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我们描述了一种 离体 分离的工作大鼠心脏方案,以测试供体心脏保存策略。本文描述了用于啮齿动物供体心脏静态冷藏的方案;然而,该方案也可用于循环死亡和脑死亡后捐献后获得的供体心脏。
优化供体心脏保存解决方案在减少器官提取、运输和移植过程中供体心脏缺血再灌注损伤方面发挥了关键作用。我们实验室以前的研究表明,在供体心脏保存溶液中添加三硝酸甘油酯和促红细胞生成素可以显着改善长时间冷藏后和循环死亡心脏后捐献后的心脏功能恢复。该补充方案已在澳大利亚、比利时和英国的移植单位临床使用中实施。在这里,我们概述了使用 离体 分离工作大鼠心脏 (IWRH) 灌注回路测试补充策略的方案。使用这种方法,可以在长期冷静态储存、脑死亡后捐献和循环死亡后捐献供体心脏保存的情况下测试补充策略。通过主动脉血流、冠状动脉血流、心输出量、脉压和心率测量的心脏功能恢复可用于确定特定的保留策略是否可以最大限度地减少供体心脏的缺血再灌注损伤。
心脏移植的成功与否在很大程度上受到供体心脏保存方法的影响。供体心脏在整个器官提取、运输和移植过程中会受到缺血性损伤。通过选择合适的供体心脏保存策略,可以减轻供体器官的缺血性损伤程度。静态冷储存 (CSS) 仍然是最可行和最常见的供体心脏保存方法;然而,CSS 可能不一定是所有心脏捐献途径的最佳选择。例如,通过循环死亡后捐献 (DCD) 途径获得的心脏使用常温机器灌注进行维持和生存评估,而通过脑死亡后捐献 (DBD) 途径获得的心脏可以使用 CSS 或低温机器灌注进行保留。所用保存策略的另一个重要决定因素是心脏在器官获取和运输过程中遭受的热缺血(对于 DCD)或冷缺血(对于 DBD)的量。
许多中心使用心脏保存溶液的额外药物补充剂来提高缺血耐受性并改善移植后的心脏功能。我们实验室的啮齿动物研究表明,在供体心脏长期冷藏后,用促红细胞生成素和三硝酸甘油补充心脏麻痹能够显著改善心脏功能的恢复 1,2。这些研究随后发展到供体心脏保存的猪研究,并为导致促红细胞生成素和硝酸甘油酯掺入利用常温机器灌注的 DCD 途径获得的心脏心脏停搏溶液中提供了临床前基础 3,4,5
所有动物都按照国家健康与医学研究委员会(澳大利亚)的指导方针接受了人道照顾。所有动物程序均已获得 Garvan 医学研究所(澳大利亚悉尼)动物伦理委员会的批准。
1. Krebs-Henseleit (KH) 缓冲液的制备
基线灌注的结果将决定初始实验(预储存)是否成功。Langendorff 模式期间显示的主动脉流量应在 14 - 22 mL/min 之间。由于主动脉的逆行灌注,Langendorff 流量在流量计上显示为负值。可接受的 Langendorff 迹线示例如图 4A 所示。
切换到工作模式后,一旦心脏稳定,主动脉流量应至少为 30 mL/min。血流最初激增至约 50 mL/min,然后降至约 2.......
鉴于心脏基线功能的敏感性,必须注意保持灌注装置清洁并与兼容的组件。例如,必须使用正确的 PVC 管。一些导管材料(如硅胶)会导致主动脉血流和收缩力降低,这可能是由于氧气通过导管流失所致。虽然市面上有孤立的工作大鼠心脏灌注回路,但其中大多数主要用于 Langendorff 灌注。通常,在 Langendoff 灌注模型中,可以通过将球囊导管插入左心室来获得功能测量,以.......
