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Here, we describe the isolation of mitochondria from mouse adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells, and then transfer the mitochondria into aged mouse oocytes to improve the quality of the oocytes.


Due to the decline in the quantity and quality of oocytes related to age, the fertility of women over 35 years of age has declined sharply. The molecular mechanisms that maintain oocyte quality remain unclear, thus it is difficult to increase the birth rate of women over 35 years old at present. Oocytes contain more mitochondria than any type of cell in the body, and any mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to reduced oocyte quality. In the 1990s, oocyte cytoplasmic transfer resulted in great success in human reproduction but was accompanied by ethical controversies. Autologous mitochondrial transplantation is expected to be a useful technique to increase the quality of oocytes that have decreased due to age. In the present study, we used adipose-derived stem cells from aged mice as a mitochondria donor to increase the quality of oocytes of aged mice. Further development of autologous mitochondrial transfer technology will provide a new and effective treatment for infertility in aged women.


One of the important factors that affects female fertility is oocyte aging; decline in oocyte quality is the main cause of infertility in aged women. However, the main cause of oocyte aging and the molecular mechanism that regulates oocyte quality are still unclear. Previous studies have indicated that both the number and quality of mitochondria are involved in the quality control of oocytes and embryonic development1,2,3. The decrease in the quantity and quality of mitochondria is closely related to aging3.

Many attempts ha....


All the animal experiments described were approved by the Animal Research Ethics Committee of the Third Affiliated Hospital, Soochow University. All operations follow appropriate animal care and use agency and national guidelines. See the Table of Materials for details of all materials, instruments, and reagents used in this protocol.

1. Isolation and characterization of aged mouse adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs)

  1. Sacrifice the aged mice (10-month-old, an average of three) by cervical dislocation under pentobarbital sodium anesthesia and soak them in 75% alcohol for 5 min before ad....


In this protocol, we isolated and characterized ADSCs from mouse fat (Figure 1). To obtain isolated mitochondria, the cell membrane must be disrupted using a glass homogenizer. (Figure 2A). It is important to obtain a uniform mitochondrial fraction without large clumps so that the microinjection tube is not blocked. First, 200 µL, and then 10 µL, pipette tips must be used to resuspend the homogenates gently; finally, a 29 G needle must be used to slowl.......


Oocytes contain more mitochondria than any type of cell in the body, with ~1-5 × 105 mtDNA copy numbers. Mitochondria are essential for oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryonic development, thus, any mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to decreased oocyte quality. Decreased mitochondrial quantity and quality are closely related to physiological aging. In this protocol, a simple method for isolating mitochondria from the ADSCs of aged mice and transfer to aged mouse oocytes was introduced to attempt .......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


The authors wish to acknowledge support from the National Nature Science Foundation of China (82001629 to X.Q.S.), the Basic Research Project of Changzhou science and Technology Bureau under grant number CJ20200110 (to Y.J.Y.), the Youth Program of Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20200116 to X.Q.S.), and Jiangsu Province Postdoctoral Research Funding (2021K277B to X,Q.S.).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.05% trypsin/EDTAGibco25300054Cell Culture
 4% paraformaldehydebeyotimeP0099immunofluorescence
40 μm cell strainerCorning352340ADSC isolation
adipogenic inductionCyagenHUXXC-90031Multidirectional differentiation
Alizarin red staining solutionSigmaA5533Multidirectional differentiation
Antibody against CD29BD Biosciences558741flow analysis
Antibody against CD34BD Biosciences560942flow analysis
Antibody against CD90BD Biosciences553016flow analysis
Antibody against HLA-DRBD Biosciences555560flow analysis
β-actinAbcamab-8226Mitochondrial function test
CCCPSolarbioC6700mitochondria JC-1 flow analysis
ChamQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master MixVazymeQ711qPCR
collagenase type ISigmaSCR103ADSC isolation
DAPI InvitrogenD1306immunofluorescence
DMEM-F12Gibco11320033Cell Culture
DMSOSigma276855mitochondria JC-1 flow analysis
EGTASigma324626Mitochondria isolation
FBSGibco10100147Cell Culture
Flow cytometryBD BiosciencesFACSCanto™ IICharacteristics of ADSCs
fluorescence microscopeleicaDM2500immunofluorescence
gelatinSigma48722Multidirectional differentiation
glass homogenization tubeSangonF519062Mitochondria isolation
hCGAibeiM2520Ovarian superstimulation
hyaluronidaseSigmaH1115000Ovarian superstimulation
 Inverted microscopeOlympusIMT-2Microinjection
Isolated Mitochondria Staining KitSigmaCS0760mitochondria JC-1 flow analysis
JC-1SigmaT4069Mitochondrial function test
KClSigmaP5405Mitochondria transfer
KH2PO4SigmaP5655Mitochondria transfer
LaminBAbcamab-16048Mitochondrial function test
M16 MediumSigmaM7292embryo cell culture
M2 MediumSigmaM7167embryo cell culture
mannitolSigmaM9546Mitochondria transfer
MicroinjectorOlympus+ eppendorfIX73Mitochondria transfer
MitoTracker redInvitrogenM22425Mitochondria staining
MOPSSigmaM1442Mitochondria isolation
neurofilament mediator polypeptide (NFM)Santa Cruz Biotechnologysc-16143Multidirectional differentiation
neurogenic inductionGibcoA1647801Multidirectional differentiation
Neuron-specific enolase (NSE)Santa Cruz Biotechnologysc-292097Multidirectional differentiation
Oil Red OSangonE607319Adipogenic differentiation
oil red O solutionSigmaO1516Multidirectional differentiation
osteogenic inductionCyagenHUXXC-90021Multidirectional differentiation
PBS (phosphate buffered saline)HycloneSH30256.LSCell Culture
penicillin and streptomycinHycloneSV30010Cell Culture
PMSGAibeiM2620Ovarian superstimulation
protease Inhibitor cocktailSigmaP8340Mitochondria isolation
sucroseSigmaV900116Mitochondria isolation
TrisSigma648314Mitochondria isolation
Tris-HClSigma108319Mitochondria transfer
Triton X-100beyotimeP0096immunofluorescence
VDACAbcamab-14734Mitochondrial function test


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