Here, we present a protocol for the isolation of L-form bacteria from urine, using a filtration method. Complementary methods for the preparation of L-form medium, observation of L-forms by phase-contrast microscopy and induction of L-forms under laboratory conditions are also described.
Transition of bacteria to the L-form state is thought to play a possible role in immune evasion and bacterial persistence during treatment with cell wall-targeting antibiotics. However, isolation and handling of L-form bacteria is challenging, mainly due to their high sensitivity to changes in osmolarity. Here, we describe detailed protocols for the preparation of L-form medium, isolation of L-forms from urine using a filtration method, detection of L-forms in urine samples by phase contrast microscopy and induction of L-forms in vitro. The exact requirements for survival and growth of L-forms may vary from strain to strain. Therefore, the methods presented here are intended to act as basic guidelines for establishing L-form protocols within individual laboratories, rather than as precise instructions. The filtration method can lead to a reduction in the number of L-forms in a sample and should not be used for quantification. However, it is the only method used so far for effective separation of cell wall-deficient variants from their walled counterparts and for identification of bacterial strains, which are capable of L-form switching in patients with urinary tract infections. The filtration method has the potential to be adapted for the isolation of L-forms from patients with other categories of bacterial infections and from environmental samples.
Virtually all bacteria are surrounded by a structure called the cell wall. The wall is important for protection against environmental stresses, helps with regular division and gives bacteria their shape1. However, the wall is also a target for parts of the immune system and some of the best and most used antibiotics, including penicillin2,3. Despite its importance, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria can occasionally survive without the wall4,5,6,7,8. If the surrounding conditions provide enough osmoprotection to prevent them from bursting and cell wall-targeting agents are also present, bacteria can transition into a wall-less state, referred to as an L-form4,5,6,7,8.
Numerous reports indicate that switching to an L-form state and back to a walled state may be important in vivo as a mechanism for bacteria to survive both the attack from the host immune system and treatment with cell wall-targeting antibiotics9,10,11,12,13,14,15. Such a transition potentially provides a powerful strategy for the recurrence of bacterial infection9,10,11,12,13,14,15. Understanding the basic biology of L-form bacteria and their interactions with the host are critical to decipher their role in pathogenesis. However, handling L-form bacteria is challenging.
Firstly, due to the lack of the cell wall, L-form bacteria are prone to bursting in response to changes in osmolarity. Additionally, L-forms divide in a highly irregular manner, have unpredictable patterns of growth (usually much slower than their walled counterparts) and, depending on strain, may propagate better on semi-liquid, rather than solid or liquid media. All the above considerations make quantification and comparisons of growth rates difficult. Different bacterial species (or even strains) have diverse metabolic requirements for L-form switching and growth. For example, L-forms of certain Gram-positive bacteria, which rely on aerobic respiration, are more sensitive to reactive oxygen species than their walled counterparts16.
Induction of L-forms under laboratory conditions and in the host is usually driven by cell wall-targeting agents, such as antibiotics and lysozyme9. Such a treatment might result in only a partial cell wall loss and therefore some walled (or partially walled) bacteria could be present in the samples, making it hard to distinguish whether any observed experimental outcomes are due to the presence of L-forms or walled forms of bacteria. The frequency of L-forms induced in vivo tend to be low, meaning they can be difficult to find and isolate. Finally, owing to their polymorphic morphology, L-forms can be easily confused in situ with structures of eukaryotic origin, such as apoptotic bodies or various granules.
Since their discovery in 193517, several methods have been developed to handle L-forms in the laboratory. Most of these rely on the addition of an osmoprotective agent to the growth medium; usually a sugar or a salt9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18. As mentioned above, L-forms often occur side by side with walled bacteria in patient samples and separating the two populations can be difficult. However, it has been demonstrated that, unlike walled bacteria, L-forms can pass through a 0.45 µm filter due their flexibility and variable sizes. A method using such a filter has been employed to isolate L-forms from urine10,19,20,21.
Here, we present a protocol for the isolation of L-form bacteria from urine, using a filtration method (Figure 1). Complementary protocols for the preparation of L-form medium, microscopic observation of L-forms and induction of L-forms in vitro are also described.
