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  • Protocol
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This manuscript presents a detailed protocol for the fabrication of an emerging three-dimensional hepatocyte culture platform, the inverted colloidal crystal scaffold, and the concomitant techniques to assess hepatocyte behavior. The size-controllable pores, interconnectivity and ability to conjugate extracellular matrix proteins to the poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) scaffold enhance Huh-7.5 cell performance.


The ability to maintain hepatocyte function in vitro, for the purpose of testing xenobiotics' cytotoxicity, studying virus infection and developing drugs targeted at the liver, requires a platform in which cells receive proper biochemical and mechanical cues. Recent liver tissue engineering systems have employed three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds composed of synthetic or natural hydrogels, given their high water retention and their ability to provide the mechanical stimuli needed by the cells. There has been growing interest in the inverted colloidal crystal (ICC) scaffold, a recent development, which allows high spatial organization, homotypic and heterotypic cell interaction, as well as cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction. Herein, we describe a protocol to fabricate the ICC scaffold using poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) and the particle leaching method. Briefly, a lattice is made from microsphere particles, after which a pre-polymer solution is added, properly polymerized, and the particles are then removed, or leached, using an organic solvent (e.g., tetrahydrofuran). The dissolution of the lattice results in a highly porous scaffold with controlled pore sizes and interconnectivities that allow media to reach cells more easily. This unique structure allows high surface area for the cells to adhere to as well as easy communication between pores, and the ability to coat the PEGDA ICC scaffold with proteins also shows a marked effect on cell performance. We analyze the morphology of the scaffold as well as the hepatocarcinoma cell (Huh-7.5) behavior in terms of viability and function to explore the effect of ICC structure and ECM coatings. Overall, this paper provides a detailed protocol of an emerging scaffold that has wide applications in tissue engineering, especially liver tissue engineering.


The liver is a highly vascularized organ with a multitude of functions, including detoxification of the blood, metabolism of xenobiotics, and the production of serum proteins. Liver tissue has a complex three-dimensional (3D) microstructure, comprising of multiple cell types, bile canaliculi, sinusoids, and zones of different biomatrix composition and different oxygen concentrations. Given this elaborate structure, it has been difficult to create a proper liver model in vitro1. However, there is a rising demand for functional in vitro models hosting human hepatocytes as platforms for testing drug toxicity2 and studying diseases ....


1. ICC Scaffold Fabrication (Figure 1)

  1. Prepare the polystyrene (PS) lattices (diameter = 6 mm; 8-13 layers of beads).
    1. To prepare the mold, cut the tips off from 0.2 ml boil-proof microcentrifuge tubes at the 40 µl level. Adhere the top of the cut-tubes to 24 x 60 mm2 microscope cover glass slips with water-proof glue.
    2. Put the PS spheres (diameter = 140 µm) contained within a water suspension into a 20 ml vial, carefully pipette out the water suspension, and add 18 ml of 70% ethanol solution into the vial. Put the sphere solution into an ultrasonic bath to loosen aggregated spheres. Repeat this washing step severa....

Representative Results

The representative results for the structural characterization of the ICC scaffold and the comparison of each ICC scaffold condition's efficacy in culturing hepatocytes are shown and explained below. The ICC scaffold conditions used in these results are collagen coatings of 0 µg/ml (Bare), 20 µg/ml (Collagen 20), 200 µg/ml (Collagen 200), and 400 µg/ml (Collagen 400) and the initial Huh-7.5 cell seeding number is 1x106.


Tissue engineering scaffolds are rapidly evolving to provide all the physical and biochemical cues necessary to regenerate, maintain, or repair tissues for the application of organ replacement, studying disease, developing drugs, and many others57. In liver tissue engineering, primary human hepatocytes rapidly lose their metabolic functions once isolated from the body, creating a great need for engineering scaffolds and developing platforms to maintain the hepatic function. The current in vitro hepato.......


The authors have no competing financial interests to disclose.


