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绝对定量 RNA 测序 (AQRNA-seq) 是一种用于定量生物混合物中所有小 RNA 景观的技术。在这里,展示了 AQRNA-seq 的文库制备和数据处理步骤,量化了饥饿诱导休眠期间 牛分枝杆菌 BCG 中转移 RNA (tRNA) 库的变化。
AQRNA-seq 在生物样品中的测序读长计数和小 RNA 拷贝数之间提供直接的线性关系,从而能够准确定量小 RNA 库。此处描述的 AQRNA-seq 文库制备程序涉及使用定制设计的测序接头和减少甲基化 RNA 修饰的步骤,这些修饰会阻断逆转录持续合成能力,从而增加全长 cDNA 的产量。此外,还介绍了随附的生物信息学管道的详细实施。AQRNA-seq 的演示是通过对牛 分枝杆菌 BCG 中的 45 个 tRNA 进行定量分析来进行的,这些 tRNA 是在 20 天的营养剥夺和 6 天的复苏过程中在 5 天的选定时间内收获的。本文还将讨论为提高 AQRNA-seq 的效率和严谨性而做出的持续努力。这包括探索避免凝胶纯化以减轻 PCR 扩增后引物二聚体问题的方法,以及增加全长读长的比例以实现更准确的读长映射。AQRNA-seq 的未来增强功能将侧重于促进该技术的自动化和高通量实施,以量化来自不同生物体的细胞和组织样本中的所有小 RNA。
下一代测序 (NGS),也称为大规模平行测序,是一种 DNA 测序技术,涉及 DNA 片段化、接头寡核苷酸连接、基于聚合酶链反应 (PCR) 的扩增、DNA 测序以及将片段序列重组到基因组中。NGS 对 RNA 测序的适应 (RNA-seq) 是鉴定和定量 RNA 转录本及其变体的有力方法1。RNA 文库制备工作流程和生物信息学分析管道的创新发展,加上实验室仪器的进步,扩展了 RNA-seq 的应用范围,从外显子组测序发展到高级功能组学,如非编码 RNA 分析2、单细胞分析3、空间转录组学 4,5、选择性剪接分析6等。这些先进的 RNA-seq 方法通过定量分析正常和患病细胞和组织中的转录组来揭示复杂的 RNA 功能。
尽管 RNA-seq 取得了这些进展,但几个关键技术特征限制了该方法的定量能力。虽然大多数 RNA-seq 方法允许精确定量实验变量(即生物样品和/或生理状态)之间 RNA 水平的变化,但它们无法提供样品中 RNA 分子水平的定量比较。例如,大多数 RNA-seq 方法无法准确量化表达的 tRNA 细胞库中单个 tRNA 同受体分子的相对拷贝数。正如配套出....
注意: 图 1 提供了 AQRNA-seq 文库制备所涉及的程序的图形说明。有关程序中使用的试剂、化学品和色谱柱/试剂盒的详细信息,请参阅 材料表。建议使用 (i) 3% 琼脂糖凝胶电泳,(ii) 用于生物分子样品质量控制的自动电泳工具(参见 材料表),以及 (iii) 紫外-可见分光光度法和/或荧光定量法,对输入 RNA 样品的纯度、完整性和数量进行全面评估。除非另有说明,否则所有反应物和预混液都必须放在冰上。将冷藏箱中的试剂(例如酶)运输到 -20 °C 储存和从 -20 °C 储存,以延长其保质期并避免文库中间体的多次冻融循环。
1. RNA 的去磷酸化
注:去除 5'-磷酸盐(P;供体)会阻止与 RNA 的 3'-羟基(OH;受体)自连接。接头不会自连接,因为它们的 3' 末端被修饰为掺入二脱氧胞苷 (Linker 1) 或间隔区 (Linker 2)。接头只能通过将其 5'-P 连接到 RNA 或 cDNA 的 3'-OH 来连接。
牛分枝杆菌 经历指数增长的 BCG(卡介苗和盖兰杆菌)菌株 1173P2 受到营养饥饿的时间序列(0、4、10 和 20 天)的影响,然后在营养丰富的培养基中进行 6 天的复苏,如之前在 胡 等人所述7。从细菌培养物中分离出小 RNA,在 5 个指定时间点中的每一个时间点进行 3 次生物学重复。使用上述 AQRNA-seq 文库制备工作流程构建 Illumina 文库(图 1),然后在麻.......