此处描述的研究由澳大利亚国家健康与医学研究委员会、圣文森特诊所基金会和新南威尔士州卫生部心血管研究能力高级研究员资助授予 P.S Macdonald 的赠款。
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
1.5 mL colorless Eppendorff tube, 1000 per box | Bio Strategy Pty Ltd | 0030.125.150 | |
15 mL cent/tubes (S) Sleeve/25 PP ctn/500 | Sigma-aldrich Pty Ltd | CLS430791-500ea | |
BP Transducer/Cable kit | ADInstruments | MLT1199 | Data Acquisition |
Bridge Amp | ADInstruments | FE221 | Data Acquisition |
Carbogen 555G2 | BOC | BOC002 | |
Checktemp1 thermometer | Hanna Instruments | HI98509 | Rig Construction |
Clamp Pinch 1/4-7/16 PK 12 | Thomas Scientific | 2848Y40 | Rig Construction |
Clamp W/Extension Stem Med. | Thomas Scientific | 8847T08 | Rig Construction |
Clamp W/Extension Stem Sm. | Thomas Scientific | 8847T02 | Rig Construction |
Clips, Vessel, 60 g Pressure | Coherent Scientific | 14121 | Surgical Equipment |
Closed Connector | Thomas Scientific | 8847E25 | Rig Construction |
Covidien Sofsilk 2-0 black precut 45 cm box of 24 | Specialist Medical Supplies | S195 | Surgical consumables |
Custom Made 250 mL Jacketed Degasser | Custom Blown Glassware Pty Ltd | N/A | Rig Construction |
Custom Made 750 mL Reservoir | Custom Blown Glassware Pty Ltd | N/A | Rig Construction |
D-(+)-Glucose Anhydrous SigmaUltra | Sigma-aldrich Pty Ltd | G7528-1Kg | To make Krebs Buffer |
Dual Channel Console | ADInstruments | TS402 | Data Acquisition |
Erlenmyer flasks 2 L | |||
Filter Microfibre type GF/C glass fibre 47 mm, 100 | Bio-strategy Pty Ltd | 1822047 | |
Forceps, 15 cm, 0.3 mm, CRVD | Coherent Scientific | 14114 | Surgical Equipment |
Four Prong Clamps with 9 mm x 115 mm long arm for holding 2-70 mm diam objects. Vinyl coated | Met-App Australia Pty Ltd | 1352 | Rig Construction |
Heater Circulator. Digital Solid State Control. (1020 Watts/240 Volts) | Thermoline Scientific | TU3 | Rig Construction |
Heparin 5000 U/5 mL box 50 Pfizer 02112115 | Clffird Hallam Healthcare Pty Ltd | 1258693 | Drugs |
Ilium Xylazil 20 Inj 50 mL | Cenvet Australia Pty Ltd | X5010 | Anaesthetic |
Johns Hopkins Bulldog Clamp | Coherent Scientific | CS-WPI-14117 | |
Ketamine 100 mg/50 mL | Provet (NSW) Pty Ltd | KETAI1 | Anaesthetic |
Magnesium Sulphate heptahydrate AR 500 g Chemsupply | Bio Strategy Pty Ltd | MA048-500g | To make Krebs Buffer |
Male/Female Hinged Adapter | Thomas Scientific | 8847V08 | Rig Construction |
Masterflex L/S Easy-Load Head for Precision Tubing, PPS, CRS Rotor | John Morris | 1015164 | Rig Construction |
Metzenbaum scissors, 11.5 cm curved | Coherent Scientific | WPI-501748 | Surgical Equipment |
Metzenbaum scissors, 14.5 cm straight | Coherent Scientific | WPI-501252 | Surgical Equipment |
Mounting Hardware F/2-HEADS SS | John Morris | 1014414 | Mounting screws for pump heads |
Open-sided connector | Thomas Scientific | 8847E05 | Rig Construction |
Paraformadehyde | Sigma-Aldrich | P6148-500G | Sample processing |
Potassium Chloride (AnalaR NORMAPUR) 500 g | VWR Chemicals | 26764.26 | To make Krebs Buffer |
Potassium phosphate monobasic | Sigma-Aldrich Pty Ltd | P5379-500g | To make Krebs Buffer |
Powerlab 2/26, 2 channel recorder + Labchart software | ADInstruments | ML826 | Computer Hardware and Software |
Precision XN Inline Flowsensor, 3.2 mm (1/8")ID ME4PXN-KR37 XF | ADInstruments | ME4PXN | Rig Construction |
Scalpel with handle disposable #11 pkt/10 | BSN Medical (Aust) Pty Ltd | 73252-36 | |
Silicone Gasket for Swinnex 47 mm 5/PK | Merck Millipore | SX0004701 | Rig Construction |
Silicone O-Ring 5-329 10/PK | Merck Millipore | XX1104707 | Rig Construction |
Single Buret Clamp | Thomas Scientific | 8847T32 | Rig Construction |
Slip-on inlet Filter pore size 10 µm (bubbler) | Sigma-aldrich | 59277 | Rig Construction |
Sm. 360 Rotation Connector | Thomas Scientific | 8847E35 | Rig Construction |
Sodium bicarbonate | Sigma-Aldrich Pty Ltd | S6297 - 250g | To make Krebs Buffer |
Swinnex Filter Holder, 47 mm | Merck Millipore | SX0004700 | Rig Construction |
syringes 1 mL box/100 | Becton Dickinson Pty Ltd | 302100 | |
Three Prong Clamps with 9 mm diameter x 125 mm long arm and twin screw for holding 5-80 mm | Met-App Australia Pty Ltd | 1356 | Rig Construction |
Tubing Flowmeter Module TS410 | ADInstruments | TS410 | Data Acquisition |
Tubing PVC 6.35 mm ID x 9.52 mm OD 50ft Roll 15.24m, clear , DEHP phthalate free, food grade meets REAC | Thermo Fisher | NAL 8701-0600 | Rig Construction |
Tubing PVC 7.94mm ID x 11.1mm OD 50ft Roll 15.24 m, clear , DEHP phthalate free, food grade meets REAC | Thermo Fisher | NAL 8701-0900 | Rig Construction |
Tubing PVC 9.52 mm ID x 12.7 mm OD 100ft Roll | Thermo Fisher | NAL 8701-4120 | Rig Construction |
Vannas scissors, 8.5 cm, Straight, 7 mm Blades | Coherent Scientific | WPI-500-086 | Surgical Equipment |
Water Bath 30 Litre with Suspended Tray | Thermoline Scientific | TLWB-30 | Rig Construction |
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