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  • Protocol
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This protocol describes the application of mitochondria-targeted genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs). These GEVIs offer a significant advantage over traditional mitochondrial membrane potential dyes by enabling specific, in vivo, and real-time monitoring of mitochondrial membrane potential.


Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP, ΔΨm) is critical for mitochondrial functions, including ATP synthesis, ion transport, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, and the import of proteins encoded by the nucleus. Existing methods for measuring ΔΨm typically use lipophilic cation dyes, such as Rhodamine 800 and tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester (TMRM), but these are limited by low specificity and are not well-suited for in vivo applications. To address these limitations, we have developed a novel protocol utilizing genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs). Genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs), which generate fluorescent signals in response to membrane potential changes, have demonstrated significant potential for monitoring plasma membrane and neuronal potentials. However, their application to mitochondrial membranes remains unexplored. Here, we developed protein-based mitochondrial-targeted GEVIs capable of detecting ΔΨm fluctuations in cells and the motor cortex of living animals. The mitochondrial potential indicator (MPI)offers a non-invasive approach to study ΔΨm dynamics in real-time, providing a method to investigate mitochondrial function under both normal and pathological conditions.


Mitochondria are essential organelles in eukaryotic cells, serving as the primary energy suppliers through adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation while also performing a variety of other crucial functions, such as metabolite synthesis, calcium ions buffering, heat production, and regulation of cell survival1. Their roles are particularly critical in highly metabolic tissues like the brain and heart, where they help maintain cellular homeostasis. Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP, Ψm) is central to these processes, including driving ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation, facilitating the transport of metabolites and io....


All animal care and experiments were performed in accordance with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee guidelines of Zhengzhou University. Sterilize all surgical instruments before use. Follow aseptic techniques to prevent infection. After all the data had been acquired, the animals were euthanized using an overdose of inhalant anesthesia followed by decapitation.

1. In vitro applications

  1. Plasmid construction
    1. Obtain the accelerated sensor of action potentials 1 (ASAP1) and ASAP3 genes from Addgene or synthesizing from the sequence. (ASAP1, NCBI Accession ID: AHV90412.1, Addgene ID....

Representative Results

After constructing the CMV-MPI-1 plasmid, its ability to target mitochondria was tested in Hela cells using the mitochondrial marker Rhodamine 800 for staining. Colocalization experiments showed a high degree of overlap between the fluorescence signal of MPI-1 and the signal from Rhodamine 800, indicating that MPI-1 was successfully localized to the mitochondria (Figure 3).


The mitochondrial membrane voltage is maintained at -120--180 mV under resting conditions and fluctuates with changes in metabolic state. Currently, measurement of mitochondrial membrane potential can be performed using electrophysiological methods and fluorescence dye methods. Mitochondrial patch clamping requires the isolation of mitochondria and the destruction of cellular structures13. This approach may lead to measurements that deviate from physiological conditions. The fluorescence probe met.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank the support of the National Natural Science Foundation (NSF) of China: JSK (32071137 and 92054103) and Funding for the Scientific Research and Innovation Team of The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University: JSK (ZYCXTD2023014).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Calcium chlorideSigmaC4901
CCCP SigmaC2759
Centrifuge (cell culture)eppendorf5810R
CO2 cell incubatorESCO170L IR Sensor
CoverslipsGlaswarenfabrik Karl Hecht GmbH & Co.KG92100100030
Dental adhensive resin cementSun medical company, LTD.Super-Bond C&B Kit
DNA Ligation Kit Ver. 2.1Takara6022
Dulbecco's modified Eagle mediumGibco11965092
Electric drill RWD Instruments78001
Fetal bovine serumGibcoA5670701
Fiber optic cannulaRWD InstrumentsR-FOC-L200C-39NA
Fiber photometry detectorThinkerQAXK_FPS-TC-MC-LED
Fluorescence microscope Olympus IX83
Glass pipette (for injection)Drummond Scientific company3.5" Drummond # 3-000-203-G/X
HEK293tATCCCat# CRL-3216
Hela cellsATCCCat# CCL-2
Injection pumpDrummond Scientific company3-000-207
IsofluraneRWD InstrumentsR510-22
Laser scanning confocal microscopeZeissLSM980
Optical fibersRWD InstrumentsR-FC-L-N3-200-L1
Paraffin oilSangonB500301
PCR thermal Cycleranalytik jenaBiometra Tone 96G
Pentobarbital sodiumSinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.LTD57-33-0
Potassium chlorideSigmaP5405
PrimeSTAR HS DNA PolymeraseTakaraR010A
Programmable micropipette pullerSutter InstrumentsP2000
Quick self-curing acrylic resin YamahachiV-PINK
Real-time PCR  thermal Cycleranalytik jenaqTOWER³ auto
Rhodamine 800Sigma83701
Sodium chlorideSigmaS9888
Sodium phosphate dibasicSigmaS9763
Stereotaxic apparatusRWD InstrumentsE06354
Veterinary ophthalmic ointmentPuralubeNA


  1. Vyas, S., Zaganjor, E., Haigis, M. C. Mitochondria and cancer. Cell. 166 (3), 555-566 (2016).
  2. Dzbek, J., Korzeniewski, B. Control over the contribution of the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨ) and proton gradient (ΔpH) to the protonmotive force (Δp): IN SILICO STUDIES. J Biol Chem. 283 (48), 33232-33239 (2008).
  3. O'Rourke, B., Cortassa, S., Aon, M. A. Mitochondrial ion channels: Gatekeepers of life and death. Physiology. 20 (5), 303-315 (2005).
  4. Chan, D. C. Mitochondrial fusion and fission in mammals. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 22

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