We present a method for creating a 3D cell culture environment, which can be used to investigate the importance of cell/matrix interactions in cancer progression. Using a simple self-assembling octapeptide, the matrix surrounding encapsulated cells can be controlled, with independent regulation of mechanical and biochemical cues.
There is a growing awareness that cells grown in 3D better model in vivo behavior than those grown in 2D. In this protocol, we describe a simple and tunable 3D hydrogel, suitable for culturing cells and tissue in a setting that matches their native environment. This is particularly important for researchers investigating the initiation, growth, and treatment of cancer where the interaction between cells and their local extracellular matrix is a fundamental part of the model. Moving to 3D culture can be challenging and is often associated with a lack of reproducibility due to high batch-to-batch variation in animal-derived 3D culture matrices. Similarly, handling issues can limit the usefulness of synthetic hydrogels. In response to this need, we have optimized a simple self-assembling peptide gel, to enable the culture of relevant cell line models of cancer and disease, as well as patient-derived tissue/cells. The gel itself is free from matrix components, apart from those added during encapsulation or deposited into the gel by the encapsulated cells. The mechanical properties of the hydrogels can also be altered independent of matrix addition. It, therefore, acts as a βblank slateβ allowing researchers to build a 3D culture environment that reflects the target tissue of interest and to dissect the influences of mechanical forces and/or biochemical control of cell behavior independently.
The many roles played by the extracellular environment in cancer development and progression are becoming ever clearer1. Recently, detailed proteomic-based analyses have added to an already convincing literature base, demonstrating that matrix components derived from cancer-associated stromal cells, or the cancer cells themselves, are key factors in events such as the promotion of epithelial mesenchymal transition and metastatic spread2,3,4. Given this recognized importance of the extracellular matrix (ECM), it is becoming crucial to move towards cell culture platforms that allow control over the 3D environment presented to cells. In response to this need, this protocol presents a method for cell encapsulation and culture in a 3D hydrogel, with user-defined ECM composition and mechanical properties5.
Currently, there is a poor correlation between cancer therapeutic efficacy in 2D in vitro culture, the impact of these therapeutics in current in vivo (patient-derived xenograft, PDX) models and their eventual activity in clinical trials6,7. This has led to significant failures in the drug discovery pipeline with an urgent need for improved in vitro models that allow tested therapeutics to βfail early, fail cheapβ. Many researchers use the mouse mastocytoma-derived product e.g., Matrigel (or similar products) to create 3D matrix-rich environments to grow and observe cell behavior in vitro, including PDX-derived and other close-to-patient cells8,9,10. However, this βone size fits allβ approach neglects the complex role played by matrix proteins/glycans in cancer initiation and progression.
Recognition of the role of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the control of cell behavior has also encouraged the use of 3D culture in or on hydrogels composed of specific matrix components11. Whilst this is useful for investigating specific interactions, these systems suffer from the inability to separate mechanical and biochemical instructions between cells and matrix. They may also be difficult to handle and can give unclear read-outs of cell behavior. Collagen gels are a key example of this problem, since cell-mediated gel contraction can dramatically reduce the ability to visualize cells within the gel5. There are also some very elegant, multi-component gel systems, which experts have used to great effect12,13,14. These can incorporate enzyme-sensitive linkers and bio-active motifs but are significantly more complex in their formulation and application than the system described here.
This protocol describes a method for creating fully defined 3D culture models, allowing the roles of the ECM in development and disease to be modeled in vitro. The basis of the 3D model is a peptide gel, which we have previously described as an optimization of a simple self-assembling octapeptide hydrogel5,15,16. By moving away from complex, animal-derived matrices this system offers a significant benefit of improved batch-to-batch consistency and improved handling. In its simple state, the peptide contains no matrix-derived motifs and effectively provides a βblank slateβ onto which the user can build functionality.
We demonstrate how the mechanical properties of the peptide gel can be regulated independently, alongside incorporation of matrix proteins/glycans. The system is highly tunable, allowing the encapsulation of a range of cell types in various formats. Importantly for building a cancer model, stromal cells can also be incorporated: either in direct co-culture or separated to allow specific analysis of indirect cancer cell-stroma interactions. Most crucially, the protocol described here requires no complex knowledge of chemistry and can be reproduced in any cell culture laboratory without the need for specialized chemical knowledge or equipment.