1. Preparation of L-form medium (LM)
2. Isolation of L-forms from urine
NOTE: Wear gloves and a lab coat during the laboratory procedures. Work in a microbiological safety cabinet or use a Bunsen burner. Wear safety googles during filtration.
3. Examination of urine samples for the presence of L-forms by phase contrast microscopy
4. Induction of L-forms in vitro
L-form media containing sucrose can undergo varying degrees of caramelization following autoclaving, which are associated with a change in color. Figure 2 shows representative outcomes of autoclaving media containing sucrose. Figure 2A shows a typical example of LM medium, which has turned amber in color following the autoclaving. Figure 2B shows a typical example of 1.16 M sucrose solution (2 x concentration required for making LM medium) following autoclaving. Occasionally, LM medium or sucrose may undergo extensive caramelization during autoclaving, and it is not recommended to use the medium if this happens. Figure 2C shows an example of over-caramelized sucrose medium.
L-form bacteria can be highly heterogeneous and Figure 3 shows examples of L-form-like structures observable in patient urine samples. To confirm the bacterial origin of the L-form-like structures found in urine samples, FISH with fluorescent probes targeting bacterial sequences is recommended10,23.
Growth levels of L-forms induced under laboratory conditions are strain specific. Figure 4B shows an example of Bacillus subtilis L-form growth and Figure 4C shows the microscopic appearance of L-forms induced in Figure 4B.
Figure 1: Isolation of L-forms using filtration method – schematic representation. Urine sample is passed through a 0.45 µm filter into a polystyrene universal container, containing osmoprotective LM medium supplemented with 0.2% agar. The sample is then incubated in a stationary position at 30 °C for up to a month and visually checked daily for evidence of growth. This incubation period allows any L-forms that are present in the sample to regenerate their cell walls. Once the growth is detected, the bacteria can be re-streaked on a plate containing regular, solid, non-osmoprotective medium (such as nutrient agar or brain-heart infusion) to isolate single colonies, which can then be subjected to DNA extraction and sequencing to identify the isolated bacterial species. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: L-form media. (A) LM medium following autoclaving. (B) 1.16 M sucrose (2 x concentration) following autoclaving. (C) Extensively caramelized LM medium. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Examples of L-form like structures observable in urine of patients with recurrent UTI by phase contrast microscopy. (A,B) Structures typical of dividing bacterial L-forms suspended in urine. (C,D) Structures typical of dividing bacterial L-forms associated with eukaryotic cells. (E,F) Crescent shaped structure characteristic for Gram-negative L-forms (red arrow). (F,G) Structures typical for intermediate stages of transition between the walled cells and L-forms (red arrow in G). (H) Intracellular vesicles typical for large L-forms. Scale bar = 5 µm. This figure has been modified from10. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Streak-plate technique for induction of L-forms on solid media. (A) Schematic representation of streaking bacteria using a quarter of a plate for induction of L-forms. The arrow indicates the direction to streak the bacteria. (B) An example of Bacillus subtilis L-form growth following streaking, as shown in (A), after 3 days incubation at 30 °C. (C) L-forms induced in (B) visualized by phase contrast microscopy. Scale bar = 5 µm. Panels B and C have been modified from16 Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Protocols described in this manuscript have been used to isolate and handle L-forms of various bacterial species from human urine, including E. coli, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus and Enterobacter spp, all of which are typically associated with UTIs10,24. However, methods for handling L-forms, established in one laboratory may not work immediately in another and what works for one bacterial strain may not work for another. Therefore, the protocols described here are likely to require multiple attempts and additional optimization. In particular, nutrient requirements, oxygen availability, osmoprotectant concentration and fluidity of the medium may need to be tested. Conditions optimal for L-form transition and growth could be different from conditions optimal for growth of walled forms of the same species. Moreover, several technical issues could be encountered when attempting the protocols.
