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A detailed and reproducible swine uterus model is described, from surgical procurement to the initiation of machine perfusion, allowing for the study of uterus preservation in transplantation.


To date, uterus transplantation is the only option for women with absolute uterine infertility, such as those with Rokitansky syndrome, to experience pregnancy and give birth. Despite the growing interest in uterus transplantation in recent years, several issues still require further research, including ischemia-reperfusion injury and its impact on graft quality and rejection. Recent literature has highlighted a thrombotic complication rate of up to 20% following uterus transplantation. This type of complication may result from hypoxia-induced endothelial cell damage, often leading to uterine graft rejection. Hypoxia is induced during static cold storage, which remains the gold standard for graft preservation in solid organ transplantation. Recently, dynamic preservation using machine perfusion has been shown to improve the long-term storage of conventional and marginal organs by reducing ischemic and hypoxic injury. In this protocol, we aim to describe every surgical step involved in porcine uterus procurement and dynamic preservation, based on both uterine pedicles, to enable the connection and initiation of the machine perfusion protocol.


Uterus transplantation (UTx) has significantly developed over the last ten years, with several teams starting clinical research programs. To date, the main indication of UTx is absolute uterine infertility due to uterine agenesis, including the Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome. MRKH syndrome is a congenital disorder with a prevalence of one in 5,000 female live births1. UTx could potentially address additional causes of infertility, including those resulting from hysterectomy due to malignant disease, postpartum hemorrhage, uterine fibroids, infectious sequelae, and various congenital malformations. This suggests that approxi....


All animals received humane care following the National Institute of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the protocols were approved by the Massachusetts General Hospital Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Overall, 6 female Yucatan minipigs weighing 30-40 kg were used for uterus procurement, with four uteri undergoing SNMP. All animals were heparinized with one full dose (100 IU/kg) before euthanasia. Organ procurement occurred post-mortem with less than 60 min of warm ischemia. Other organs could have been harvested from the same donor for different studies, according to the "3Rs" principles25....


During perfusion, the system was connected to a pressure sensor that recorded the pressure during the experiment. The pressure was initially recorded for a uterus-free system, which was subtracted from pressure recordings during uterus perfusion to obtain the real organ pressure. The flow rate was adapted to maintain the pressure within the desired range and was controlled by the roller pump. The resistance was calculated using the formula R = P / Q (R: resistance (mmHg.mL.min-1); P: pressure (mmHg); Q: flow r.......


Uterus transplantation, often considered part of VCA, has rapidly developed in the last few years. In parallel, machine perfusion started to be explored in VCA since it demonstrated robust evidence in improving solid organ preservation. Hypothermic and subnormothermic machine perfusion has allowed up to 24 h preservation in swine models of myocutaneous and bone-containing VCA26,27,28. Since the uterus presents challenges compara.......


All authors have no financial interest to declare.


This work was partially funded by the National Institute of Health under award No R01AR082825 (BEU) and Shriners Children's 84308 (YB). HO and YB received funding from the Fondation des Gueules Cassées. Support from Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique (SOFCPRE, France), and CHU de Rennes (France) to YB is greatly acknowledged.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Affinity Pixie Oxygenation SystemMedtronicBBP241Oxygenator
Bovin serum albuminSigma-AldrichA9647Perfusate component
Calcium chloride dihydrateSigma-Aldrich223506Perfusate component
Carbon Dioxide OxygenAirgasUN3156Carbon Dioxide Oxygen mix gas 
D-(+)-Glucose monohydrateSigma-Aldrich49159Perfusate component
DexamethasoneSigma-AldrichD2915Perfusate component
DextranThermo scientific406271000Perfusate component
Heparin sodium injectionEugia Pharma63739-953-25Perfusate component
Humulin Regular Insulin humanLilly0002-8215-01Perfusate component
Hydrocortisone sodium succinatePfizer0009-0011-03Perfusate component
Magnesium chloride hexa-hydrateSigma-AldrichM9272Perfusate component
MasterFlex L/SCole-Parmer77200-32Roller pump
Polyethylene glycol 35000Sigma-Aldrich25322-68-3Perfusate component
Potassium chlorideSigma-Aldrich7447-40-7Perfusate component
Pressure Monitor, Portable, PM-P-1Living Systems InstrumentationPM-P-1Pressure sensor
Radnoti Bubble Trap Compliance ChamberRadnoti130149Bubble trap
RAPIDPoint500Siemens500Blood Gas System
Sodium bicarbonateSigma-AldrichS5761Perfusate component
Sodium chlorideSigma-AldrichS9888Perfusate component
Sodium hydroxideSigma-Aldrich72068Perfusate component
Sodium phosphate monobasique dihydrate Sigma-Aldrich71505Perfusate component
Syringe 1 mLBD309659Sample procurement
Vancomycine hydrochlorideSlate run pharmaceuticals70436-021-82Perfusate component


  1. Ejzenberg, D., et al. Livebirth after uterus transplantation from a deceased donor in a recipient with uterine infertility. Lancet. 392 (10165), 2697-2704 (2019).
  2. Fageeh, W., Raffa, H., Jabbad, H., Marzouki, A. Trans....

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Uterine InfertilityRokitansky SyndromeIschemia reperfusion InjuryGraft QualityRejectionThrombotic ComplicationsEndothelial Cell DamageHypoxiaStatic Cold StorageDynamic PreservationMachine PerfusionPorcine Uterus Procurement

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