Visualization of Retrograde Axonal Transport of BDNF-QD in Live Neurons
Represetative Results
The overall goal of this procedure is to produce and purify BDNF oviduct in an optimized protocol involving transfection of HEK293 cells and purification in a chromatography column. The BDNF oviduct is then mono-biotinylated by an in vitro reactio
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Recombinant BDNF containing an Avi sequence (BDNFAvi) is produced in HEK293 cells in a cost-effective manner and is purified by affinity chromatography. BDNFavi is then directly mono-biotinylated with the enzyme BirA in a tube. BDNFavi and mono-biotinylated BDNFavi retain their biological activity when compared to commercially available BDNF.