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We present a protocol for the surgical implantation of a stabilized indwelling optical window for subcellular-resolution imaging of the murine pancreas, allowing serial and longitudinal studies of the healthy and diseased pancreas.


The physiology and pathophysiology of the pancreas are complex. Diseases of the pancreas, such as pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have high morbidity and mortality. Intravital imaging (IVI) is a powerful technique enabling the high-resolution imaging of tissues in both healthy and diseased states, allowing for real-time observation of cell dynamics. IVI of the murine pancreas presents significant challenges due to the deep visceral and compliant nature of the organ, which make it highly prone to damage and motion artifacts.

Described here is the process of implantation of the Stabilized Window for Intravital imaging of the murine Pancreas (SWIP). The SWIP allows IVI of the murine pancreas in normal healthy states, during the transformation from the healthy pancreas to acute pancreatitis induced by cerulein, and in malignant states such as pancreatic tumors. In conjunction with genetically labeled cells or the administration of fluorescent dyes, the SWIP enables the measurement of single-cell and subcellular dynamics (including single-cell and collective migration) as well as serial imaging of the same region of interest over multiple days.

The ability to capture tumor cell migration is of particular importance as the primary cause of cancer-related mortality in PDAC is the overwhelming metastatic burden. Understanding the physiological dynamics of metastasis in PDAC is a critical unmet need and crucial for improving patient prognosis. Overall, the SWIP provides improved imaging stability and expands the application of IVI in the healthy pancreas and malignant pancreas diseases.


Benign and malignant pancreatic diseases are potentially life-threatening, with considerable gaps in the understanding of their pathophysiology. Pancreatitis-inflammation of the pancreas-is the third major cause of gastrointestinal disease-related hospital admissions and readmissions in the US and is associated with substantial morbidity, mortality, and socioeconomic burden1. Ranked as the third leading cause of cancer-related death2, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) accounts for most pancreatic malignancies3 and portends a poor 5-year survival rate of only 11%2. The....


All procedures described in this protocol have been performed in accordance with guidelines and regulations for the use of vertebrate animals, including prior approval by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

1. Passivation of windows

NOTE: Passivation of stainless steel cleans the metal of contaminants and creates a thin oxide layer that greatly increases the metal's biocompatibility with soft tissues, even beyond that of titanium16.

  1. Start the passivation process by washing the optical window frames wi....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Figure 1, adapted from Du et al.15, shows image stills from a time-lapse IVI movie of the murine pancreas. Some tissue motion can be observed within the initial settling period (first hour of imaging, Figure 1A). However, with continued imaging after this settling period (>75 min), we observed an increase in lateral and axial stability (Figure 1B). The comparison of the stability of the SWIP with the.......


The SWIP protocol described here provides an improved method of pancreas tissue stabilization by utilizing a cross-stitch basket technique. Early abdominal imaging windows (AIWs) enabled intravital imaging (IVI) of internal organs of the abdomen but did not adequately limit the movement of soft tissues such as the pancreas. In response, Park et al. developed a pancreas imaging window (PIW) that incorporates a horizontal metal shelf and allows improved stabilization of the pancreas tissue while maintaining contact with th.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


The Evelyn Lipper Charitable Foundation, the Gruss-Lipper Biophotonics Center, the Integrated Imaging Program for Cancer Research, an NIH T-32 Fellowship (CA200561), and a Department of Defense Pancreatic Cancer Research Program (PCARP) grant PA210223P1.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1% (w/v) solution of enzyme-active detergentAlconox IncNAConcentrated, anionic detergent with protease enzymes for manual and ultrasonic cleaning
5% (w/v) solution of sodium hydroxideSigma-AldrichS8045Passivation reagent
5 mm cover glassElectron Microscopy Sciences72296-05Round Glass Coverslips 
7% (w/v) solution of citric acidSigma-Aldrich 251275Passivation reagent
28G 1 mL BD Insulin SyringeBD329410Syringe for cell injection
Baytril 100 (enrofloxacin)Bayer (Santa Cruz Biotechnology)sc-362890RxAntibiotic
Bench Mount Heat LampMcMaster-Carr3349K51Heat lamp
Buprenorphine 0.3 mg/mLCovetrus North America059122Buprenorphine Analgesia
Castroviejo Curved ScissorsWorld Precision InstrumentsWP2220Scissor for cutting tissue
C57BL/6J MouseJackson Laboratory000664 C57BL/6J Mouse
Chlorhexidine solutionDurvet7-45801-10258-3Chlorhexidine Disinfectant Solution
Compressed air canisterFalconDPSJB-12Compressed air for drying tissue
Cyano acrylate - Gel SuperglueStaples234790-6Skin Glue
Cyano acrylate - Liquid SuperglueStaplesLOC1647358Coverslip Glue
DPBS 1xCorning21-031-CVDPBS for cerulein/cell injections
Gemini Cautery KitHarvard Apparatus726067Cautery Pen
Germinator 500CellPoint ScientificGER 5287-120VBead Sterilizer
Graefe Micro Dissecting Forceps; Serrated; Slight Curve; 0.8 mm Tip Width; 4" LengthRoboz SurgicalRS-5135 Graefe Micro Dissecting Forceps
Imaging microscopeNANASee Entenberg et al. 2011 [27]
Imaging softwareNANASee Entenberg et al. 2011 [27]
Isoethesia (isoflurane)Henry Schein Animal Health50033Isoflurane Anesthesia
Kim WipesFisher Scientific06-666-A Kim Wipes
Laboratory tapeFisher Scientific159015RLaboratory Tape
Mouse Dissecting KitWorld Precision InstrumentsMOUSEKITSurgical Instruments
Mouse Paw Pulse Oximeter SensorKent Scientific CorpoMSTAT Sensor-MSEPulse Oximeter
Mouse SurgisuiteKent ScientificSURGI-M04Heated platform
Nair Hair Removal LotionAmazonB001RVMR7KDepilatory Lotion
OxygenTechAirOX TMOxygen
PERMA-HAND Black Braided Silk Sutures, ETHICON Size 5-0VWR95056-872Silk Suture
Phosphate Buffered Saline 1xLife Technologies10010-023PBS
PhysioSuite SystemKent ScientificPhysioSuiteHeated Platform Controller
PuralubeHenry Schein Animal Health008897Eye Lubricant
Puritan Nonsterile Cotton-Tipped Swabs Fisher Scientific867WCNOGLUECotton Swabs
SHARP Precision Barrier Tips, For P-100, 100 µLDenville Scientific Inc.P1125100 µL Pipet Tips
Tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate–DextranSigma-AldrichT1287-500MGVascular Label
Window-fixturing plateNANACustom made plate for window placement on microscope stage. Plate is made of 0.008 in stainless steel shim stock. For dimensions of plate see Entenberg et al., 2018 [8].
Window FrameNANAThe window is composed of a steel frame with a central aperture that accepts a 5 mm coverslip. A groove of 1.75 mm around the circumference of the frame provides space for the peritoneal muscle and skin layers to adhere to. See Entenberg et al., 2018 [8].


  1. Peery, A. F., et al. Burden and cost of gastrointestinal, liver, and pancreatic diseases in the United States: Update 2021. Gastroenterology. 162 (2), 621-644 (2022).
  2. Siegel, R. L., Miller, K. D., Wagle, N. S., Jemal, A. Cancer....

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Intravital ImagingPancreasStabilizationSWIPMurinePancreatitisPancreatic AdenocarcinomaPDACSingle cell ResolutionHigh resolutionMicro cartography3D Imaging4D ImagingCellular InteractionsDisease MechanismsPhysiologyPathophysiology

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