Cryo Electron Microscopes, either Scanning (SEM) or Transmission (TEM), are widely used for characterization of biological samples or other materials with a high water content1. A SEM/Focused Ion Beam (FIB) is used to identify features of interest in samples and extract a thin, electron-transparent lamella for transfer to a cryo-TEM.
Here we present a protocol used to prepare cryo-TEM samples of Aspergillus niger spores, but which can easily be adapted for any number of microorganisms or solutions. We make use of a custom built cryo-transfer station and a modified cryo-SEM preparation chamber2. The spores are taken from a culture, plunge-frozen in a liquid nitrogen slush and observed in the cryo-SEM to select a region of interest. A thin lamella is then extracted using the FIB, attached to a TEM grid and subsequently thinned to electron transparency. The grid is transferred to a cryo-TEM holder and into a TEM for high resolution studies. Thanks to the introduction of a cooled nanomanipulator tip and a cryo-transfer station, this protocol is a straightforward adaptation to cryogenic temperature of the routinely used FIB preparation of TEM samples. As such it has the advantages of requiring a small amount of modifications to existing instruments, setups and procedures; it is easy to implement; it has a broad range of applications, in principle the same as for cryo-TEM sample preparation. One limitation is that it requires skillful handling of the specimens at critical steps to avoid or minimize contaminations.
In this protocol a cryo-FIB/SEM is used to produce TEM samples from a specific region of the sample, previously identified with high precision by SEM analysis. Electron microscopy (scanning or transmission) analysis of biological samples is a routine technique used for research and diagnostic. SEM is rather fast and easy to employ and interpret, but information is obtained only from the sample surface and with a resolution in the 1.5 nm range. TEM has a higher resolution but is more difficult to implement, the image analysis is less straightforward and whereas bulk information is obtained, samples have to be thinned to electron transparency (less than about 500 nm thick). An additional problem is that the vacuum requirements of those instruments are rarely tolerated by water-containing samples. In most cases, biological samples have to be either chemically fixed (substituting water with, for example, polymers) or dried. In both cases, significant changes to the morphology and structure of the specimen are likely to occur. Cryo TEM preparation of hydrated specimens induces minimal chemical changes and it produces samples as close as possible to their native state, especially if vitrification of ice is obtained1-6.
The FIB is widely used to prepare TEM samples for its numerous advantages7. To name a few: the use of high-energy ions at near-normal incidence minimizes the effect of material-related differential milling rates; the region extracted from the bulk sample can be chosen with a sub-micron precision; a very small amount of material is extracted. Some recent technical developments have made possible using the FIB also for TEM sample preparation at cryogenic temperatures2,8-10. There are several advantages over the traditional preparation method of cryo-microtomy11,12 used mainly for soft matter samples, such as the lack of mechanical deformation of the sliced lamella, the absence of knife marks and the possibility to prepare composite samples with hard/soft interfaces or components.
NOTE: all parameters given in this protocol are valid for the instruments and models indicated here. Some of those parameters (marked by * in the text) may differ if another manufacturer or model is used.
1. Start-up of the FIB/SEM
2. Sample Freezing
3. Ion Milling
4. Cryo Transfer to TEM
In this work we made use of: a dual beam FIB/SEM equipped with a nanomanipulator and a cryo-preparation chamber; a TEM with a cryo-transfer holder; a prototype cryo-transfer station. The anticontaminator (AC) blades of the cryo-preparation chamber and the tip of the nanomanipulator (NM) were modified by Gatan. With respect to a standard cryo-preparation chamber, the AC blades are larger to provide a greater heat sink for the NM tip. Moreover, the AC is fitted with clamps for connecting the Cu braids for heat exchange with the NM tip. The pneumatics of the FIB/SEM were modified to allow the NM to be and remain inserted even when the sample chamber was vented. It should be noted that the parameters used in this work are best suited for the equipment listed above; those parameters may needed to be adjusted when working with other types of equipment. To work with this protocol, the normal precautions for handling cryogenics, liquid nitrogen and vacuum systems should be followed.