AQRNA-seq 文库制备工作流程旨在最大限度地捕获样品中的 RNA,并最大限度地减少逆转录过程中聚合酶的流失7。通过两步接头连接,新型 DNA 寡核苷酸(接头 1 和接头 2)被过量连接,以完全互补样品中的 RNA。RecJf 是一种对单链 DNA 具有特异性的 5' 至 3' 核酸外切酶,可有效去除多余的接头,同时保持连接的产物完好无损。此外,AlkB 处理减少了 RNA18 上的甲基修饰?.......
P.C.D. 是两项与已发表作品相关的专利(PCT/US2019/013714、US 2019/0284624 A1)的发明人。
本工作的作者感谢描述 AQRNA-seq 技术的原始论文的作者7。这项工作得到了美国国立卫生研究院 (ES002109、AG063341、ES031576、ES031529、ES026856) 和新加坡国家研究基金会通过新加坡-麻省理工学院研究和技术联盟抗菌素耐药性 IRG 的资助。
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
2-ketoglutarate | Sigma-Aldrich | 75890 | Prepare a working solution (1 M) and store it at -20ºC |
2100 Bioanalyzer Instrument | Agilent | G2938C | |
5'-deadenylase (50 U/μL) | New England Biolabs | M0331S (component #: M0331SVIAL) | Store at -20 °C |
Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate (ATP) | New England Biolabs | M0437M (component #: N0437AVIAL) | NEB M0437M contains T4 RNA Ligase 1 (30 U/μL), T4 RNA Ligase Reaction Buffer (10X), PEG 8000 (1X), and ATP (100 mM); prepare a working solution (10 mM) and store it at -20ºC |
AGAROSE GPG/LE | AmericanBio | AB00972-00500 | Store at ambient temperature |
Ammonium iron(II) sulfate hexahydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | F2262 | Prepare a working solution (0.25 M) and store it at -20 °C |
Bioanalyzer Small RNA Analysis | Agilent | 5067-1548 | The Small RNA Analysis is used for checking the quality of input RNAs and the efficiency of enzymatic reactions (e.g., Linker 1 ligation) |
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA; 10 mg/mL) | New England Biolabs | B9000 | This product was discontinued on 12/15/2022 and is replaced with Recombinant Albumin, Molecular Biology Grade (NEB B9200). |
Chloroform | Macron Fine Chemicals | 4441-10 | |
Demethylase | ArrayStar | AS-FS-004 | Demethylase comes with the rtStar tRNA Pretreatment & First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (AS-FS-004) |
Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix | New England Biolabs | N0447L (component #: N0447LVIAL) | This dNTP Solution Mix contains equimolar concentrations of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP (10 mM each) |
Digital Dual Heat Block | VWR Scientific Products | 13259-052 | Heating block is used with the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit |
DyeEx 2.0 Spin Kit | Qiagen | 63204 | Effective at removing short remnants (e.g., oligos less than 10 bp in length) |
Electrophoresis Power Supply | Bio-Rad Labrotories | PowerPac 300 | |
Eppendorf PCR Tubes (0.5 mL) | Eppendorf | 0030124537 | |
Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tubes (0.5 mL) | Eppendorf | 022363611 | |
Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tubes (1.5 mL) | Eppendorf | 022363204 | |
Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tubes (2 mL) | Eppendorf | 022363352 | |
Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol), Pure | Sigma-Aldrich | E7023 | The pure ethanol is used with the Oligo Clean and Concentrator Kit from Zymo Research |
Gel Imaging System | Alpha Innotech | FluorChem 8900 | |
Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS | New England Biolabs | N0556S (component #: B7025SVIAL) | NEB N0556S contains Quick-Load Purple 50 bp DNA Ladder and Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS |
GENESYS 180 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 840-309000 | The spectrophotometer is used for measuring the oligo concentrations using the Beer's law |
HEPES | Sigma-Aldrich | H4034 | Prepare a working solution (1 M; pH = 8 with NaOH) and store it at -20 °C |
