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Magnetic Isolation of Microglial Cells from Neonate Mouse for Primary Cell Cultures

Published: July 25th, 2022



1NeuroDiderot, Inserm UMR-1141, Hôpital Robert Debré 48, Université de Paris, 2Department of anesthesia and critical care, APHP-Sorbonne university

* These authors contributed equally


Microglia, as brain resident macrophages, are fundamental to several functions, including response to environmental stress and brain homeostasis. Microglia can adopt a large spectrum of activation phenotypes. Moreover, microglia that endorse pro-inflammatory phenotype is associated with both neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. In vitro studies are widely used in research to evaluate potential therapeutic strategies in specific cell types. In this context studying microglial activation and neuroinflammation in vitro using primary microglial cultures is more relevant than microglial cell lines or stem-cell-derived microglia. However, the use of some primary cultures might suffer from a lack of reproducibility. This protocol proposes a reproducible and relevant method of magnetically isolating microglia from neonate pups. Microglial activation using several stimuli after 4 h and 24 h by mRNA expression quantification and a Cy3-bead phagocytic assay is demonstrated here. The current work is expected to provide an easily reproducible technique for isolating physiologically relevant microglia from juvenile developmental stages.

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Keywords Microglia

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