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This protocol introduces a technique for inducing polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) models in mice through controlled letrozole release using mini-pumps. Under adequate anesthesia, the mini-pump was implanted subcutaneously, and PCOS was successfully induced in the mice after a certain period of the mini-pump release.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the leading causes of infertility in women. Animal models are widely used to study the etiologic mechanisms of PCOS and for related drug development. Letrozole-induced mouse models replicate the metabolic and reproductive phenotypes of patients with PCOS. The traditional method of letrozole treatment in PCOS mice requires daily dosing over a certain period, which can be labor-intensive and cause significant stress to the mice. This study describes a simple and effective method for inducing PCOS in mice by implanting a controlled letrozole-releasing mini-pump. A mini-pump capable of stable, continuous release of a quantitative amount of letrozole was fabricated and implanted subcutaneously in mice under anesthesia. This study demonstrated that the mouse model successfully mimicked PCOS features after letrozole mini-pump implantation. The materials and equipment used in this study are readily available to most laboratories, requiring no special customization. Collectively, this article provides a unique, easy-to-perform method for inducing PCOS in mice.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common conditions among women of reproductive age1. It affects up to 18% of women globally and is the leading cause of female infertility worldwide2,3. PCOS is characterized by a series of interrelated reproductive abnormalities, including disturbed gonadotropin secretion, chronic anovulation, increased androgen production, and polycystic ovarian morphology4. In addition to gynecological disorders, PCOS also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases5,6


All animal experimental protocols in this study were approved by Animal Ethics Committee of Fudan University. Female C57BL/6J mice, aged 4 weeks, were used here. The details of the animals, reagents, and equipment used in this study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Preparation of the mini-pump

  1. Take the letrozole powder (50 mg) stored in the original packaging bottle, centrifuge the letrozole powder in the bottle at 300 x g for 5 s (at room temperature), then open the cap.
  2. Slowly add 625 µL of DMSO to the letrozole powder with a pipette and mix well to ob....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The experimental protocol and some critical steps are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Serum testosterone levels are displayed in Figure 3A. Letrozole mini-pump-treated mice (hereafter referred to as LTZ mice) exhibited significantly elevated serum testosterone levels compared to female control mice. Meanwhile, histological analysis of ovaries showed that LTZ mice showed polycystic ovaries with a significant reduction in corpora lute.......


This report demonstrates a simple protocol for inducing PCOS in mice using easily accessible materials. The mouse PCOS model is essential for exploring PCOS mechanisms and screening drugs26. Of the available methods for inducing PCOS models in mice, letrozole induction is one of the most commonly used. The use of letrozole can develop and maintain a hyperandrogenic condition by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to estradiol or by increasing testosterone synthesis27........


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The study was supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (grants 2021YFC2700701), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 82088102, 82071731, 82171613, 8227034, 81601238), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences (grant 2019-I2M-5-064), the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (grants 21Y11907600), Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning (grant 20215Y0216), Collaborative Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission (grant 2020CXJQ01), Clinical Research Plan of Shanghai Hospital Development Center (grant SHDC2020CR1008A), Shanghai Clinical R....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
SyringeBofeng BiotechBD3008411ML (sterile)
Centrifugation tubeBiological Hope1850-K15ML (sterile)
PipetteEppendorf3123000268-A100μL-1000μL (sterile)
PipetteTopPette701010100810μL-100μL (sterile)
Letrozole powderSigmaL6545-50MGPrimary acting drugs (sterile)
PEG(Poly(ethylene glycol))SolarbioP8250Used for dissolution (sterile)
Sterile Physiological Saline SolutionBiosharpBL158AMini-pump storage
Osmotic PumpsALZET1004Letrozole storage and sustained release (sterile)
Dimethyl sulfoxideBiosharpBS087Used for dissolution (sterile)
Small Animal Anesthesia MachineRWD R500IPUsed for anesthesia
Isoflurane RWD20071302Used for anesthesia
HemostatsBiosharpBS-HF-S-125Surgical instrument
ScissorsBiosharpBS-SOR-S-100PSurgical instrument
Needle holderShangHaiJZJ32010Surgical instrument
ForcepsRWD F12028Surgical instrument
Needle and the 4-0 absorbable sutureJINGHUANCR413Surgical instrument
Povidone-iodine swabsSingleLadyGB26368-2010Skin disinfection
Depilatory creamZIKER BIOTECHNOLOGYZK-L2701 Depilation agent for laboratory animals
Nitrile GlovesBiosharpBC040-LUsed for aseptic operation
Sterile gauzeZHENDEBA69087Used for wiping liquids
C57BL/6J MiceShanghai Model Organisms CenterN/AAge: 4 weeks
Pet Eye LubricantBAITESHF021153Used for mouse eye lubricant
Meloxicam InjectionMEIDAJIAR21064-21Used for mouse analgesia (sterile)


  1. Dapas, M., Dunaif, A. Deconstructing a syndrome: Genomic insights into PCOS causal mechanisms and classification. Endocr Rev. 43 (6), 927-965 (2022).
  2. Teede, H., et al. Anti-mül....

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Polycystic Ovary SyndromePCOSInfertilityAnimal ModelsLetrozoleMouse ModelsMetabolic PhenotypesReproductive PhenotypesMini pump ImplantationControlled ReleaseContinuous ReleaseVeterinary AnesthesiaDrug Development

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