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) | VWR Scientific Products | BDH3028 | Prepare a working solution (5 M) and store it at ambient temperature |
Isopropyl Alcohol (Isopropanol), Pure | Macron Fine Chemicals | 3032-16 | Isopropanol is used with the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit |
L-Ascorbic acid | Sigma-Aldrich | A5960 | Prepare a working solution (0.5 M) and store it at -20ºC |
Microcentrifuge | Eppendorf | 5415D | |
NanoDrop 2000 Spectrophotometer | Thermo Fisher Scientific | ND-2000 | |
NEBuffer 2 (10X) | New England Biolabs | M0264L (component #: B7002SVIAL) | NEB M0264L contains RecJf (30 U/μL) and NEBuffer 2 (10X); store at -20 °C |
Nuclease-Free Water (not DEPC-Treated) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | AM9938 | |
Oligo Clean & Concentrator Kit | Zymo Research | D4061 | Store at ambient temperature |
PEG 8000 (50% solution) | New England Biolabs | M0437M (component #: B1004SVIAL) | NEB M0437M contains T4 RNA Ligase 1 (30 U/μL), T4 RNA Ligase Reaction Buffer (10X), PEG 8000 (1X), and ATP (100 mM); prepare a working solution (10 mM) and store it at -20ºC |
Peltier Thermal Cycler | MJ Research | PTC-200 | |
Phenol:choloroform:isoamyl alcohol 25:24:1 pH = 5.2 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | J62336 | |
PrimeScript Buffer (5X) | TaKaRa | 2680A | |
PrimeScript Reverse Transcriptase | TaKaRa | 2680A | |
QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit | Qiagen | 28704 | This kit requires a heating block and isopropanol to work with |
Quick-Load Purple 100 bp DNA Ladder | New England Biolabs | N0551S (component #: N0551SVIAL) | |
Quick-Load Purple 50 bp DNA Ladder | New England Biolabs | N0556S (component #: N0556SVIAL) | NEB N0556S contains Quick-Load Purple 50 bp DNA Ladder and Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS |
RecJf (30 U/μL) | New England Biolabs | M0264L (component #: M0264LVIAL) | NEB M0264L contains RecJf (30 U/μL) and NEBuffer 2 (10X); store at -20 °C |
RNase Inhibitor (murine; 40 U/μL) | New England Biolabs | M0314L (component #: M0314LVIAL) | Store at -20 °C |
SeqAMP DNA Polymerase | TaKaRa | 638509 | TaKaRa 638509 contains SeqAMP DNA Polymerase and SeqAMP PCR Buffer (2X) |
SeqAMP PCR Buffer (2X) | TaKaRa | 638509 | TaKaRa 638509 contains SeqAMP DNA Polymerase and SeqAMP PCR Buffer (2X) |
Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (1 U/μL) | New England Biolabs | M0371L (component #: M0371LVIAL) | |
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) | Sigma-Aldrich | S5881 | Prepare a working solution (5 M) and store it at ambient temperature |
T4 DNA Ligase (400 U/μL) | New England Biolabs | M0202L (component #: M0202LVIAL) | NEB M0202L contains T4 DNA Ligase (400 U/μL) and T4 DNA Ligase Reaction Buffer (10X) |
T4 DNA Ligase Reaction Buffer (10X) | New England Biolabs | M0202L (component #: B0202SVIAL) | NEB M0202L contains T4 DNA Ligase (400 U/μL) and T4 DNA Ligase Reaction Buffer (10X) |
T4 RNA Ligase 1 (30 U/μL) | New England Biolabs | M0437M (component #: M0437MVIAL) | NEB M0437M contains T4 RNA Ligase 1 (30 U/μL), T4 RNA Ligase Reaction Buffer (10X), PEG 8000 (1X), and ATP (100 mM) |
T4 RNA Ligase Reaction Buffer (10X) | New England Biolabs | M0437M (component #: B0216SVIAL) | NEB M0437M contains T4 RNA Ligase 1 (30 U/μL), T4 RNA Ligase Reaction Buffer (10X), PEG 8000 (1X), and ATP (100 mM) |
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