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The present protocol establishes a facial nerve injury rat model using microscopy to investigate the diagnostic and therapeutic mechanisms of idiopathic facial paralysis.


Idiopathic facial paralysis is the most common type of facial nerve injury, accounting for approximately 70% of peripheral facial paralysis cases. This disease can not only lead to a change in facial expression but also greatly impact the psychology of patients. In severe cases, it can affect the normal work and life of patients. Therefore, the research on facial nerve injury repair has important clinical significance. In order to study the mechanism of this disease, it is necessary to carry out relevant animal experiments, among which the most important task is to establish an animal model with the same pathogenesis as human disease. The compression of the facial nerve within the petrous bone, especially the nerve trunk at the junction of the distal end of the internal auditory canal and the labyrinthine segment, is the pathogenesis of idiopathic facial paralysis. In order to simulate this common disease, a compression injury model of the main extracranial segment of the facial nerve was established in this study. The neurological damage was evaluated by behavioral, neuroelectrophysiological, and histological examination. Finally, 50 g constant force and 90 s clamp injury were selected as the injury parameters to construct a stable idiopathic facial paralysis model.


As a type of peripheral facial paralysis, idiopathic facial paralysis is characteristic of unknown etiology, acute onset, and self-limiting course1,2. The etiology and pathogenesis of idiopathic facial paralysis are still uncertain3. At present, there are various treatment methods for facial paralysis4, and the diversity of treatments reflects the lack of optimal treatment options. Using cellular and molecular biology techniques to study the mechanism of facial nerve injury is the foundation for establishing effective treatment methods for facial paralysis. There....


All the animal experiments were approved and supervised by the Animal Ethics Committee of Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine (XHEC-F-2023-061). Sprague-Dawley male Rats, 200-300 g, were used for the present study. The animals were obtained from a commercial source (see Table of Materials). The rats were randomly divided into four groups (n = 10): Sham surgery group, 30-s injury group, 60-s injury group, and 90-s injury group.

1. Induction of anesthesia and animal preparation

  1. Wear the following personal protective equipment (PPE): surgical mask, surgical....

Representative Results

Behavioral testing
Before surgery, the scores of blink reflex, palp movement, and nasal tip position were 0 points in all experimental rats, indicating that all rats had intact facial nerve function. In the facial nerve function assessment 48 h after surgery, it was found that the individual scores of rats in each injury group were increased. Moreover, the total score increased gradually with the prolongation of facial nerve injury time (Table 1).

The fa.......


It is necessary to study the repair mechanism of facial nerve injury in patients with idiopathic facial paralysis17. The degree of facial nerve injury model should meet the following requirements. Firstly, the degree of facial nerve injury should not be too mild, such as Sunderland Grade 1st degree18, which can completely self-repair without drug intervention. Secondly, it should not be too severe, such as Sunderland 5th degree, which requires surgical interventi.......


The authors declared that no competing conflicts of interest exist.


This work was supported by project grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82203637) and the Science and Technology Development Foundation of Nanjing Medical University (NMUB20210220).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
4% paraformaldehyde fixing solutionBeyotime BiotechnologyP0099
Clean bench Airtech
Electronic balance Shanghai Precision Instrument FactoryAS909
Freezing microtomeLeicaCM1900
Hematoxylin eosin (HE) staining kitBeyotime BiotechnologyC0105S
Ketamine Sigma57074-21-2
Optical photographic microscopeOlympusIX90
Pentobarbital sodiumChemSrc57-33-0
Quantitative peripheral nerve injury forcepsIn-house Patent number: CN20082015530.3
Sprague-Dawley ratsJiangsu Jicui Yaokang Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Surgical operating microscopeOPMI 1FR proergoZEISS


  1. Gagyor, I., Madhok, V. B., Daly, F., Sullivan, F. Antiviral treatment for Bell's palsy (idiopathic facial paralysis). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 9 (9), (2019).
  2. Furukawa, T., et al.

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Facial Nerve InjuryIdiopathic Facial ParalysisFacial Nerve Injury ModelFacial Nerve CompressionFacial Nerve RepairPeripheral Facial ParalysisRat ModelBehavioral AssessmentNeuroelectrophysiologyHistological Examination

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