Morphology, size and location of intracellular organelles are evolutionarily conserved and appear to directly affect their function. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes has become an important goal of modern biology. Here we show how these studies can be facilitated by the application of quantitative techniques.
Most studies on morphogenesis rely on qualitative descriptions of how anatomical traits are affected by the disruption of specific genes and genetic pathways. Quantitative descriptions are rarely performed, although genetic manipulations produce a range of phenotypic effects and variations are observed even among individuals within control groups. Emerging evidence shows that morphology, size and location of organelles play a previously underappreciated, yet fundamental role in cell function and survival. Here we provide step-by-step instructions for performing quantitative analyses of phenotypes at the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ). We use several reliable immuno-histochemical markers combined with bio-imaging techniques and morphometric analyses to examine the effects of genetic mutations on specific cellular processes. In particular, we focus on the quantitative analysis of phenotypes affecting morphology, size and position of nuclei within the striated muscles of Drosophila larvae. The Drosophila larval NMJ is a valuable experimental model to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the structure and the function of the neuromuscular system, both in health and disease. However, the methodologies we describe here can be extended to other systems as well.
Qualitative analysis restricts the focus of most experimental studies to the examination of genetic manipulations leading to large phenotypic effects or to phenotypes that are not amenable to quantification, e.g., absence/presence. Quantification of phenotypes is not usually performed and variations present within members of a phenotypic group are not taken into consideration. Additionally, without mathematical descriptions of morphologies, it may be difficult to determine whether fine scale phenotypic changes are the result of genetically induced alterations or whether observed changes are simply due to random fluctuations.
We propose that for an accurate and unbiased analysis of phenotypic defects due to gene disruption, quantitative methodologies should accompany more traditional qualitative approaches. Quantitative evaluation of phenotypes is particularly beneficial for structures such as synapses that present a high degree of variability due to their intrinsic morphological and functional plasticity. We have selected examples of quantitative analyses applied to areas of investigation with which we are most familiar, namely the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). However, concepts and principles apply equally well to other experimental systems.
The larval NMJ is an excellent model system to study synaptic development and function because of the highly stereotyped nature of its structure. Each hemi-segment of the larval neuromuscular system contains 32 identifiable motor neurons forming synaptic contacts with their postsynaptic target muscle. Every hemi-segment also contains a fixed number of muscles visible as multinucleated fibers attached to the internal surface of the cuticle1. Another advantage of using the larval neuromuscular system is the power and versatility of Drosophila genetics that easily allows the generation of a number of mutant alleles and the possibility to modify gene expression in a time- and tissue-restricted manner. Finally, 75% of the human genes causing a disease have an evolutionarily conserved orthologue in Drosophila2. Indeed, entire genetic pathways are conserved between flies and humans. Because of this, the Drosophila larval neuromuscular system is a very popular experimental model to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying a number of human diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)1.
Here we show that the availability of several reliable immuno-histochemical markers, combined with bio-imaging techniques and accurate morphometric analyses can describe anatomical traits that are likely to play an important functional role3,4,5. Among the cellular processes that are amenable to quantitative analyses, we focus on changes in shape, size and position of intracellular structures such as the nuclei. All these are processes that we know very little about.
The challenge for molecular geneticists in the coming decades will be to extend our current knowledge by analyzing the effect of genetic mutations that produce very subtle phenotypic defects. Quantitative methodologies that allow researchers to meticulously explore the effects of genetic mutations can provide a more comprehensive understanding of how genotypes relate to phenotypes, especially for poorly understood cellular processes.
1. Experimental Preparation
Note: Dissections and immuno-histochemistry procedures in sections 2 and 3 are performed according to references3-6, but with modifications.
2. Dissection of Third-instar Larval NMJs
3. Immuno-histochemical Staining of Drosophila NMJs with Antibodies Specific for Muscles and Myonuclei
4. Mounting Samples on the Slides
5. Confocal Settings for Imaging
Note: Images presented in this study are taken using a Nikon A1R confocal unit integrated onto a Ti:E inverted microscope. However, any confocal microscope with a minimum of 3 laser units available in the wavelength regions of 488 nm, 561 nm and 642 nm and a 3 channel detection system is suitable for this purpose.