We have optimized methods for the study of cell behavior in the peptide gels, including imaging, rheological analysis, extraction of material for PCR5 and embedding for histological assessment. A clear benefit to the simple hydrogel system is the ability to visualize and study the matrix deposited by encapsulated cells. The importance of cell-derived matrices and the benefits of better understanding of how cells re-engineer their local microenvironment was highlighted recently17 and reflects a growing awareness of the importance of trapping cell-secreted matrix components, in a similar way to that which occurs in vivo. Harnessing the ability to model such processes may be one of the fundamental drivers of the improved patient relevance of hydrogel-based disease models.
1. Dissolution of peptide
Peptide concentration (after final gelation) | Mass of peptide | Initial NaOH addition |
6 mg/mL | 7.5 mg | 30 Β΅L |
10 mg/mL | 12.5 mg | 60 Β΅L |
15 mg/mL | 18.75 mg | 100 Β΅L |
Table 1: Peptide mass and suggested initial NaOH addition for typical final gel concentrations. The ranges of peptide concentrations listed may be extended in either direction, however, it is more likely that lower peptide concentrations may not form stable gels, whereas at high concentrations the resulting gel may be too dense to allow sufficient nutrient exchange and cell viability. The appropriate concentration will require optimization for different cell types and peptide batches.
2. Formation of gel precursors
3. Preparation of matrix components for seeding
NOTE: An example calculation for steps 3β5 is shown in Figure 1. Step 3 and step 4 may be omitted to produce a matrix-free and/or a cell-free gel respectively.
4. Preparation of cells for seeding
5. Final gelation/cell encapsulation
6. Indirect co-culture
NOTE: This method is only applicable where the peptide gels are seeded into 24 well plate inserts, or similar formats in which the gel can be supported above a cell monolayer. Indirect co-culture can be introduced in this case by preparing a 2D feeder layer of cells on the bottom of the well plate.
7. Bulk oscillatory rheology of peptide gels
NOTE: As standard, rheological characterization is carried out 24 h after gel seeding, which should take place in 24 well plate inserts.
8. Live/dead staining of encapsulated cells
9. Fixing peptide gels for end-point imaging
10. Embedding peptide gels for sectioning
NOTE: Embedding peptide gels in 4% agar is a crucial step prior to paraffin-embedding for immunohistochemistry. Alternatively, gels may be embedded in 2% agar and sectioned using a vibratome (typically 500 ΞΌm sections give good results). This is an optional step, producing hydrated gel sections that can be beneficial for staining extracellular matrix localization in the gel, using the methods in section 11.
11. Staining cells in gels using immunocytochemistry
12. RNA extraction
NOTE: The volumes used in this method are applicable where the peptide gels are seeded into 24-well plate inserts. Other gelΒ formats can be used, and volumes adjusted accordingly.
The peptide gel fabrication method described here allows the user to define and create a bespoke 3D culture environment. While the mechanical environment is determined primarily by peptide concentration, matrix components of interest may also be added at controlled densities, as shown by the example calculation in Figure 1. In its simplest form, however, the peptide gel protocol provides a method for encapsulating cells in a matrix-free 3D environment. Figure 2 shows how this approach may be combined with a wide range of cancer models, including fluorescently labeled cancer cell lines (Figure 2A) and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) material (Figure 2B,C). Importantly, cell lines and PDX material may both be cultured within the gels in serum-free conditions (Figure 2C,D), providing a 3D culture system with fully defined composition.
Since the peptide itself does not contain any cell-binding motifs, encapsulated cells typically display a rounded morphology in the unmodified peptide gels. Figure 3A demonstrates this for human mammary fibroblasts in a 6 mg/mL peptide gel, compared with their classic elongate morphology seen in pure Matrigel and a pure collagen gel. Importantly however, the peptide gel protocol allows incorporation of matrix components of interest. Figure 3A demonstrates how addition of 200 ΞΌg/mL collagen I can restore the elongate fibroblast morphology in the peptide gels.
Matrix additions can also support the growth and organization of other cell types, for instance MCF10A, as shown in Figure 3B. In this case, addition of 100 ΞΌg/mL collagen I to a 6 mg/mL peptide gel allows acinar structures to form by day 7. Further complexity may also be introduced by incorporation of a supportive cell layer in indirect co-culture. Figure 3C demonstrates how the combined approach of matrix incorporation and indirect co-culture with human mammary fibroblasts can enhance MCF10A growth and organization.
