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Bis-3-chloropiperidines (B-CePs) are useful chemical probes to identify and characterize G-quadruplex structures in DNA templates in vitro. This protocol details the procedure to perform probing reactions with B-CePs and to resolve reaction products by high-resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.


G-quadruplexes (G4s) are biologically relevant, non-canonical DNA structures that play an important role in gene expression and diseases, representing significant therapeutic targets. Accessible methods are required for the in vitro characterization of DNA within potential G-quadruplex-forming sequences (PQSs). B-CePs are a class of alkylating agents that have proven to be useful chemical probes for investigation of the higher-order structure of nucleic acids. This paper describes a new chemical mapping assay exploiting the specific reactivity of B-CePs with the N7 of guanines, followed by direct strand cleavage at the alkylated Gs.

Namely, to distinguish G4 folds from unfolded DNA forms, we use B-CeP 1 to probe the thrombin-binding aptamer (TBA), a 15-mer DNA able to assume the G4 arrangement. Reaction of B-CeP-responding guanines with B-CeP 1 yields products that can be resolved by high-resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) at a single-nucleotide level by locating individual alkylation adducts and DNA strand cleavage at the alkylated guanines. Mapping using B-CePs is a simple and powerful tool for the in vitro characterization of G-quadruplex-forming DNA sequences, enabling the precise location of guanines involved in the formation of G-tetrads.


In addition to the typical Watson-Crick double helix, nucleic acids can adopt various secondary structures, such as the alternative G-quadruplex (G4) form, due to their guanine-rich sequences. G4 structure is based on the formation of planar tetramers, called G-tetrads, in which four guanines interact through Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds. G-tetrads are stacked and further stabilized by monovalent cations that are coordinated in the center of the guanine core (Figure 1)1.


1. Nucleic acid and chemical probe preparation

  1. Nucleic acids
    NOTE: The oligonucleotide named "TBA" is the 15-mer DNA sequence 5'-GGT-TGG-TGT-GGT-TGG-3' labeled at the 3'-end by the fluorophore 5-carboxyfluorescein (FAM) to enable visualization on the gel. The unlabeled oligonucleotide "cTBA" is its DNA complementary sequence 5'-CCA-ACC-ACA-CCA-ACC-3'. TBA and cTBA are employed to obtain the three different structures, as shown in Table 1.
    1. Autoclave tips and 0.5 mL tubes in order to obtain sterile disposables and avoid contamination.
    2. Prepare stock solutions s....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Figure 2 shows a representative result of a chemical mapping assay performed, as described in the protocol with B-CeP 1 on the TBA oligonucleotide folded in three different structures. The G-quadruplex arrangement of TBA (G4-TBA) was obtained by folding the oligonucleotide in BPE and in the presence of the K+ cation, whereas the single-stranded form of the same TBA sequence (ssTBA) was folded in the absence of potassium. The double-stranded construct (dsTBA) was prepared by a.......


G-quadruplexes are nucleic acid secondary structures that typically fold within guanine-rich DNA sequences, and are significant research targets because of their association with genetic control and diseases. Chemical mapping by B-CePs is a useful protocol for the characterization of DNA G4s, which can be used to identify the guanine bases involved in the formation of G-tetrads under physiological salt conditions.

The chemical probe used in this protocol is B-CeP 1 (Figure.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This work was supported by the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova (PRIDJ-BIRD2019).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Acrylamide/bis-acrylamide solution 40%ApplichemA3658R45-46-20/21-25-36/38-43-48/23/
Ammonium per-sulfate (APS)Sigma AldrichA7460
Analytical balanceMettler Toledo
Autoclavepbi international
Boric acidSigma AldrichB0252
Bromophenol blue Brilliant blue RSigma AldrichB0149
di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrateFluka71649
DMSOSigma Aldrich276855
DNA oligonucleotidesIntegrated DNA Technologiessynthesis of custom sequences
EDTA disodiumSigma AldrichE5134
Gel imagerGE HealtcareSTORM B40
GlycerolSigma AldrichG5516
Micro tubes 0.5 mLSarstedt72.704
Potassium ChlorideSigma AldrichP9541
Sequencing apparatusBiometraModel S2
Silanization solution IFluka85126H225, 314, 318, 336, 304, 400, 410
Sodium phosphate monobasicCarlo Erba480086
Speedvac concentratorThermo ScientificSavant DNA 120
UreaSigma Aldrich51456
UV-Vis spectrophotometerThermo ScientificNanodrop 1000


  1. Davis, J. T. G-quartets 40 years later: from 5'-GMP to molecular biology and supramolecular chemistry. Angewandte Chemie. 43 (6), 668-698 (2004).
  2. Varshney, D., Spiegel, J., Zyner, K., Tannahill, D., Balasubramanian, S.

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G quadruplexDNAChemical MappingBis 3 chloropiperidinesB CePsTBAThrombin binding AptamerDNA Secondary StructureIn Vitro CharacterizationNucleic Acid AnalysisAlkylationDNA CleavagePAGEBiologically RelevantTherapeutic Targets

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