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A simple ATP-measuring assay and live/dead staining method were used to quantify and visualize Neisseria gonorrhoeae survival after treatment with ceftriaxone. This protocol can be extended to examine the antimicrobial effects of any antibiotic and can be used to define the minimal inhibitory concentration of antibiotics in bacterial biofilms.


The emergence of antibiotic resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) is a worldwide health threat and highlights the need to identify individuals who fail treatment. This Gram-negative bacterium causes gonorrhea exclusively in humans. During infection, it is able to form aggregates and/or biofilms. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test is used for to determine susceptibility to antibiotics and to define appropriate treatment. However, the mechanism of the eradication in vivo and its relationship to laboratory results are not known. A method that examines how GC aggregation affects antibiotic susceptibility and shows the relationship between aggregate size and antibiotic susceptibility was developed. When GC aggregate, they are more resistant to antibiotic killing, with bacteria in the center surviving ceftriaxone treatment better than those in the periphery. The data indicate that N. gonorrhoeae aggregation can reduce its susceptibility to ceftriaxone, which is not reflected using the standard agar plate-based MIC methods. The method used in this study will allow researchers to test bacterial susceptibility under clinically relevant conditions.


Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI)1. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC), a Gram-negative diplococcal bacterium, is the causative agent of this disease. Symptoms of genital infection can result in pain during urination, generalized genital pain, and urethral discharge. Infection is often asymptomatic2,3,4,5, and this allows for extended colonization. These untreated infections are a major health concern, as they have the potential to facilitate transmission of the organism and this can lead to ....


1. General maintenance of GC strains

  1. Streak N. gonorrhoeae strains on GCK agar with 1% Kellogg supplements18 (Table 1, Table 2) from freezer stocks and incubate 37 °C with 5% CO2 for 16-18 h. Use MS11 expressing phase-variable Opa (MS11Opa+), no Opa (MS11ΔOpa), or a truncated LOS (MS11ΔLgtE).
  2. Carefully pick pili negative (colony without dark edge) or positive (colony with dark edge) colonies from each strain based on colony .......

Representative Results

Two methods were employed: an ATP utilization assay and a live/dead staining assay. The results can either be combined or individually used for examining bacterial survival within aggregates after antibiotic treatment. The ATP utilization assay has been shown to measure accurately viable bacteria in S. aureus biofilms20,21. Here, MS11Opa+Pil+ strain was used to examine the role of GC aggregation in antibiotic susceptibili.......


Bacteria can form biofilms during infection of the human body. Traditional MIC testing may not reflect the concentration needed to eradicate bacteria in a biofilm. To test antimicrobials effects on a biofilm, methods based on biofilm biomass as well as plating CFUs can be erroneous due to the impact of biofilm structure. For example, the plating method only works if the biofilm can be disrupted. Hence, the CFU obtained may be lower than the actual number of viable bacteria. Visualizing dead and live bacteria within the b.......


This work was supported by a grant from National Institute of Health to D.C.S. and W.S. AI123340. L.-C.W., J.W., A.C., and E.N. were supported in part/participate in "The First-Year Innovation & Research Experience" program funded by the University of Maryland. The funders had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. We acknowledge the UMD CBMG Imaging Core for all microscopy experiments.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
100x Kellogg's supplement
AgarUnited States BiologicalA0930
BacTiter Assay PromegaG8232
Difco GC medium base BD228950
Ferric nitrate, nonahydrate Sigma-Aldrich254223-10G
GlucoseThermo Fisher ScientificBP350-1
L-glutamine Crystalline PowderFisher ScientificBP379-100
BacLight live/dead stainingInvitrogenL7012
MS11 Neisseria gonorrhoeae strainkindly provided by Dr. Herman Schneider, Walter Reed Army Institute for Research
Potassium phosphate dibasic (K2HPO4)Fisher ScientificP290-500
Potassium phosphate monobasic (KH2PO4)Fisher ScientificBP329-1
Proteose Peptone BD Biosciences211693
Sodium chloride (NaCl)Fisher ScientificS671-10
Soluble StarchSigma-AldrichS9765
Thiamine pyrophosphateSigma-AldrichC8754-5G
Petri DishesVWR25384-302
8-well coverslip-bottom chamber Thermo Fisher Scientific155411
96-well tissue culture plates Corning, Falcon3370
Biosafety Cabinet (NU-425-600 Class II, A2 Laminar Flow Biohazard Hood)Nuaire32776
CO2 IncubatorFisher Scientific Model 3530
Confocal microscope equipped with live imaging chamberLeicaSP5X
Corning  96 Well Black Polystyrene Microplate Corning3904
Glomax Illuminator PromegaE6521
Pipette tips (0.1-10 µL)Thermo Fisher Scientific02-717-133
Pipette tips (1000 µL)VWR83007-382
Pipette tips (200 µL)VWR53509-007
Spectrophotometer Ultrospec 2000 UVPharmacia Biotech80-2106-00
Sterile 15 ml conical tubesVWR21008-216
Sterile Microcentrifuge Tubes (1.7 mL)Sorenson BioScience16070
Sterile polyester-tipped applicatorsFisher Scientific23-400-122
SonicatorKontesEquivelent to 9110001


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Neisseria GonorrhoeaeAntibiotic SusceptibilityATP utilization AssayLive dead StainingBacterial AggregatesCeftriaxoneMicrobial CultureOptical DensitySonication

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