Another important parameter is the concentration of peptide used in peptide gel fabrication. Figure 4A shows an example of how controlling peptide concentration, in this case between 4 and 10 mg/mL, results in a stiffness ranging between 100s to 1000s of Pa. These gels may be fabricated matrix free or can be created with matrix additions to allow simultaneous control of both stiffness and composition. Peptide gels with matrix additions may be sectioned and stained to allow the distribution of these additions to be visualized. Figure 4B, C show two approaches for doing this: embedding in 4% agar followed by standard tissue processing and paraffin embedding for immunohistochemistry (Figure 4B) or embedding in 2% agar followed by vibratome sectioning and fluorescent staining (Figure 4C).
When modifying the composition of the peptide gels, it is crucial to ensure that these changes do not impact the mechanical environment initially presented to the cells. Figure 4D demonstrates how modifications to the peptide concentration can be used to offset any changes to the peptide gel stiffness on matrix incorporation. Bulk oscillatory rheology measurements of gel stiffness (storage modulus, Gβ) can then distinguish between the effects of gel composition and stiffness on cell morphology. As shown in the bright field images, MDA MB 231 cells develop an elongate morphology on collagen addition to either 10 mg/mL or 15 mg/mL peptide gels. Figure 4E shows that these elongated cells stain positive for pFAK, indicating an interaction with their surrounding matrix. The initially matrix-free environment of the peptide gels also makes them an ideal platform for studying cellular synthesis and deposition of matrix components of interest. Figure 4F shows the localized deposition of collagen I by MCF7 cells encapsulated in 10 mg/mL peptide gels.
One of the key advantages of the peptide gels is the ease with which standard laboratory methods can be applied to their analysis. Material can be extracted for qRT-PCR to determine gene expression profiles (as shown in our recent publication5). Imaging by bright-field microscopy additionally allows real-time visualization of cell growth. Figure 5 shows some of the typical troubleshooting issues that may be encountered in unsuccessful peptide gels: incomplete mixing of the gel precursor (Figure 5A,B); incorrect optimization of peptide concentration (Figure 5C,D) or seeding density (Figure 5E,F); and incorrect neutralization of acidic collagen prior to incorporation in the peptide gels (Figure 5G,H). Peptide concentration and seeding density, in particular, must be optimized for each cell line and peptide source, to ensure that the culture environment is appropriately defined, and representative of the application of interest.
Figure 1: An example calculation for matrix composition and seeding density.Β This example workflow describes the procedure that would be followed to seed two peptide gel precursors with additions of 100 Β΅g/mL collagen, at a final cell density of 1 x 105 cells/mL. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Matrix-free peptide gels provide a suitable 3D culture platform for cell line and patient-derived cancer models.Β (A) HCT116 colorectal cancer and MCF7 breast cancer cell lines, constitutively expressing the fluorescent markers mCherry and tdTomato respectively, form cell clusters in 6 mg/mL gels by day 9 (left), and may be imaged live using fluorescent microscopy (right, scale bar 50 Β΅m); (B) Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) cells from a triple negative breast cancer patient (BR8) form cell clusters by day 7 in 10 mg/mL peptide gels; (C) PDX cells from estrogen receptor positive breast tumours (BB3RC31) may be grown in serum-free conditions18, shown with basement membrane matrix (e.g.Β Matrigel) control at matched passage for comparison; (D) MCF7 breast cancer cells are viable in 6 mg/mL peptide gels in matrix-free and serum-free conditions, as assessed using a LIVE/DEAD cell assay at day 7. KSR = knockout serum replacement, MS medium = mammosphere medium19. Scale bar 100 Β΅m unless specified. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Peptide gel complexity may be increased by introduction of matrix additions and co-culture.Β (A) Human mammary fibroblast cell line HMFU19 requires collagen additions to restore an elongate morphology in a 6 mg/mL peptide gel, shown with pure basement membrane matrix (e.g.Β Matrigel) and 1.5 mg/mL rat tail collagen I gel for comparison, scale bar 50 Β΅m; (B) MCF10A normal breast cells form acinar structures by day 7 in 6 mg/mL peptide gels on addition of 100 Β΅g/mL human collagen I, scale bar 100 Β΅m; (C) Combined addition of matrix components fibronectin/HA (hyaluronic acid, molecular weight 804 kDa) and HMFU19 in indirect co-culture increase the size and organization of MCF10A acini in 10 mg/mL peptide gels as assessed by cleaved caspase 3 staining, scale bar 50 Β΅m. