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Optimization of occlusion pressure and duration required to improve lung hypoplasia with tracheal occlusion is essential to improve in utero corrective treatments for congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). This study reports a new method for continuous measurement of the tracheal pressure in an occluded and unoccluded fetal lamb surgical model of CDH.


Normal in utero lung development and growth rely upon the expansion of airspaces and the controlled efflux of lung liquid into the amniotic space. Infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) also have lung hypoplasia due to occupation of the chest cavity by the stomach and bowel and, in the most severe cases, the liver. Balloon tracheal occlusion reduces the severity of lung hypoplasia in fetuses with CDH but increases the risk of premature birth. Understanding the optimal occlusion pressure and duration required to improve lung hypoplasia with tracheal occlusion is essential to improving in utero corrective treatments for CDH. The study reports a new method for continuous measurement of the intratracheal and amniotic pressures in an unoccluded and occluded fetal lamb surgical model of CDH. Time-pregnant Merino ewes underwent two recovery hysterotomies: the first at ~80 days of gestation to create the CDH, and the second at ~101 days of gestation to occlude the fetal trachea and implant an intratracheal and amniotic pressure measurement device. Lambs were delivered at ~142 days, and the pressure measurement device was removed and cleaned. The data were downloaded and filtered using a 6 h window. Transrespiratory pressure was calculated.


Normal lung development and growth rely upon the expansion of the potential airspaces with fetal lung liquid and the controlled efflux of the lung liquid into the amniotic space1,2,3,4,5. Fetal lung liquid production and the resistance of the upper airways create an in utero intrathoracic pressure1. Historically, in utero measurements of fetal airway pressures were obtained using external pressure sensors via catheters tunneled through the abdominal wall to the feta....


The protocol adhered to the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes18. The University of Western Australia Animal Ethics Committee prospectively approved the protocol (RA3/100/1596). Sheep were sourced from the University of Western Australia (UWA) Ridgefield farm (2018-2020). The sheep were introduced to the AAALAC-accredited UWA Large Animal Facility 2-3 weeks prior to surgical intervention. Sheep were initially housed indoors in shared raised floor pens, with single pens used in the peri-operative period. Sheep were fed pellets, oaten chaff, and lupins wi....

Representative Results

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia creation and pressure measurement device insertion were performed in 28 fetal lambs (14 unoccluded and 14 balloon occluded). Fifteen fetal lambs (6 unoccluded and 9 balloon occluded) survived to near term (142 days gestation; term ~147 days gestation). Pressure measurement recordings of 14 days were successful in 8 fetal lambs (4 unoccluded and 4 balloon occluded).

Pressure measurements were analyzed from the two groups of fetal lambs following the completion of.......


Fetal lung liquid fills the potential airspaces during gestation and is vital for normal lung development1. Altering the normal lung liquid amount and pressure affects fetal lung growth: narrowing or constriction of the fetal trachea leads to lung hyperplasia; conversely, oligohydramnios and chronic drainage of lung fluid cause lung hypoplasia20,21,22,23. Tracheal occlus.......


The authors declare that no conflicts of interest exist.


The authors acknowledge the surgical assistance of Jane Choi (University of Western Australia), Ellen Williams (University of Western Australia), and Veena Kurup (University of Western Australia), as well as the husbandry care of the Animal Care Services staff at the University of Western Australia. This study was supported by the Telethon Perth Children's Research Fund, National Health and Medical Research Council RF 1077691 (JJP), Metropolitan Health and Medical Research Infrastructure Fund (West Australian Government), and Australian International Research Training Program (MD).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1.59 mm (outside diameter, OD) to 3.18 mm (OD) connectorQosina11913
3.18 mm (OD) to 3.18 mm (OD) connectorQosina11684
70 % AlcoholHenry Schein1127067
Absorbable poliglecaprone 25 monofilament 3-0Riverpoint MedicalQ316
Absorbable polydioxanone monofilament 1Riverpoint MedicalD879
Absorbable polyglactin 910 braided 2-0Riverpoint MedicalV317
Absorbable polydioxanone monofilament 5-0Riverpoint MedicalD303
AcepromazineCeva Animal HealthAPVMA No: 36680
Babcock, uterine forceps 6.25 inchRobozRS-8022
BetamethasoneMerck Sharp & DohmeAust R 18777
Blade, size 10Becton Dickinson371110
Blade, size 15Becton Dickinson371115
BupivacainePfizer Australia Pty LtdAUST R 11312
CefazolinAFT pharmaceuticalsAUST R 171582
ChlorhexidineHenry Schein0404-0175-02
Endotracheal tube (size 8.0) Jorgen Kruuse272411
Forceps, Potts-SmithRobozRS-5314
Iodine solution (10 %)Henry Schein6907281
IsofluranePiramal Critical Care APVMA No: 53120/112272
M. L. No.:220/AP/MD/96/B&F/R
KetamineCeva Animal HealthAPVMA 37711/58317
Hartmanns SolutionBaxter AUST R 48510
Hemostats, Mosquito forceps curved delicateRobozRS-7271
Medroxyprogesterone acetatePfizer Australia Pty LtdAUST R 12300
MeloxicamIliumAPVMA Approval No.: 62535/127884
MethocelColorcon ID34435
Microcuff endotracheal tube (3.0)Halyard35111
MidazolamMylanAUST R 160205
MorphinePfizer Australia Pty LtdAUST R 101240
Needle, 22 GBecton Dickinson305155
Needle, 27 GBecton Dickinson305109
Nonabsorbable nylon monofilament 4-0Riverpoint Medical662BL
Nonabsorbable polypropylene monofilament 2-0Riverpoint MedicalP8411
OpSite Transparent FilmSmith and Nephew66000040
OxytetracyclineNorbrookAPVMA Approval No: 53087/49616
Pentobarbitone sodium 300 mg/mLJuroxAPVMA 36208
Peracetic acid/hydrogen peroxideMedivators Inc ref: 78401-649
Piperacillin/Tazobactam Sandoz Pty LtdAUST R 140840
Scissors, Metzenbaum Surgical 7 inch straightRobozRS-6955SC
Scissors, Vannas 0.15 mm tip widthRobozRS-5618
Silicone tubing (1.59 mm inside diameter)QosinaT2013
Suction catheter (5 French)Covidien30500
Syringe, 1 mLBecton Dickinson309659
Syringe, 10 mLBecton Dickinson309604
Syringe, 60 mLBecton Dickinson309654
Telemetry devicePolitecnico di Milano-Not commercially available
Thiopentone sodiumJurox Pty LtdAPVMA No. 51520/5g/0809
Transdermal fentanyl patchJanssen-Cilag Pty LtdAUST R 112371


  1. Harding, R., Hooper, S. B. Regulation of lung expansion and lung growth before birth. J Appl Physiol (1985). 81 (1), 209-224 (1996).
  2. Olver, R. E., Strang, L. B. Ion fluxes across the pulmonary epithel....

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Keywords Fetal LambTracheal PressureCongenital Diaphragmatic HerniaLung HypoplasiaTracheal OcclusionIntratracheal PressureAmniotic PressureTransrespiratory Pressure

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