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This protocol describes the procedure for isolating the whole-mount mouse retina and performing immunostaining to label all retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). The process is followed by imaging and automatically counting RGCs using AI-based software, providing a simple, fast, and accurate method for quantifying RGCs in the entire mouse retina.


Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness globally, characterized by a complex pathogenic mechanism that makes vision restoration challenging. Mice serve as valuable animal models for studying the pathogenesis and treatment of glaucoma due to their relatively homogenous genetic background and retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which structurally resemble those in humans. Accurate assessment of RGC damage and treatment outcomes in mouse glaucoma models requires determining the RGC number across the entire retina. This protocol outlines a comprehensive method involving the isolation of the whole retina, labeling RGCs with specific antibodies, and rapid, accurate automatic counting of RGCs using an AI-based program. The streamlined approach allows for efficient and precise quantification of RGC numbers in mouse retinas, facilitating the evaluation of RGC degeneration and potential therapeutic interventions. By enabling researchers to assess the extent of RGC damage, this protocol contributes to a deeper understanding of glaucoma pathogenesis and aids in developing effective treatment strategies to manage and prevent vision loss.


Glaucoma is characterized by the progressive death of ganglion cells, which poses a significant challenge for sight restoration1,2. This disease is a major focus of ophthalmic research due to its prevalence and impact on vision3. Mouse models are indispensable in glaucoma
research due to their homogeneous genetic background, high reproductive capacity, and the similarity of their ganglion cell properties to humans4. The primary goal of this method is to accurately quantify retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in mouse models, which is....


The procedure complied with the guidelines of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology for using animals in research and was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital. C57Bl/6J male mice (2 months old) were used in this study. Figure 1 illustrates the overall procedure described here. The details of the reagents and equipment used are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Isolation of whole-mount retinas

  1. Animal sacrifice
    1. Sacrifice the mice using cervical dislocation (fol....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

This protocol details the methodology for whole-mount immunostaining of mouse retinas, ensuring meticulous tissue preparation, precise antibody incubation, and reliable automated cell counting. The procedure facilitates robust labeling and quantification of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), enabling accurate assessment of cellular populations in various experimental contexts. The method was used to count RGCs in wild-type and glaucoma-modeled mice, yielding consistent results. A representative result shows that the number o.......


This protocol provides a method for determining all retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in a mouse retina, which can be used to monitor the progression of RGC degeneration in mouse models for glaucoma studies. The mouse retina is a delicate nerve tissue5, and isolating whole-mount retinas from mouse eyes requires repeated practice. During experimentation, it was found that the fixation time significantly affects retina morphology. For mice around 2 weeks of age, a fixation time of 20 min is sufficient t.......


The authors have no conflicts to disclose.


This research project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82371059 (H.Z.)), the Department of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province, China (2023JDZH0002 (H.Z.)), the Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau (2022-YF05-01984-SN (H.Z.)), and Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital (30320230095 (J.Y.), 30420220062 (J.Y.)). 



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1× PBSServicebioG4202
Alexa594-conjugated Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG  (H+L)ThermoFisherA-11012
Anti-BRN3A antibody [EPR23257-285]Abcamab245230
AutoCount software
Cloud diskGoogle drive link 
Cloud diskBaidu linkExtraction code: g44k 
Normal Donkey SerumBiosharp, Labgic25030081
ProClean 300BeyotimeST853
SucroseBBI, SangonA610498
Triton X-100BioFroxx, neoFroxx1139ML100


  1. Quigley, H. A., Broman, A. T. The number of people with glaucoma worldwide in 2010 and 2020. Br J Ophthalmol. 90 (3), 262-267 (2006).
  2. Gallo Afflitto, G., Swaminathan, S. S.

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Whole mount ImmunostainingAutomatic CountingMouse Retinal Ganglion CellsGlaucomaRGC DamageAnimal ModelsGenetic BackgroundTreatment OutcomesAntibody LabelingAI based ProgramRGC QuantificationTherapeutic InterventionsVision RestorationPathogenesisVision Loss Prevention

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