6. Calculation of the Distance Between Nuclei within Striated Muscles by the Method of the Nearest Neighbor Analysis
7. Determining the Shape of Nuclei within the Body-wall Muscles of Drosophila Larvae
8. 3D Volume Renderings of Selected Nuclei within the Drosophila Larval Body-wall Muscles to Evaluate the Intranuclear Localization of a Specific Protein
ALS is a degenerative disease specifically affecting motor neurons leading to a progressive and fatal paralysis of striated muscles7. Missense mutations in the human VAMP-Associated Protein B (hVAPB) cause a range of motor neuron diseases including ALS type 88-12. A missense mutation (V234I) in the hVAPB gene has been recently identified in one case of typical ALS in humans13. To assess its pathogenic potential, we generated transgenic flies expressing the hVAPB Drosophila orthologue DVAP carrying the disease-causing mutation (DVAP-V260I). The expression of this transgene was targeted to the muscles using the UAS/GAL4 system and the muscle-specific driver BG57-Gal414,15. The effect of DVAP-V260I transgenic expression was compared and contrasted to that of two other transgenes (DVAP-WT1 and DVAP-WT2), which express different levels of the wild-type DVAP protein16. More specifically, the increase in DVAP immunoreactivity is 2.2-fold higher than in controls for the DVAP-WT2 line while DVAP-V260I and DVAP-WT1 exhibit comparable and lower levels of the same signal16.
Nuclear alterations have been associated with ageing and several neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's disease17,18. To assess whether our fly model for ALS8 exhibits changes in nuclear architecture, position and size, we stained nuclei within striated muscles of appropriate genotypes with a nuclear marker and the anti-lamin antibody19-22, which visualizes the nuclear envelope. To highlight the muscles, a DVAP-specific antibody was also added to the same samples (Figure 1). Confocal images were collected and detailed morphometric analyses were performed using an image analysis software. In control muscles, nuclei were found to be evenly distributed along the muscle fibers while in DVAP-V260I and DVAP-WT expressing muscles, nuclei exhibit a tendency to redistribute in closely associated clusters (Figure 1).
We conducted a nearest neighbor analysis to perform a quantitative evaluation of the distribution of nuclei along the muscle fibers of every genotype. A nearest neighbor analysis first identifies the closest neighbor for every nucleus by measuring the distance between the center of a given nucleus and the center of every other surrounding nucleus. This procedure is then repeated for every other nuclei along the muscle fiber. Finally, the shortest distance between nuclei within a specific muscle, is calculated by averaging the shortest distances of every nucleus and its nearest neighbors. (Figure 2A-C). Compared to controls, muscles expressing either the DVAP-V260I transgene or any of the transgenes overexpressing the wild-type protein, present a dramatic reduction in the average shortest distance between nuclei and, as a consequence, nuclei appear to be closely associated in clusters. The effect of the ALS causing allele DVAP-V260I is more severe than that associated with the overexpression of the wild-type protein, even if the strongest DVAP-WT2 transgene is used (Figure 1 and Figure 2D).
Overexpression of either DVAP-V260I or DVAP-WT transgenes also exhibits a severe deterioration of nuclear architecture resulting in deformed nuclei with an elongated structure (Figure 1). This structural aberration was quantified by using the ImageJ software in which circularity is defined by the formula C, which measure the width to length ratio of every nucleus with C = 1 representing a perfect circle and C = 0 an infinitely elongated polygon. In control nuclei exhibiting a distinct round shape, C is equal to 1 while in the transgenic mutants a change in shape with consequent loss of circularity, causes a significant deviation from this value (Figure 1 and Figure 3).
We also found that in muscles expressing the same transgenes, nuclei display a marked enlarged nuclear volume compared to controls, although the ALS causing allele appears to be more efficient in inducing this phenotype compared to the DVAP-WT transgenes (Figure 4).
Nearly all neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by the intracellular accumulation of aggregates containing the pathogenic protein. We made 3D reconstructions and volume renderings of nuclei and we found that in muscles expressing the mutant transgene or overexpressing the wild-type protein, DVAP immuno-reactivity formed clusters and that some of them were also localized into the nuclei (Figure 5). Conversely, in control NMJs, DVAP immuno-reactivity is faintly dispersed throughout the muscle fiber and is excluded from the nucleus16.
