The scope of this protocol lies in the proceeding of the Tibetan medicines. This staff aims to the optimize and standardize the processing technology of Zanba-stir-fried Tiebangchui. The combination of the Box-Behnken response surface and the CRITIC method is commonly used to optimize proceeding technology to acquire the optimized proceeding protocol.
The optimized processing conditions of two centimeter Tiebangchui slice thickness three times more Zanba than Tiebangchui, a processing temperature of 125 degrees C and the 60 metres of stir-frying. By quantifying the specific processing parameters, this method will benefit the large-scale production and the quantity control of Zanba-stir-fried Tiebangchui. The standard Zanba-stir-fried processing technology of Tiebangchui can provide useful information and the guidance for the processing of other poisonous ethnical medicines.
The optimized process is stable and feasible, laying a certain foundation for further investigation of Tiebangchui products and related Chinese medicine preparations. Our laboratory will pay more attention to cytochemical investigation to obtain the targeted quantity control compliance. In addition, the pharmacological comparison overall in Zanba-stir-fried Tiebangchui is unclear.
Detoxification and evaluation of the efficacy, reservation effects in animal models will be the next objectives.