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Peptide gels allow independent control of stiffness and composition, and assessment of cell-deposited matrix.Β (A) Bulk rheology measurements demonstrating a typical stiffness range (storage modulus, Gβ) achievable by control of peptide concentration, * indicates p < 0.05; (B) Immunohistochemistry showing staining of 150 Β΅g/mL collagen I in a 10 mg/mL peptide gel with encapsulated MCF7 (day 7, scale bar 100 Β΅m); (C) Immunofluorescence of collagen I distribution in a 6 mg/mL peptide gel with 200 Β΅g/mL human collagen I, by agar embedding and vibratome sectioning, scale bar 25 Β΅m; (D) Addition of 200 Β΅g/mL collagen I gives a modest decrease in the storage modulus, Gβ, of 10 mg/mL peptide gels (bulk oscillatory rheology), offset by increasing peptide concentration to 15 mg/mL. MDA MB 231 triple negative breast cancer cells are shown in each condition (day 7, scale bar 50 Β΅m); (E) MDA MB 231 in 15 mg/mL peptide gels with 200 Β΅g/mL human collagen I show elongation and interaction with the matrix via pFAK staining (day 14, scale bar 50 Β΅m); (F) In situ staining of MCF7 collagen I deposition in an initially matrix-free 10 mg/mL peptide gel (day 10, scale bar 100 Β΅m). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Common peptide gel troubleshooting issues may be resolved using bright-field microscopy.Β Cells shown are MCF10A normal breast epithelial cells, at day 7 unless specified. (A) A correctly mixed gel precursor should be optically clear with no inconsistencies, whereas (B) insufficient mixing/neutralization can cause visible inhomogeneities/streaks in the peptide gel (white arrows); (C) MCF10A form acinar structures in 6 mg/mL peptide gels on addition of HMFU19 indirect co-culture, however (D) at 15 mg/mL the peptide concentration is too high to allow acinar formation; (E) MCF10A seeded at 5 x 105 cells/mL form acinar structures in 6 mg/mL gels on addition of 100 ΞΌg/mL collagen I, however (F) at 2 x 105 cells/mL cell density is too low to allow acinar formation; (G) Collagen additions can produce large cell clusters by day 14, however (H) incorrect addition (collagen neutralization too early in the process) can prevent cluster growth. Scale bar 100 Β΅m. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
We have found the peptide gels described here to be a simple, cost-effective, and flexible solution to support 3D culture of multiple cell types. By providing full control over the concentration of peptide used and the protein or glycan additions made, this method allows the peptide gels to be carefully tailored to their application.
The crucial advantage of the peptide gels over existing methods is that matrix composition and mechanical properties may be controlled independently, using a simple method that does not require any complex chemical procedures. The mechanical properties of the peptide gel are primarily determined by the peptide concentration in the initial gel precursor. Subsequent addition of cells and/or matrix components then allows creation of a fully user-defined in vitro environment. Although matrix additions may alter the initial mechanical properties of the gel, this may readily be offset by the independent variation of peptide concentration5. This provides a tangible advantage over existing systems, for instance collagen gels, in which parameters that control stiffness also commonly result in a change in integrin binding motifs20,21.
We have demonstrated the application of the peptide gel for in vitro culture of cancer cell lines and patient-derived material5. The range of stiffness accessible with the peptide gel (in the range of 100s to 1000s of Pa) is ideally suited to replicate normal and tumor matrix environments in soft tissues such as breast. However, we recognize that other applications require considerably stiffer environments, e.g. in the 10β20 kPa range for osseous regeneration. Further modification of the protocol presented here would be required to extend the achievable stiffness into this range, which is more typical of alternative approaches such as alginate gels22. Similarly, here we have described a simple method for functionalization by physical entrapment of matrix proteins/glycans within the peptide gel. For the applications described here, this approach works well and is easily adapted for use by non-specialist groups wishing to use 3D in vitro models of disease. Like many other hydrogels11, the peptide used here can be extended to include cell-binding or other biological motifs and for some applications this approach may be preferable.