The authors wish to acknowledge support from a National Research Foundation Fellowship (NRF -NRFF2011-01) and Competitive Research Programme (NRF-CRP10-2012-07).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.2 mL PCR tubeAxygen ScientificPCR-02D-CBoil-proof
Gorilla GlueGorilla Glue, Inc.Depends on vendor. This was purchased from a local store.
Glass slidesVWR 631-1575Dimensions: 24×60 mm
Polystyrene spheres Fisher ScientificTSS#4314ADiameter = 140 um; 3x10^4 particles per milliliter and 1.4% size distribution
EthanolMerck1.00983.1011absolute for analysis EMSURE; Dilute to 70% with Milli-Q water
Ultrasonic BathElmaS10HEquiment
200 µL pipette tipAxygen ScientificT-210-Y-R-S
Rocking shakerVWR444-0142
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)Merck1.09727.0100Mw= 4kDa; acrylation of PEG monomers and purification of the resulting precipitate produces a PEGDA macromer with Mw = 4.6kDa
CentrifugeBeckman Coulter392932Equipment
Acrylate-Poly (Ethylene Glycol) - Succinimidyl Valerate Laysan BioACRL-PEG-SVA-3400-1gMw = 3.4 kDa
2-hydroxy-4'-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-2-methylpropiophenoneSigma Aldrich410896
MicrocentrifugeEppendorf5404 000.413
Paraffin Film Parafilm M #PM996Kept at 9" with allows intensity of 10.84 mW/cm^2
Bluewave 200 UV spotlightBlaze Technology 120008, 122300
Tetrahydrofuran (THF)Merck107025
Orbital shakerHeidolph543-123120-00-5From rat
Collagen Type ISigma AldrichC3867-1VL1X, w/o CaCl & MgCl; Ph = 7.2
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) Gibco20012-02716% W/V AQ. 10x10ml
Freezone 4.5 freeze drierLabconco7750020Equipment
Sputter coaterJeol Ltd.JFC-1600Equipment
Scanning Electron MicroscopeJeol Ltd.JSM 5310
Anti-mouse primary antibodies against Collagen type IAbcamab6308
Anti-mouse secondary antibody conjugated with Alexa Fluor 488Life TechnologiesA21121
Plate, Tissue Culture 24 Well, Flat Bottom (Nunclon) Bio-Rev PTE LTD3820-024
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium(DMEM)
2.5 g/L Glucose w/ L-Gln
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)GibcoA15-151
Penicillin-Streptomycin (P/S)Life Tchnologies15140-122 E
APC49‐Huh ‐7.5 Cell LineApath
100 mm Corning non-treated culture dishesSigma AldrichCLS430591
0.25% Trypsin-EDTAGibco25200-056Equipment; 37°C, 5% Humidity
Forma Steri-Cycle CO2 IncubatorsThermofisher Scientific371
Hausser Bright-Line Phase HemacytometerThermofisher Scientific02-671-6
Live/Dead Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit 'for mammalian cellsLife TechnologiesL3224 
CCK-8 AssayDojindo LaboratoriesCK04-11Monosodium-salt reagent (MSR)
Infinite 200 PRO microplate reader Tecan
Albumin Human ELISA kitAbcamab108788
Triton X-100Bio-Rad#1610407
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)Sigma-AldrichA2153-50G
Anti-mouse primary antibodies (against CYP3A4, albumin)Santa Cruz Biotechnologysc-53850; sc-271605
DAPILife TechnologiesD3571
Alexa Fluor 555 labelled PhalloidinLife TechnologiesA34055
TrizolLife Technologies15596-026
IsopropanolFisher Scientific67-63-0
DPEC waterThermofisher ScientificAM9916
Nanodrop 2000c SpectrophotometerThermofisher ScientificND-2000
iScript Reverse Transcription Supermix Bio-Rad Laboratories1708840
SYBR select Master Mix for CFXLife Technology4472937
Primers (to be chosen)
CFX96 Real-Time System, C-1000 Touch Thermal CyclerBio Rad LaboratoriesSOFT-CFX-31-PATCH 


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