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Utilizing the Precision-Cut Lung Slice to Study the Contractile Regulation of Airway and Intrapulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle

Published: May 5th, 2022



1Division of Newborn Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School


Smooth muscle cells (SMC) mediate the contraction of the airway and the intrapulmonary artery to modify airflow resistance and pulmonary circulation, respectively, hence playing a critical role in the homeostasis of the pulmonary system. Deregulation of SMC contractility contributes to several pulmonary diseases, including asthma and pulmonary hypertension. However, due to limited tissue access and a lack of culture systems to maintain in vivo SMC phenotypes, molecular mechanisms underlying the deregulated SMC contractility in these diseases remain fully identified. The precision-cut lung slice (PCLS) offers an ex vivo model that circumvents these technical difficulties. As a live, thin lung tissue section, the PCLS retains SMC in natural surroundings and allows in situ tracking of SMC contraction and intracellular Ca2+ signaling that regulates SMC contractility. Here, a detailed mouse PCLS preparation protocol is provided, which preserves intact airways and intrapulmonary arteries. This protocol involves two essential steps before subjecting the lung lobe to slicing: inflating the airway with low-melting-point agarose through the trachea and infilling pulmonary vessels with gelatin through the right ventricle. The PCLS prepared using this protocol can be used for bioassays to evaluate Ca2+-mediated contractile regulation of SMC in both the airway and the intrapulmonary arterial compartments. When applied to mouse models of respiratory diseases, this protocol enables the functional investigation of SMC, thereby providing insight into the underlying mechanism of SMC contractility deregulation in diseases.

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Keywords Precision cut Lung Slice

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