We have identified a few key points that need careful attention to ensure success. Formation of the gel precursor is a critical intermediate step that enables the user to check that the conditions used are correct before cells are incorporated. This precursor can be stored for several weeks (at 4Β°C) but must be incubated at 80 Β°C and subsequently at 37 Β°C prior to use. A suitable precursor will be completely liquid at 80 Β°C, and self-supporting at 37 Β°C. These checks are essential to ensure that gelation will occur correctly. Cells and/or matrix may then be incorporated under physiological conditions.
Labs already using 3D matrices will be familiar with the careful handling needed to encapsulate cells in the peptide gels. Care must be taken to limit the agitation of cells before and during the encapsulation steps. We have found that specific cell types are differentially susceptible to damage during this process and this must be carefully evaluated by the user. The concentrations of the peptide gel described here allow gelation to proceed in a time frame that, for the cells mentioned, allows cells to be encapsulated before they sink to the bottom of the casting well but slowly enough that they are not damaged by this process. It is, however, of note that some sensitive cell types may require more rapid neutralization to avoid prolonged exposure to raised pH. In this case, the addition of 10 mM HEPES to the medium surrounding the peptide gel can be beneficial.
When adopting the method described in this protocol, it is very important to carefully consider the quality of the peptide source. Rather than being used as a functional motif or coating, the peptide here is the entirety of the non-soluble portion of the hydrogel. Therefore, any contaminants or variation in the peptide structure are likely to have a significant impact on the integrity or capacity to support cell viability in the final hydrogel. When moving to a new batch of peptide, care must be taken to ensure that there is good batch-to-batch consistency from the supplier as well as checking the behavior of the peptide when forming the gel precursor.
In summary, this protocol describes a 3D culture system with a crucial focus on the independent control of mechanical and biological properties. The simplicity and adaptability of the method makes it suitable for adoption by any cell culture laboratory, and for a wide range of applications5. In the future, this protocol may be extended to allow the covalent modification of the peptide sequence. This could be combined with advanced microscopy methods to investigate the tensile forces exerted by cells on their surrounding matrix. Of key importance, however, is the ability to distinguish between artificially incorporated matrix, and matrix synthesized by the encapsulated cells themselves. This ability to control and monitor matrix changes over time will allow unprecedented insights into the roles of cell-matrix interactions in the development of cancer and other diseases.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We would like to acknowledge funding from the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research NC/N0015831/1 to JCA, GF and CLRM, NC/T001267/1 to RBC, CLRM, JCA, KL-S, and KS, NC/T001259/1 to JCA, KL-S and CLRM and NC/P002285/1 to AMG, SJ and CLRM. Also funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EP/R035563/1 to KL-S and CLRM and EP/N006615/1 to JLT and CLRM. Figure 1 was created using adapted graphics from Servier Medical Art. Servier Medical Art by Servier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Gel fabrication - Reagents | |||
FEFEFKFK | PepceuticalsΒ | n/a | Polypeptide; available from various suppliers. Pepceuticals is our recommended supplier due to the quality of the product. |
PBS 10X | GibcoΒ | 70011-036 | |
Sodium hydroxide (1 M) | Sigma-AldrichΒ | S2770 | NaOH; dilute to 0.5 M prior to use |
Water | Sigma-Aldrich | W3500 | |
Gel fabrication - Equipment and Consumables | |||