Figure 1: Confocal images of myonuclei within striated muscles expressing either the DVAP-WT or the DVAP-260I transgenes. (A) BG57-Gal4/+ control, (B) BG57;DVAP-V260I, (C) BG57;DVAP-WT1 and (D) BG57;DVAP-WT2 muscles expressing the indicated transgenes are stained with antibodies specific for DVAP (red signal), lamin (green signal) and with a nuclear specific marker to visualize the nuclei (blue signal). Scale bar = 30 µm Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Nearest neighbor analysis to determine the average distance between a nucleus and its single closest neighbor. (B) Representative results showing altered nuclear positioning in muscles overexpressing the DVAP-WT2 transgene when compared to controls in (A). Average nuclear distance in muscles of the indicated genotypes was estimated using the formula in (C) and the data are reported in (D). Larval NMJs are stained with antibodies specific for DVAP (red signal), lamin (green) and with a nuclear marker (blue signal). Asterisks denote statistical significance. ***P <0.001, **P <0.01. For the statistical analysis of this experiment and all the experiments reported below a one-way ANOVA test was used and a Tukey's multiple comparison test was applied as a post-hoc test when differences between genotypes were found to be significant by the ANOVA test. Error bars represent SEM. Scale bar = 30 µm Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Images showing representative steps in the calculation of the nuclear volume. (A) A representative image showing segmented nuclei using the surface creation wizard. Nuclei at the border of the images were ignored. (B) Image showing the nuclear DVAP signal after the surrounding DVAP staining has been masked by using the surface created in the nuclear marker channel. (C) Surface layer provides information of additional parameters including the nuclear volume and the sphericity. (D) Data on nuclear volume of various genotypes. Asterisks denote statistical significance. Dissected NMJs were stained with anti-DVAP antibodies (red signal), anti-lamin antibodies (green signal) and a nuclear marker (blue signal). ***P <0.001, **P <0.01. Error bars represent SEM. Scale bar = 30 µm Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Images showing representative steps in the estimation of nuclear shape by ImageJ. Maximum intensity projection of images were analyzed using ImageJ to estimate circularity of nuclei within muscles. (A) A representative example of the intensity projection of the three channel image as in step 7.9 of the protocol. (B) Image showing step 7.10 of the protocol in which channels are split and the nuclear marker channel is selected. (C) A representative image showing that after applying intensity threshold to segment the nuclei and ROI manager plugin in ImageJ, all the nuclei of interest can be selected and their shape measured through Shape descriptors (steps 7.11-7.15). (D) Quantification of the circularity of various genotypes. On the larval NMJs, the red signal indicates DVAP staining while the green outlines nuclei and corresponds to the lamin staining. The interior of every nucleus is labelled in blue due to the staining with a nuclear marker. Asterisks denote statistical significance. ***P <0.001, **P <0.01. Error bars represent SEM. Scale bar = 30 µm Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Images showing specific steps in the creation of volume renderings of myonuclei. (A) Image showing 3D intensity blended view of muscles stained with DVAP protein (red), the lamin (green) and the DNA marker (blue). (B) Image representing a surface layer generated by using the lamin channel to segment the nuclei. (C) Image representing a nucleus in which the surface layer has been used to mask the DVAP signal outside the selected nucleus. Highlighted in yellow is a clipping plane that has been added to the image. Its angle of view and position can be interactively adjusted to visualize the distribution of signal inside the nucleus. (D) An image reporting a cross-sectional view of the nuclear surface layer created using the lamin channel merged with unmasked DVAP and nuclear marker signals. (E and F) Additional sectioned volume renderings of the same nucleus. Scale bar = 10 µm Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
In the past, morphological variations within and among experimental groups were rarely taken into account. However, the application of quantitative methods is now becoming the norm in comparative studies of morphology and mathematical description of anatomical forms are calculated. The use of quantitative analyses in assessing the effects of genetic manipulations on specific cellular processes, hold promise in enhancing our ability to detect morphological changes and in improving the accuracy with which these changes are described. Furthermore, statistical analysis of quantitative data allows us to evaluate whether observed differences between phenotypes are significant.
In striated muscles, nuclei exhibit a distinct rounded structure and are evenly distributed along the muscle fiber. Although the molecular mechanisms establishing and maintaining size, shape and architecture of nuclei are not known, these nuclear features are likely to play a fundamental role in controlling muscle function. Indeed, several myopathies are caused by mutations in genes regulating morphology and position of nuclei within muscles. The functional importance of shape and distribution of nuclei within a cell is not limited to muscles. Accumulating evidence shows that nuclear defects are also associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease18,24. Additionally, we are beginning to appreciate that morphology, size and intracellular distribution of other organelles including endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria may have functional consequences. For instance, alterations in mitochondrial morphology are associated with neurological disorders such as optic atrophy type-1 (OPA1) and Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2A neuropathy25.
To assist in the process of elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying these important processes, we propose to combine high resolution confocal data with imaging software and morphometric analyses to quantitatively evaluate how genetic manipulations can affect shape, size, and location of nuclei within muscle fibers. The power and versatility of Drosophila genetics together with the highly stereotyped nature of the neuromuscular system in Drosophila larvae make the larval NMJ an experimental model particularly suitable for this type of analyses. At the larval NMJs, phenotypic analysis can be performed at a single synapse resolution allowing an accurate morphometric analysis where a number of NMJs can be studied within the same fly and even the same identifiable NMJ can be compared between flies of different genotypes3,4.
