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Here, we describe an advanced tool designed for chlorophyll biosynthesis monitoring during the early stages of Arabidopsis seedling de-etiolation. The novel methodology provides non-invasive real-time chlorophyll fluorescence imaging at high spatial and temporal resolution.


Chlorophyll biosynthesis is a hallmark of de-etiolation, one of the most dramatic stages in the plant life cycle. The tightly controlled and highly dynamic process of chlorophyll biosynthesis is triggered during the shift from the dark to the light in flowering plants. At the moment when etiolated seedlings are exposed to the first traces of sunlight, rapid (in order of seconds) conversion of protochlorophyllide into chlorophyllide is mediated by unique light-accepting protein complexes, leading via subsequent metabolic steps to the production of fully functional chlorophyll. Standard techniques for chlorophyll content analysis include pigment extraction from detached plant tissues, which does not apply to studying such fast processes. To investigate chlorophyll kinetics in vivo with high accuracy and spatiotemporal resolution in the first hours after light-induced de-etiolation, an instrument and protocol were developed. Here, we present a detailed procedure designed for statistically robust quantification of chlorophyll in the early stages of Arabidopsis de-etiolation.


De-etiolation represents the most dramatic phase in the plant life cycle, characterized by a number of morphological changes and complete rearrangement of plant metabolism (from hetero- to auto-tropic)1. Chlorophyll biosynthesis is a hallmark of light-induced de-etiolation in plants and a very dynamic process. Formation of chlorophyll from dark-produced precursor protochlorophyllide must be tightly coordinated to avoid damage due to reactive byproducts2. The protochlorophyllide reduction to chlorophyllide is catalyzed by light-dependent protochlorophyllide oxidoreductases (PORs), unique enzymes activated directly by ligh....


1. Medium preparation

  1. Prepare the cultivation medium by mixing 0.75 g of gelling agent with 50 mL of sterile deionized water in a glass bottle to achieve a 1.5% (w/v) concentration for one Petri plate (120 x 120 x 17 mm). Gently shake the mixture and then heat it in a microwave until boiling to dissolve the gelling agent (the solution becomes clear).
  2. Allow the medium to cool down to 58-60 °C before proceeding to the next steps. All subsequent steps must be performed under sterile conditions within a laminar-flow hood to prevent contamination.
  3. Use Petri plates with light-tight edges to avoid excessive actinic light ....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The typical output obtained using the newly developed procedure in the 4-day-old de-etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings of wild-type (WT), ecotype Columbia-0 (Col-0) is shown in Figure 3. Under control conditions (DMSO-supplemented MS media), the chlorophyll biosynthetic curve starts with an initial burst of the chlorophyll synthesis, in which the protochlorphyllide pool synthesized during the scotomorphogenic phase of the growth, is quickly converted to chlorophyll owing to the light-i.......


Critical steps of the protocol and troubleshooting - no light and take care of the mask
As highlighted directly in the protocol description above, avoiding even the trace amounts of light both during cultivation of etiolated plants seedlings or just before starting the protocol is of critical importance11. In our setup, we use a dedicated dark chamber located in the walk-in phytotron and separated from the rest of the phytotron with light-tight rotating door (Supplem.......


Z.B. and K.P. are employees of the PSI and Martin Trtilek is CEO and owner of the PSI company producing the iReenCAM. All these authors were involved in the development of the instrument as previously described7.


This work was supported from the European Regional Development Fund-Project SINGING PLANT (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008446). This project has received funding through the MSCA4Ukraine project (ID 1233580), which is funded by the European Union. We are grateful to Lenka Sochurkova for the graphical design of Figure 1.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
6-benzylaminopurineDuchefa BiochemieB0904.0001
Aluminum foilMerckZ691577
Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 seedsNASC collectionN1092
Cultivation chamberPSIcustom made
DimethilsulfoxidThermo Fisher Scientific042780.AK
Eppendorf single-channeled, variable (100-1000 μL)MerckEP3123000063
GelriteDuchefa BiochemieG1101
iReenCAM devicePSIcustom made/prototype
Laboratory bottles, with caps (Duran), 100mLMerckZ305170-10EA
Laminar-flow boxUniGreenSchemeITEM-31156
Linerless Rubber Splicing Tape, 19 mm width, black, Scotch3M Science. Applied to Life7000006085
Microcentrifuge tube, 2 mL with lid, PPT, BRANDMerckBR780546-500EA
Micropore tape3M Science. Applied to Life7100225115
Osram lumilux green l18w/66Ovalamp200008833
Petri plates - Greiner dishes, square, 120 x 120 x17mm, ventedMerckZ617679-240EA
Pipet tips, 1000 μL, AxygenMerckAXYT1000B
The Plant Screen Data Analyzer softwarePSIdelivered as a part of the iReenCAM


  1. Arsovski, A. A., Galstyan, A., Guseman, J. M., Nemhauser, J. L. Photomorphogenesis. Arabidopsis Book. 10, e0147 (2012).
  2. Reinbothe, S., Reinbothe, C., Apel, K., Lebedev, N. Evolution of chlorophyll biosynthesis--the challenge to survive photooxidation.....

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Chlorophyll BiosynthesisDe etiolationNon invasive AssayKineticsArabidopsisPlant BiologySpectroscopyPlant StressForward Genetics

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