15 mL falcon tubes | GreinerΒ | 188261 | If using different brand ensure the material withstands temperatures of up to 90Β°C |
24 well plate | Corning CostarΒ | 3524 | Alternative brands/suppliers can be used as long as there is a gap between the insert base and the plate surface |
Centrifuge | Any | 200 x g for 3 minutes | |
Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinet | Any | ||
Fine balance | Any | Readability 0.1 mg | |
Hanging insert for 24 well plate | MilliporeΒ | MCRP24H48 | Alternative brands/suppliers can be used as long as there is a gap between the insert base and the plate surface |
Incubator | Any | 37Β°C, 5% CO2, humidified environment | |
Oven | Any | set to 80Β°C | |
P1000/200/20/10 pipette | Any | It is essential the pipettes used for the procedure are calibrated | |
P1000/200/20/10 tips | Any | ||
pH meter with microprobe | Any | ||
Spatula | Any | ||
Vortex | Any | ||
Matrix addition | |||
Collagen I (human) | Stem Cell TechnologiesΒ | 07005 | |
Collagen I (rat tail) | GibcoΒ | A10483 | |
Fibronectin | Stem Cell TechnologiesΒ | 07159 | |
Hyaluronic Acid | IduronΒ | HA804 | |
Matrigel | CorningΒ | 354234 | |
Cell encapsulation/culture | |||
B27 Supplement (no retinoic acid) | GibcoΒ | 12587010 | Media additions for serum free cultures (Figure 2D) |
Cholera toxin | Sigma-AldrichΒ | C-8052 | Media additions for MCF10A cells (Figure 3, 5) |
DMEM | GibcoΒ | 21969-035 | |
DMEM/F12 | Sigma-Aldrich | D8062 | Media additions for MCF10A cells (Figure 3, 5) |
DMEM/F12 Phenol Red Free | GibcoΒ | 21041-025 | Media additions for serum free cultures (Figure 2D) |
DPBS | GibcoΒ | 14190-094 | |
EGF | SourceBiosciencesΒ | ABC016 | Media additions for MCF10A cells (Figure 3, 5) |
Fetal Bovine Serum | GibcoΒ | 10500-064 | |
Horse serum | GibcoΒ | 26050-070 | Media additions for MCF10A cells (Figure 3, 5) |
Human cancer/epithelial cell lines | e.g. MCF7/tdTomato MCF7/MCF10a/HCT116-mCherry | ||
Human mammary fibroblasts | e.g. HMFU19 | ||
Hydrocortisone | Sigma-AldrichΒ | H-0888 | Media additions for MCF10A cells (Figure 3, 5) |
Insulin | Sigma-AldrichΒ | I9278 | Media additions for MCF10A cells (Figure 3, 5) |
Knockout serum replacement | GibcoΒ | 10828-028 | Media additions for serum free cultures (Figure 2D) |
L-glutamine | GibcoΒ | 25030-024 | |
RPMI | GibcoΒ | 21875-034 | |
RPMI Phenol Red Free | Sigma-AldrichΒ | R7509 | |
Imaging and other assays | |||
4% paraformaldehyde | PolysciencesΒ | 18814 | |
Agar | SLSΒ | CHE1070 | |
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) | Sigma-AldrichΒ | 5482 | |
Confocal and/or fluorescent microscope | Any | e.g. Leica TCS SPE confocal laser scanning microscope (Figures 2-4) | |
DAPI solution | InvitrogenΒ | D3571 | 300 uM working solution |
DPX mounting medium | ThermoFisher Scientific | ||
Glass cover slips | Any | No1 coverslips 0.13 - 0.17 mm thickness | |
Glass-bottom dishes | MatTek | ||
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP polymer) | AbcamΒ | ab214880 | |
Haematoxylin and Eosin | Any | ||
Histology molds (disposable, plastic) | Any | ||
Image analysis software | ImageJ | ||
Live/Dead assay kit | InvitrogenΒ | L3224 | |
Microtome | Any | ||
Phalloidin | Life TechnologiesΒ | F432/R415 | |
Pierce Peroxidase IHC Detection Kit | ThermoFisher ScientificΒ | 36000 | |
Primary Ab Caspase 3 | AbcamΒ | ab34710 | Shown in Figure 3C |
Primary Ab Collagen I | Cell Signalling TechnologyΒ | 9661 | Shown in Figure 4B, C, F |
Primary Ab pFAK Tyr 397 | ThermoFisher ScientificΒ | 44-624G | Shown in Figure 4E |
Prolong gold/diamond anti-fade mountant with DAPI | Molecular ProbesΒ | S36939 | |
Rheometer Physica MCR 301 | Anton Paar | ||
Scalpel | Any | ||
Secondary antibody Goat anti Rabbit AF488 | nvitrogenΒ | a11034 | |
Secondary antibody Goat anti Rabbit AF546 | InvitrogenΒ | a11010 | |
SuperFrost slides | ThermoFisher Scientific | Coating e.g. APES can help to retain microtome sections on slides. | |
Triton X 100 | Sigma-AldrichΒ | X100 | |
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%) | GibcoΒ | 25300054 | |
Vibratome | Leica |
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