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Here, we present a protocol for reconstituting microtubule bundles in vitro and directly quantifying the forces exerted within them using simultaneous optical trapping and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. This assay allows for nanoscale-level measurement of the forces and displacements generated by protein ensembles within active microtubule networks.


Microtubule networks are employed in cells to accomplish a wide range of tasks, ranging from acting as tracks for vesicle transport to working as specialized arrays during mitosis to regulate chromosome segregation. Proteins that interact with microtubules include motors such as kinesins and dynein, which can generate active forces and directional motion, as well as non-motor proteins that crosslink filaments into higher-order networks or regulate filament dynamics. To date, biophysical studies of microtubule-associated proteins have overwhelmingly focused on the role of single motor proteins needed for vesicle transport, and significant progress has been made in elucidating the force-generating properties and mechanochemical regulation of kinesins and dyneins. However, for processes in which microtubules act both as cargo and track, such as during filament sliding within the mitotic spindle, much less is understood about the biophysical regulation of ensembles of the crosslinking proteins involved. Here, we detail our methodology for directly probing force generation and response within crosslinked microtubule minimal networks reconstituted from purified microtubules and mitotic proteins. Microtubule pairs are crosslinked by proteins of interest, one microtubule is immobilized to a microscope coverslip, and the second microtubule is manipulated by an optical trap. Simultaneous total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy allows for multichannel visualization of all the components of this microtubule network as the filaments slide apart to generate force. We also demonstrate how these techniques can be used to probe pushing forces exerted by kinesin-5 ensembles and how viscous braking forces arise between sliding microtubule pairs crosslinked by the mitotic MAP PRC1. These assays provide insights into the mechanisms of spindle assembly and function and can be more broadly adapted to study dense microtubule network mechanics in diverse contexts, such as the axon and dendrites of neurons and polar epithelial cells.


Cells employ microtubule networks to perform a wide variety of mechanical tasks, ranging from vesicle transport1,2,3 to chromosome segregation during mitosis4,5,6. Many of the proteins that interact with microtubules, such as the molecular motor proteins kinesin and dynein, generate forces and are regulated by mechanical loads. To better understand how these critical molecules function, researchers have employed single-molecule biophysical methods, such as optical trapping and TIRF m....


1. Preparation of microtubules

NOTE: When employing GFP-labeled crosslinking proteins, red (e.g., rhodamine) and far-red (e.g., biotinylated HiLyte647, referred to as biotinylated far red in the rest of the text) organic fluorophore labeling of the microtubules works well. Minimal crosstalk between all three channels can be achieved during imaging by using a high-quality quad band total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) filter.

  1. Prepare GMPCPP microtubule seed stocks
    1. Suspend 1 mg of unlabeled lyophilized tubulin in 84 µL of ice-cold 1x BRB80 (80 mM PIPES, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM EGTA; p....

Representative Results

The preparation of microtubule bundles suitable for biophysical analysis is considered successful if several of the key criteria are met. First, imaging in three colors should reveal two aligned microtubules with a concentration of crosslinking protein preferentially decorating the overlap region (Figure 5B,C and Figure 6B). Ideally, the distance between the overlap edge and the free end of the rhodamine microtubule should be at.......


