw as an immersion oil.
USB Video capture cardVIXLWBR116
VetequipVWR89012-492Isoflurane equipment
White labeling tape Fisherbrand15-958Used to create a white/contrasting background under mouse paw when taking images.


  1. El Miedany, Y., Ismail, S., Wadie, M., Hassan, M. Nailfold capillaroscopy: tips and challenges. Clin Rheumatol. 41 (12), 3629-3640 (2022).
  2. Etehad Tavakol, M., Fatemi, A., Karbalaie, A., Emrani, Z., Erlandsson, B. -E. Nailfold capillaroscopy in rheumatic diseases: Which parameters should be evaluated? BioMed Res Int. 2015 (1), 974530 (2015).
  3. Cutolo, M., Smith, V. Detection of microvascular changes in systemic sclerosis and other rheumatic diseases. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 17 (11), 665-677 (2021).
  4. Lim, M. W. S. et al. Nailfold video-capillaroscopy in the study of cardiovascular....

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Biologymicrovasculaturemicrovascular dysfunctioncapillaroscopynailbednailfoldrodent modelscardiovascular diseaserheumatic diseasenon invasive imagingdiabetes mellitusglaucomahypertension

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