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Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are flexible protein domains that modify their conformation in response to environmental changes. Ensemble fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can estimate protein dimensions under different conditions. We present a FRET approach to assess IDR structural sensitivity in living Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells under hyperosmotic stress.


Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are protein domains that participate in crucial cellular processes. During stress conditions, the physicochemical properties of the cellular environment change, directly impacting the conformational ensemble of IDRs. IDRs are inherently sensitive to environmental perturbations. Studying how the physicochemical properties of the cell regulate the conformational ensemble of IDRs is essential for understanding the environmental control of their function. Here, we describe a step-by-step method for measuring the structural sensitivity of IDRs in living Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells in response to hyperosmotic stress conditions. We present the use of ensemble fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to estimate how the global dimensions of IDRs change during a progressive increase of hyperosmotic stress imposed on cells with any osmolyte. In addition, we provide a script for processing fluorescence measurements and comparing structural sensitivity for different IDRs. By following this method, researchers can obtain valuable insights into the conformational changes that IDRs undergo in the complex intracellular milieu upon changing environments.


Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are critical components in cellular processes1. In combination with structured domains, IDRs are essential for protein functions. The amino acid composition of IDRs is biased, represented mainly by charged, hydrophilic, and small residues. Because of this property, IDRs are considered low complexity domains2,3. Numerous IDRs have garnered attention, primarily because these regions play a crucial role in pathological conditions, particularly neurodegenerative diseases. Such diseases are characterized by self-assembly and subsequent extracellular or....


1. Plasmid construct

  1. Amplify the open reading frame (ORF) that codes for the desired IDR by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Do not include the stop codon since the ORF will be flanked by the genes that encode the fluorescent proteins. For the amplification, design primers with the SacI (5') and BglII (3') restriction sites.
    NOTE: For the representative results section, we used AtLEA4-5 as the selected IDR. We amplified the ORF of AtLEA4-5 from the pTrc99A-AtLEA4-5 plasmid12.
  2. Digest the ORF PCR product by consecutive restriction with SacI and BglII enzymes....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

After transforming yeast cells with pDRFLIP38-AtLEA4-5 plasmid, the fluorescence of the positive transformants was observed with a blue light transilluminator and a filter (Figure 1). Preparing the different solutions to induce hyperosmotic stress is time-consuming, so we suggest following the 96-well template of Figure 2. Immediately after the hyperosmotic stress treatment with varying concentrations of sodium chloride, the fluorescence emission spectra were ac.......


The method presented here offers a way to obtain insights into how the global dimensions of the ensemble of IDRs sense and respond to environmental perturbations. This method relies on a genetically encoded construct and requires no additional components beyond a plasmid stable expression in yeast cells, making it adaptable for potential applications in other cell types. Moreover, it is versatile for exploring other physicochemical perturbations that eukaryotic cells experience during their life cycle21.......


The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


We thank members of the Cuevas-Velazquez lab for the critical review of the manuscript. This work was supported by Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica, Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM-PAPIIT) project number IA203422; Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnología (CONAHCYT), project number 252952; and Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación y el Posgrado, Facultad de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Grant 5000-9182. CET (CVU 1083636) and CAPD (CVU 1269643) acknowledge CONAHCYT for their....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
96-well plateGreiner Bio-One655096
BglIINew England BioLabsR0144S
BJ5465 cellsAmerican Type Culture Collection208289
Buffer MES 50 mMSigma-AldrichM8250
Buffer Tris-HCl 10 mMInvitrogen15506017
EDTA 1 mMMerck108452
Falcon tubesCorning352057
LB mediaSigma-AldrichL2897
Lithium acetate 0.1 MSigma-AldrichL6883
Low Melt AgaroseGOLDBIOA-204-25
Miniprep kitZymoPureD4210
NaOH 0.02 MMerck106462
PEG 3,350 40%Sigma-Aldrich1546547
plasmid pDRFLIP38-AtLEA4-5addgene178189
Plate readerBMG LABTECHCLARIOstar Plus
SacINew England BioLabsR3156S
Salmon sperm DNA 2 mg/mLThermo Fisher Scientific15632011
Sodium clorideSigma-AldrichS9888
Taq polymesarePromegaM5123
TransiluminatorAccuris instrumentsE4000
UV-Visible spectrophotometerThermo Fisher ScientificBiomate3
YPD mediaSigma-AldrichY1500


  1. Wright, P. E., Dyson, H. J. Intrinsically disordered proteins in cellular signalling and regulation. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 16 (1), 18-29 (2015).
  2. Covarrubias, A. A., Romero-Pérez, P. S., Cuevas-Velazquez, C. L., Rendón-Luna, D. F.

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Intrinsically Disordered RegionsStructural SensitivityHyperosmotic StressFRETConformational EnsembleBiophysical TechniquesCell BiologySaccharomyces CerevisiaeOsmolyteFluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer

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