Microtubule networks are employed by myriad cell types to accomplish a wide range of tasks that are fundamentally mechanical in nature. In order to describe how cells function in both healthy and disease states, it is critical to understand how these micron-scale networks are organized and regulated by the nanometer-sized proteins that collectively build them. Biophysical tools such as optical tweezers are well suited to probing the mechanochemistry of key proteins at this scale. Reflecting the diversity of microtubule n.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors wish to acknowledge support from R21 AG067436 (to JP and SF), T32 AG057464 (to ET), and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Science Startup Funds (to SF).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10W Ytterbium Fiber Laser, 1064nmIPG PhotonicsYLR-10-1064-LP
405/488/561/640nm Laser Quad Band Set for TIRF applicationsChromaTRF89901v2
6x His Tag Antibody, Biotin ConjugateInvitrogen#MA1-21315-BTIN
Acetone, HPLC gradeFisher Scientific18-608-395
Alpha casein from bovine milkSigma1002484390
ATPFisher ScientificBP413-25
Biotin-PEG-SVA-5000Laysan Bio, Inc.NC0479433
BL21 (DE3) Rosetta CellsMillipore Sigma71-400-3
CatalaseMP Biomedicals LLC190311
CFI Apo 100X/1.49NA oil immersion TIRF objectiveNikonN/A
ChloramphenicolACROS Organics227920250
Coverslip Mini-Rack, for 8 coverslipsFisher ScientificC14784
Delicate Task WipersKimberly-Clark34120
Dextrose AnhydrousFisher ScientificBP3501
D-SucroseFisher ScientificBP220-1
DTTFisher ScientificBP172-25
Ecoline Immersion Thermostat E100 with 003 BathLAUDA-Brinkmann27709
EDTAFisher ScientificBP118-500
EGTAMillipore Corporation32462-25GM
FIJI / Image Jhttps://fiji.sc/N/A
Frosted Microscope SlidesCorning12-553-1075mmx25mm, with thickness of 0.9-1.1mm
Glucose OxidaseMP Biomedicals LLC195196Type VII, without added oxygen
GMPCPPJena BiosciencesJBS-NU-405SCan be stored for several months at -20 °C and up to a year at -80 °C
Gold Seal-Cover GlassThermo Scientific3405
HEPESFisher ScientificBP310-500
ImidazoleFisher Scientific03196-500
IPTGFisher ScientificBP1755-10
Laboratory dessicatorBel-Art999320237190mm plate size
Kanamycin SulfateFischer ScientificBP906-5
KIF5A K439 (aa:1-439)-6HisGilbert Lab, RPIN/Adoi.org/10.1074/jbc.RA118.002182
KimwipeKimberley ClarkZ188956lint-free tissue
Immersion Oil, Type BCargille16484
Lens TissueThorLabsMC-5
LuNA Laser launch (4 channel: 405, 488, 561, 640nm)NikonN/A
LysozymeMP Biomedicals LLC100834
Magnesium Acetate TetrahydrateFisher ScientificBP215-500
Microfuge 18Beckman Coulter367160
MPEG-SVA MW-5000Laysan Bio, Inc.NC0107576
Nikon Ti-E inverted microscopeNikonN/ANikon LuN4 Laser
Ni-NTA ResinThermo Scientific88221
Open-top thickwall polycarbonate tube, 0.2 mL, 7 mm x 22 mmBeckman Coulter343755
Optima-TLX UltracentrifugeBeckman Coulter361544
Paclitaxel (Taxol equivalent)Thermo Fisher ScientificP3456
PIPESACROS Organics172615000
Porcine Tubulin, biotin labelCytoskeleton, Inc.T333P
Porcine Tubulin, HiLyte 647 FluorCytoskeleton, Inc.TL670Mfar red labelled
Porcine Tubulin, RhodamineCytoskeleton, Inc.TL590M
Porcine Tubulin, Tubulin ProteinCytoskeleton, Inc.T240
Potassium AcetateFisher ScientificBP364-500
Prime 95B sCMOS cameraPhotometricN/A
Quadrant Detector Sensor HeadThorLabsPDQ80A
Quikchange Lightning KitAgilent Technologies210518
Sodium BicarbonateFisher ScientificS233-500
Sodium Phosphate Dibasic AnhydrousFisher ScientificBP332-500
Square Cover GlassesCorning12-553-45018 mm x 18 mm, with thickness of 0.13-0.17 mm
Streptavidin MicrospheresPolysciences Inc.24162-1
Superose-6 ColumnGE Healthcare29-0915--96
TCEPThermo Scientific77720
TLA-100 Fixed-Angle RotorBeckman Coulter343840
Ultrasonic Cleaner (Sonicator)VevorJPS-08A(DD)304 stainless steel, 40 kHz frequency, 60 W power
Vectabond APTES solutionVector LaboratoriesSP-1800-7
Windex Powerized Glass Cleaner with Ammonia-DS.C. JohnsonSJN695237


  1. Bentley, M., Banker, G. The cellular mechanisms that maintain neuronal polarity. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 17 (10), 611-622 (2016).
  2. Yang, R., et al. A novel strategy to visualize vesicle-bo....

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