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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Disclosures
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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This protocol is designed to investigate the extent of DNA damage occurring during DNA replication. Under neutral conditions, the induction of DNA breaks can be readily assessed within a short time frame. Additionally, the protocol is adaptable to other cell types and various replication stress reagents.


DNA replication is constantly challenged by a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous stressors that can damage DNA. Such lesions encountered during genome duplication can stall replisomes and convert replication forks into double-strand breaks. If left unrepaired, these toxic DNA breaks can trigger chromosomal rearrangements, leading to heightened genome instability and an increased likelihood of cellular transformation. Additionally, cancer cells exhibit persistent replication stress, making the targeting of replication fork vulnerabilities in tumor cells an attractive strategy for chemotherapy. A highly versatile and powerful technique to study DNA breaks during replication is the comet assay. This gel electrophoresis technique reliably detects the induction and repair of DNA breaks at the single-cell level. Herein, a protocol is outlined that allows investigators to measure the extent of DNA damage in mitotically dividing human cells using fork-stalling agents across multiple cell types. Coupling this with automated comet scoring facilitates rapid analysis and enhances the reliability in studying induction of DNA breaks.


The comet assay is a gel electrophoresis method used to detect DNA breaks at the single-cell level. It relies on the principle that open-ended DNA breaks migrate under electrophoretic conditions, while intact DNA remains largely static. Broken DNA migrates because breaks result in the relaxation of supercoiled DNA, causing its gradual spatial relocation towards the anode in the electrophoretic chamber, which results in a comet-like appearance observed by immunofluorescence1,2. The extent of DNA damage is then measured by quantifying the amount of broken DNA that has migrated relative to the compact DNA.


This protocol (Figure 1) primarily utilizes adherent U2OS cancer cell lines but is adaptable to a wide variety of adherent and suspension cells grown in tissue culture. The solutions and buffers used in this study are detailed in Table 1. The reagents and equipment used are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Preparation of materials

  1. Prior to the day of the experiment, place the provided bottle with low melting agarose (1% low melting agarose in PBS) in a hot water bath for 5-10 min to ensure the agarose has completely melted.
    NOTE: Do not heat the bottl....


Analysis of break induction by replication stress reagents
U2OS cells were treated with DMSO, 4 of mM hydroxyurea (HU), or 100 nM of CPT for 4 h and analyzed for break accumulation by the NC assay (Figure 6A). While CPT induces breaks during S-phase by blocking topoisomerase-113, HU-induced depletion of nucleotide pools stalls replication forks that are progressively converted into DSBs28. The data indicates that exposure.......


This protocol outlines a NC assay for assessing DNA breaks in human cells undergoing active replication. The protocol is relatively simple to perform, and researchers can readily adapt it to high pH conditions for alkaline analyses8. It includes two critical steps, as described in steps 3.7 and 4.5. In step 3.7, it is essential to spread the melted agarose with cells uniformly across the well to prevent comets from overlapping during analysis. Ensure that cellular aggregates are dissolved before r.......


The authors declare no competing interests.


We thank the Dungrawala lab members for their input and feedback. This work was funded by NIH grant R35GM137800 to HD.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1x DPBSGibco14190144
Comet LMAgarose (LMA)R&D systems4250-050-02
CometAssay Electrophoresis System IIR&D systems4250-050-ESIncludes electrophoresis tank, safety lid, cables, 2/20 wells slide trays and slide tray overlay
CometScore softwareTriTekopen-sourced
CometSlideR&D systems4250-050-03
DMEM, high glucoseGibco11965092
DMSO FisherSciD128-4
Epifluorescence microscopeKeyenceBZ-X810
Fetal Bovine Serum - PremiumBio-TechneS11150
Gibco Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol redGibco25300054
GraphPad Prism 10.0GraphPad
HEK293T cellsATCCCRL-11268
hTERT-RPE-1 cellsATCCCRL-4000
HydroxyureaMillipore SigmaH8627
PARP inhibitor OlaparibSelleckchemS8096
PowerPac FisherSciFB300Q
Surface Treated Sterile Tissue Culture PlateFisherSciFB012927
SYBR Green I Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (10,000x)FisherSciS7567
U2OS cellsATCCHTB-96
UVP HB-1000 Hybridization IncubatorFisherSciUVP95003001


  1. Olive, P. L. Cell proliferation as a requirement for development of the contact effect in Chinese hamster v79 spheroids. Radiat Res. 117 (1), 79-92 (1989).
  2. Olive, P. L., Banath, J. P., Durand, R. E.

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