Phenotypic characterization of nuclear position, shape and size at the Drosophila larval NMJ starts by performing immunostaining of dissected NMJs with antibodies that highlight muscles and nuclei within muscles. In the protocol outlined in this paper, myonuclei were stained with polyclonal antibodies against lamin, a marker of the nuclear envelope, with a nuclear marker highlighting the nuclear interior and with antibodies specific to DVAP to stain the whole muscle. The lamin antibodies used in these experiments were kindly provided by Paul Fisher19-22 but alternative sources of anti-lamin antibodies can be used. Additionally, a number of other antibodies specific for the nuclear envelope are commercially available. Finally, nuclear markers, such as DAPI and propidium iodide, are also available while muscles could be visualized by staining with anti-actin or anti-tubulin antibodies. If antibodies other than those used in this experimental procedure are employed, the immunostaining protocol will require extra-steps in which fixation conditions and working concentrations for the new antibodies will need to be optimized. One critical step in this protocol, especially when volume renderings need to be analyzed, is the mounting of the samples on the slide. In this case, it is important to include spacers between the slide and the coverslip so that the specimens do not get squashed. Three bands of cellulose tape wrapped around the slide on both sides of the coverslip represent an easy way of making spacers.
While ImageJ was used for 2D images, most of the 3D multi-channel image analyses presented in this paper, were done by using Imaris because of its in-house availability. However, any other similar commercial software package can be used for these applications.
There are several open-source (for instance, ImageJ, CellProfiler, Vaa3D, Icy, KNIME and others) and commercial software platforms available for the analysis of confocal images. ImageJ26, the free software from the NIH or its more enhanced version, known as FiJi27, has a large number of import filters, macros and plugins available for the worldwide imaging community. Most of these plugins are focused on processing the information on a slice-by- slice manner. There are also plugins available for the visualization and analysis of multichannel 3D images. However, they are often designed for a specific task and users may need to extend or adapt these plugins to their own needs. On the other hand, commercial platforms target relatively inexperienced users and are often focused on ease-to-use, broad coverage of image-processing tasks with incredible speed.
The experimental procedure together with the quantitative phenotypic analysis outlined in this protocol, can assist in elucidating the molecular mechanisms controlling organelle morphology and their distribution within a cell. However, this approach has the obvious limitation of analyzing these processes at a specific end-point. The process of controlling morphology and distribution of organelles is likely to be very dynamic and to vary not only between different cell types but also within the same cell depending on the developmental or physiological status. A further implementation of this analysis would be represented by time lapse imaging that permits changes in organelle morphology and position to be monitored over time.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We are grateful to Dr. Andrea Chai for her insightful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (grant number: Pennetta8920) and by the Motor Neuron Disease Association (grant number: Pennetta6231).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Micro-Forceps 0.3x0.25 mm | Fine Science Tools | 11030-12 | |
Sylgard dissection plates | SIGMA-ALDRICH | 76103 | Mix the pre-weighed elastomer base with curing agent. Poor the mixture into a 5 cm Petri dish. Let cure it at 60ºC for at least 24 hours |
Stainless/Steel Minutien Pins 0.1 mm diameter | Fine Science Tools | 26002-10 | |
Microdissection scissors (ultra-fine) | Fine Science Tools | 15200-00 | |
1x PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline). Composition: 3mM NaH2PO4, 7mM Na2HPO4, 130mM NaCl, pH 7 | NaH2PO4 (SIGMA-S8282), Na2HPO4 (SIGMA-S7907), NaCl (SIGMA-S7653) | ||
Bouin's Solution. Composition: Picric Acid, Formaldehyde, Acetic Acid (15:10:1) | Picric Acid (SIGMA 197378), Formaldehyde (F8775), Acetic Acid (SIGMA-1005706) | ||
1x PBT (Phosphate Buffered Saline with Triton). 1xPBS +0.1% Triton | Triton-X100. SIGMA-T8787 | ||
Normal Goat Serum | SIGMA | G9023 | |
Guinea Pig anti-DVAP antibody | Provided by Dr. Giuseppa Pennetta (University of Edinburgh, UK). Use at !:200 dilution in 5% NGS | ||
Rabbit anti-HRP (Horseradish peroxidase) | Jackson ImmunoResearch | 123-065-021 | Use at 1:500 dilution in PBT containing 5% NGS |
Rabbit anti-Lamin antibody | Provided by Dr. Paul Fisher (State Univeristy of New York at Stony Brook). Use at 1:500 dilution in PBT containing 5% NGS | ||
TO-PRO-3 | Molecular Probes | T3605 | |
Goat anti-rabbit antibody, Alexa Fluor488, conjugated | Jackson ImmunoResearch | bs-295G-A555-BSS | Use at 1:500 dilution in PBT containing 5% NGS |
Goat anti-guinea pig IgG antibody, Cy3, conjugated | Jackson ImmunoResearch | bs-0358G-Cy3-BSS | Use at 1:500 dilution in PBT containing 5% NGS |
Vectashield mounting medium for fluorescence | Vector laboratories | H-1000 |
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