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Measuring Retinal Vessel Diameter from Mouse Fluorescent Angiography Images

Published: May 19th, 2023



1Department of Physiology, Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 2Department of Ophthalmology, National University Hospital


It is important to study the development of retinal vasculature in retinopathies in which abnormal vessel growth can ultimately lead to vision loss. Mutations in the microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (Mitf) gene show hypopigmentation, microphthalmia, retinal degeneration, and in some cases, blindness. In vivo imaging of the mouse retina by noninvasive means is vital for eye research. However, given its small size, mouse fundus imaging is difficult and might require specialized tools, maintenance, and training. In this study, we have developed a unique software enabling analysis of the retinal vessel diameter in mice with an automated program written in MATLAB. Fundus photographs were obtained with a commercial fundus camera system following an intraperitoneal injection of a fluorescein salt solution. Images were altered to enhance contrast, and the MATLAB program permitted extracting the mean vascular diameter automatically at a predefined distance from the optic disk. The vascular changes were examined in wild-type mice and mice with various mutations in the Mitf gene by analyzing the retinal vessel diameter. The custom-written MATLAB program developed here is practical, easy to use, and allows researchers to analyze the mean diameter and mean total diameter, as well as the number of vessels from the mouse retinal vasculature, conveniently and reliably.

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Keywords Retinal Vessel Diameter

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