The method has been tested on different types of samples with good results, ranging from solutions or polymer matrices containing nanoparticles, to single-celled organism to nematodes. Examples of the various steps of the procedure are illustrated in Figures 1-12 on A. niger spores stained with osmium tetroxide and potassium permanganate. The spores are first imaged by SEM (Figure 1) to identify the site for extraction. In this case, a cross section of any spore was sufficient, but it is possible to position the ROI for extraction with sub-micrometer precision to, for example, slice a specific cell at a specific distance from the cell membrane. Once the feature of interest has been identified, the first step of the cryo-Pt deposition is implemented (Figure 2), to protect the sample from beam damage from the ion milling. The sample is tilted to 52° to proceed with the first steps of the milling (Figure 3): the sputtering of two trenches on both sides of the lamella. The sample is then tilted back and further milled to leave only two small bridges connecting it to the bulk (Figure 4). The cooled nanomanipulator is brought into contact with the lamella (Figure 5) and another cryo-deposition of Pt solders them together (Figure 6). The small connecting bridges are then milled away and the NM moves the lamella near the attachment area of the TEM grid (Figure 7), where it is soldered with a final cryo-deposition of Pt (Figure 8). The NM is then separated from the lamella (Figure 9), which is thinned down to electron transparency with the ion beam (Figure 10 and 11). The lamella is finally transferred to the TEM (Figure 12) where high resolution imaging, spectroscopy, tomography and other techniques can be employed.
Figure 1. Cryo-SEM image of spores of A. niger, before Pt deposition.
Figure 2. The same area in Figure 1 after Pt deposition but before curing.
Figure 3. Cryo-SEM image of the same area in Figure 2, tilted 52º, after Pt deposition and curing, with trench milling underway (see step 3.7).
Figure 4. The lamella, ready for lift-out.
Figure 5. The cold nanomanipulator tip makes contact with the lamella.
Figure 6. A second Pt cryo-deposition is used to solder together the nanomanipulator and the lamella.
Figure 7. The cold nanomanipulator is used to transfer the lamella to the attachment area of the TEM grid.
Figure 8. Cryo-deposition is used once more to attach the lamella to the TEM grid.
Figure 9. The lamella is cut free of the nanomanipulator and it is now ready for either storage or thinning to electron transparency.
Figure 10. An intermediate step of the thinning, with a few spores visible in cross section.
Figure 11. Cryo-SEM image of the sample after final thinning; most of the other spores had to be milled away because the lamella had started to curl.
Figure 12. A composite cryo-TEM picture of the lamella. Part of the Al stub has been included in the lamella (black arrow).
This protocol is a rather straightforward adaptation to cryogenic temperatures of the standard FIB/TEM sample preparation used in material sciences at RT. The method produces TEM samples free of mechanical deformation and knife marks (the major drawback of microtomy), although curtaining may occur if the sample surface is inhomogeneous. This can be reduced by cryo-deposition of a capping layer (in this work Pt was used), cured until it is smooth and featureless13. Samples with components of very different hardness can be prepared as well without the risk that they would break under stress during preparation. Internal stresses may still cause the thin lamella to bend or curl, in which case the size of the section has to be reduced. A drawback compared to other method is the possibility to alter the biological structure due to exposure to the ion beam and possible implantation of the ions in the sample. These drawbacks also occur at RT for sample preparation in materials science15. They can be reduced by completing the thinning with a final polishing step at the lowest accelerating voltage for the ions (500-1,000 V). This very gentle polishing step will remove the damaged layer from the lamella.
Due to the nature of the cryo-deposition (steps 3.5, 3.10 and 3.13), large parts of the sample will be covered, thereby obstructing the view of the original surface. This may make it difficult to keep track of the ROI, unless multiple markings are used as suggested in step 3.3.
During steps 4.5 and 4.7 the thin lamella risks coming in contact with air. This has to be avoided as it would cause the moisture in the air to form ice crystals on the surface of the sample, possibly to the point of obscuring important features. Those steps should be performed as quickly as possible, but at the same time a mishandling during the transfer is likely to result in the loss of the sample itself. It is recommended that the user practices those steps by using empty TEM grids before an attempt on a real sample is made.
In material science, the FIB instrument has become the chief method of TEM sample preparation within a decade of its commercialization. Since it can be used on virtually any specimen, it removes the need to tailor the preparation technique to the type of sample. We strongly believe the same could happen at cryogenic temperatures, thanks to the procedure detailed here. Its application to larger samples is still subject to the ability to cryo-preserve them in a vitrified state, but techniques such as plunge-freezing or high-pressure freezing3,5 can prove to be the optimal solutions to this problem.
Authors have nothing to disclose.
This research received support from the QNano Project which is financed by the European Community Research Infrastructures under the FP7 Capacities Programme (Grant No. INFRA-2010-262163).
We also thank the research council Formas for financial support.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Strata DB 235 | FEI | FIB/SEM | |
Omniprobe 100 | Oxford Instruments | nanomanipulator | |
Alto 2500 | Gatan | cryo preparation chamber | |
cryo-holder model 626 | Gatan | cryo transfer TEM holder | |
Tecnai F30 | FEI | TEM |
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