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该方案演示了使用斑点印迹技术从冻干的人骨骼肌中分离单纤维和根据肌球蛋白重链(MHC)亚型的纤维类型分类。然后,可以使用蛋白质印迹法进一步分析已鉴定的 MHC I 和 II 纤维样品,以了解蛋白质表达的纤维类型特异性差异。


此处描述的技术可用于使用斑点印迹法鉴定单个肌肉纤维片段中的特定肌球蛋白重链 (MHC) 亚型,以下称为 Myosin 重链检测,通过 Dot Blotting 进行肌纤维类型 鉴定(MyDoBID)。该协议描述了冷冻干燥人体骨骼肌和分离单肌纤维片段的过程。使用 MyDoBID,I 型和 II 型纤维分别用 MHCI 和 IIa 特异性抗体进行分类。然后将分类的纤维组合成纤维类型特异性样本,用于每次活检。

每个样品中的总蛋白通过十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (SDS-PAGE) 和紫外线活化凝胶技术测定。使用蛋白质印迹法验证样品的纤维类型。此外,还描述了进行蛋白上样归一化以增强跨多个蛋白质印迹的靶蛋白检测的重要性。与单纤维蛋白质印迹相比,将分类纤维合并到纤维类型特异性样品中的好处包括样品多功能性、更高的样品通量、更短的时间投资和节省成本的措施,同时保留了使用均质肌肉样品时经常被忽视的有价值的纤维类型特定信息。该协议的目的是准确有效地鉴定从冻干的人类骨骼肌样品中分离出的I型和II型纤维。



骨骼肌是一种异质性组织,具有不同的细胞代谢和收缩特性,这取决于细胞(纤维)是慢速抽搐(I 型)还是快速抽搐(II 型)。纤维类型可以通过检查肌球蛋白重链 (MHC) 亚型来识别,这些亚型在几个方面彼此不同,包括收缩时间、缩短速度和抗疲劳性1。主要的 MHC 亚型包括 I 型、IIa 型、IIb 型和 IIx 型,其代谢特征为氧化性(I 型和 IIa 型)或糖酵解型(IIx、IIb)1。这些纤维类型的比例因肌肉类型和物种而异。IIb型广泛存在于啮齿动物肌肉中。人体肌肉不含任何 IIb 型纤维,主要由 MHC 亚型 I 型和 IIa 型纤维组成,少量 IIx 纤维2。蛋白质表达谱因不同的纤维类型而异,并且可以随着年龄的增长而改变 3、运动 4,5 和疾病6



从股外侧肌获得 n = 3(2 名男性,1 名女性),年龄在 70-74 岁,使用局部麻醉(Xylocaine)和 Bergstrom 针头进行手动抽吸11,12。样本是维多利亚大学人类研究伦理委员会 (HRETH11/221) 批准的先前研究的一个子集,并根据赫尔辛基宣言13 进行参与者提供了参与本研究的书面知情同意书。该协议所需的所有材料的完整详细信息显示在材料表中。此外,表 1 中还提供了解决常见协议问题的故障排除策略列表。


  1. 在将活检肌肉样本冷冻在干冰上的同时,称重并在秤上将空的冷冻管去皮。
  2. 快速称量至少 10 mg 湿重冷冻组织。将权重记录到小数点后一位。
  3. 将组织放入预冷的微量离心管中,该管在盖子上刺了3-4个孔,然后将其放入装有2-3粒干冰的小烧杯中。
  4. 请遵循冷冻干燥机制造商的操作说明。
  5. 确保冷冻干燥机上的所有阀门都已关闭并打开冷冻干燥机。
  6. 使用控制面板检查真空设定点是否已编程为人体组织的最佳冷冻干燥条件,0.12 毫巴 (mBar)(....


使用斑点印迹法鉴定单个 MHCI、MHCIIa 和 MHCIIx 肌纤维


根据几年的经验,大多数研究人员可以掌握这种技术;然而,实践可以更快、更有效地收集纤维,用于下游分析。为了能够分离出 30 个质量的单纤维段进行池化,建议每个样品收集 50 个纤维段。建议仔细研究纤维采集视频,并在进行两次练习(每节~50根纤维)后达到合理的标准。所有收集的纤维都经过MyDoBID以识别纤维类型,这将揭示该技术的执行效率。这将被视为在光纤.......




本研究中使用的抗 MHC I (A4.840) 和 MHCIIa (A4.74) 的抗体由 HM Blau 博士开发,抗 MHCIIx (6H1) 的抗体由 CA Lucas 博士开发,并从发育研究杂交瘤库 (DSHB) 获得,感谢国家儿童健康与人类发展研究所的主持,并由爱荷华大学维护, 生物科学系(爱荷华州爱荷华市)。我们感谢 Victoria L. Wyckelsma 为这项研究提供人体肌肉样本。图 1 中的大多数图像来自 BioRender.com。




NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1x Denaturing bufferMake according to recipeConstituents can be sourced from Sigma-Aldrich or other chemical distributing companies 1x denaturing buffer is made by diluting 3x denaturing buffer 1 in 3 v/v with 1X Tris-HCl (pH 6.8). Store at -20 °C.
3x Denaturing bufferMake according to recipeConstituents can be sourced from Sigma-Aldrich or other chemical distributors3x denaturing buffer contains: 0.125M Tris-HCI, 10% glycerol, 4% SDS, 4 M urea, 10% 2-mercaptoethanol, and 0.001% bromophenol blue, pH 6.8.  Store at -20 °C.
95% EthanolN/A100% ethanol can be sourced from any companyDiluted to 95% with ultra-pure H2O.
Actin rabbit polyclonal antibodySigma-Aldrich  A2066Dilute 1 in 1,000 with BSA buffer.
Analytical scalesMettler ToledoModel number: MSZ042101
Antibody enhancerThermo Fischer Scientific32110Product name is Miser Antibody Extender Solution NC.
Beaker (100 mL)N/AN/A
Benchtop centrifugeEppendorf5452Model name: Mini Spin.
Blocking buffer: 5% Skim milk in Wash buffer.DiplomaStore bought
BSA buffer: 1 % BSA/PBST, 0.02 % NaN3BSA: Sigma-Aldrich              PBS: Bio-Rad Laboratories. NaN3 : Sigma-Aldrich BSA: A6003-25G                         10x PBS: 1610780                       NaN3: S2002Bovine serum albumin (BSA), Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and Sodium azide (NaN3). Store at 4 °C.
Cassette opening lever Bio-Rad Laboratories4560000Used to open the precast gel cassettes.
Chemidoc MP Imager Bio-Rad LaboratoriesModel number: Universal hood IIIAny imaging system with Stain-Free gel imaging capabilities.
Criterion blotterBio-Rad Laboratories1704070Includes ice pack, transfer tray, roller, 2 cassette holders, filter paper, foam pads and lid with cables.
Criterion Cell (Bio-Rad)Bio-Rad Laboratories1656001
ECL (enhanced chemiluminescence)Bio-Rad Laboratories1705062Product name: Clarity Max Western ECL Substrate.
Electrophoresis buffer 1x Tris Glycine SDS (TGS)Bio-Rad Laboratories1610772Dilute 10x TGS 1 in 10 with ultra-pure H2O.
Filter paper, 0.34 mm thickWhatmann3030917Bulk size 3 MM, pack 100 sheets, 315 x 335 mm.
Fine tissue dissecting forcepsDumontF6521-1EAJeweller’s forceps no. 5.
Flat plastic tray/lid  N/AN/ALarge enough to place the membrane on. Ensure the surface is completely flat.
Freeze-drying SystemLabconco7750030Freezone 4.5 L with glass chamber sample stage.
Freezer -80 oN/AN/AAny freezer with a constant temperature of -80 °C is suitable.
Gel releasers1653320Bio-RadSlide under the membrane to gather or move the membrane.
Grey lead pencilN/AN/A
 Image lab software Bio-Rad LaboratoriesN/AFigures refers to software version 5.2.1 but other versions can used.
IncubatorBio-Rad Laboratories1660521Any incubator that can be set to 37 °C would suffice.
Magnetic stirrer with fleaN/AN/A
Membrane roller Bio-Rad Laboratories1651279Can be purchased in the Transfer bundle pack. However, if this product is not available, any smooth surface cylindrical tube long enough to roll over the membrane would suffice. 
Microcentrifuge tubes  (0.6 mL)N/AN/A
Mouse IgG HRP secondaryThermo Fisher Scientific31430Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), RRID AB_228341. Dilute at 1 in 20,000 in blocking buffer.
Mouse IgM HRP secondaryAbcamab97230Goat Anti-Mouse IgM mu chain. Use at the same dilution as mouse IgG.
Myosin Heavy Chain I (MHCI) primary antibodyDSHBA4.840 Dilution range: 1 in 200 to 1 in 500 in BSA buffer.
Myosin Heavy Chain IIa (MHCIIa) primary antibodyDSHBA4.74 Dilution range: 1 in 200 to 1 in 500 in BSA buffer.
Myosin Heavy Chain IIx (MHCIIx) primary antibodyDSHB6H1Dilution range: 1 in 200 to 1 in 500 in BSA buffer.
Nitrocellulose Membrane 0.45 µm Bio-Rad Laboratories1620115For Western blotting.
Petri dish lidN/AN/A
Plastic tweezersN/AN/A
Power Pack Bio-Rad Laboratories164-5050Product name: Basic power supply.
Protein ladderThermo Fisher Scientific26616PageRuler Prestained Protein Ladder, 10 to 180 kDa.
PVDF Membrane 0.2 µmBio-Rad Laboratories1620177
Rabbit HRP secondaryThermo Fisher Scientific31460Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), RRID AB_228341. Dilution same as mouse secondary antibodies.
Stripping bufferThermo Fisher Scientific21059Product name: Restore Western Blot Stripping Buffer.
Tissue (lint free)Kimberly-Clark professional34120Product name: Kimwipe.
Transfer buffer (1x Tris Glycine buffer (TG), 20% Methanol)TG: Bio-Rad Laboratories   Methanol: MerckTG buffer: 1610771           Methanol: 1.06018dilute 10x TG buffer with ultra-pure H2O to 1x. Add 100% Methanol to a final concentration of 20% Methanol. Store at 4 °C.
Transfer trayBio-Rad Laboratories1704089
 UV-activation precast gelBio-Rad Laboratories5678085Gel type: 4–15% Criterion TGX Stain-Free Protein Gel, 26 well, 15 µL.
Wash buffer (1x TBST)10x TBS: Astral Scientific  Tween 20: Sigma BIOA0027-4L1x TBST recipe: 10x Tris-buffered saline (TBS) is diluted down to 1x with ultra-pure H2O, Tween 20 is added to a final concentration of 0.1%. Store buffer at 4 °C.
Wash containersSistemaStore boughtAny tupperware container, that suits the approximate dimensions of the membrane would suffice.


  1. Schiaffino, S., Reggiani, C. Fiber types in mammalian skeletal muscles. Physiological Reviews. 91 (4), 1447-1531 (2011).
  2. Bloemberg, D., Quadrilatero, J. Rapid determination....


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