A common problem associated with preparation of L-form media is sucrose caramelization following autoclaving. If the medium turns dark brown in color, it should be discarded and a fresh batch should be prepared. It may be necessary to prepare the sucrose in water in one bottle and the remaining ingredients in another, both at 2x concentration. 2x concentrated solutions can then be combined at a 1:1 ratio following autoclaving, to achieve the desired final concentrations. Sucrose autoclaved separately may turn slightly yellow in color (Figure 2B), which is acceptable, but if it turns dark brown (Figure 2C), it should not be used for experiments. Adjusting the length and the temperature of the autoclaving cycle might be necessary to alleviate sucrose caramelization. Testing sterility of the media prepared using an adjusted autoclave cycle, by incubating an aliquot of each of the media for at least 3 days at 37 °C, is recommended. Finally, it might be necessary to test an alternative osmoprotective agent, such as salt, if the problem with caramelization persists18.
Several issues might also be encountered during isolation of L-forms from patient samples. As mentioned in the protocol, L-forms present in the samples might potentially deteriorate; therefore, it is important to transport the samples to the laboratory as soon as possible after donation. For the same reason, storing samples at low temperatures or modifying sample composition (for example by addition of PBS) is strongly discouraged.
The filtration method itself has its limitations. Some L-forms may be ripped apart due to shear forces generated by the flow of media through the filter. In the study by Mickiewicz et al., only 41% of L-forms in control samples, which contained laboratory induced E. coli L-forms, passed through the filter10. This demonstrates that the filtration method can lead to an underestimation of the number of positive samples and is not recommended for quantitative studies.
On very rare occasions, following filtration, a significant growth might be observable the next day in the semi-liquid media aliquots used for L-form isolation. This could be an indication that either the filter broke during the protocol, allowing the passage of walled bacteria, or the sample was contaminated. It is good practice to discard such samples or at least treat them with caution. Daily visual examination of the samples is critical to prevent false positives. Before processing urine samples by filtration, it is recommended to pass several samples of laboratory induced L-forms, walled bacteria and sterile medium through the filter of choice, to control for efficiency of L-form separation, potential passage of walled bacteria due to filter breakage and to make sure the sterile technique used is working well.
In rare cases, stable L-forms might be isolated by filtration, with no walled forms detectable by microscopy. To maintain viable L-form bacteria, it is recommended to transfer several “loop-fulls” of the sample to a tube containing fresh semi-liquid LM medium or to re-streak on solid osmoprotective medium every 3-7 days, depending on efficiency of the growth. If no walled forms appear after several passages, freezing samples in 40% glycerol at –80 °C could be attempted to preserve the isolate; however, some L-forms may not tolerate such a procedure well.
Despite its limitations, the filtration method is the only one used so far for the separation of L-forms from walled forms in patient samples. It allows for the identification of bacterial strains capable of L-form switching in vivo. There is the potential to develop and adapt the filtration method for isolation of L-forms from other types of human or environmental samples (for example blood or plants).
Taking into account all of the above considerations, we recommend the protocols outlined in this manuscript as a good starting point for developing tailored L-form protocols in individual laboratories, rather than as rigid instructions. Working with L-forms requires great care, dedication and patience but with practice, it can be extremely rewarding. We hope that the guidelines outlined in this manuscript will become a benchmark for developing L-form protocols and will encourage more basic and clinical research groups to investigate these fascinating bacterial forms.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was funded by a European Research Council (grant number 670980) to Jeff Errington (Director of The Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology, Newcastle University).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
0.45 µL cut off filters | Sarstedt | 83.1826 | |
20 mL syringes | Fisher | 17955460 | |
30 mL polystyrene universal tubes | Starlab | E1412-3010 | |
92 x 16 mm Petri Dishes | Starstedt | 82.1473 | |
Agar | Oxoid | LP0011 | |
Ampicillin | Sigma-Aldrich | A9518 | |
Brain Heart Infusion | Oxoid | CM1135 | |
Cover slips (22 x 22 mm, 22 x 50 mm) | VWR | 631-0137/-0125 | |
D-cycloserine | Sigma-Aldrich | C6880 | |
Glass microscope slides | VWR | 631-1550P | |
Lysostaphin | Sigma-Aldrich | L7386 | |
Lysozyme | Sigma-Aldrich | L4919 | |
MgSO4 | VWR | 25165.26 | |
Moenomycin | Sigma-Aldrich | 32404 | |
Penicillin G | Sigma-Aldrich | 13752 | |
Phosphomycin | Sigma-Aldrich | P5396 | |
Sucrose | Sigma-Aldrich | 84100 |
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