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The present protocol describes a cuff technique for a mouse left lung transplantation model. This technique has been developed over several years and has performed well, serving effectively in immunological research.


Over the past decade, our laboratory has made significant progress in developing and refining vascularized mouse lung transplantation models using an efficient and highly reliable "cuff technique" of transplantation. This article describes a sophisticated and comprehensive method for orthotopic lung transplantation in a vascularized orthotopic lung model, representing the most physiologic and clinically relevant model of mouse lung transplantation to date. The transplantation process consists of two distinct stages: donor harvest and subsequent implantation into the recipient. The method has been successfully mastered, and with several months of sufficient training, a skilled practitioner can perform the procedure in approximately 90 min from skin-to-skin. Surprisingly, once individuals overcome the initial learning curve, the survival rate during the perioperative period approaches nearly 100%. The mouse model allows for the use of multiple commercially available transgenic and mutant strains of mice, enabling the study of tolerance and rejection. Additionally, the unique features of this model make it a valuable tool for investigating tumor biology and immunology.


While replacement therapies, such as dialysis and ventricular assist devices, exist for those with renal and heart failure, lung transplantation remains the primary treatment option for patients suffering from end-stage pulmonary disease. This procedure serves as the sole life-saving choice for individuals diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis1. Additionally, it is employed to extend the lifespan of those facing end-stage obstructive lung diseases like emphysema, as well as those with suppurative conditions such as cystic fibrosis1.

While short-term survival rates have improved due to technical re....


All animal-related procedures were conducted in accordance with and received approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at The University of Maryland, Baltimore. It is recommended to use male, 8-12 weeks (20-25 g), BALB/c mice as the donor and C57BL/6 mice as the recipient. The animals were obtained from a commercial source (see Table of Materials).

1. Preparation of bronchial and vascular cuffs

Timing: 10 min (for three cuffs)

  1. Prepare the bronchial cuff using an 18 G angiocatheter and the pulmonary venous cuff using a 20 G angiocatheter having a le....

Representative Results

Based on the experience with this model over the last 10 years, individuals with basic microsurgical skills typically require a learning curve of approximately 50 animals. Once proficiency is achieved, the donor procedures typically take 15-30 minutes, while the recipient procedures take approximately 60 min. After the initial learning curve, perioperative mortality tends to be very low.

In Figure 4A,B, the lung morphology seven days following the.......


The cuff technique for murine left lung transplantation represents a significant advancement in transplantation research10,11. Critical steps include precise and meticulous hilar structure dissection and secure anastomoses. Modifications can be made to suit experimental needs, but a learning curve is involved. Our group has modified the recipient mouse position from posterior to anterior, gaining a better hilum view by bending the recipient mouse, which shortens .......


The authors have nothing to disclose relevant to the subject of this manuscript.


ASK, AEG and DK are supported by P01 AI116501.  ASK and EJ are further supported by  R01AI145108-01,  R01HL166402.  ASK is supported by I01 BX002299-05. AEG and DK are further supported by RO1HL09601.  CL is supported by R01 HL128492.  This work is partially supported by Chuck and Mary Meyers and Richard and Eibhlin Henggeler.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10-0 Nylon sutureSurgical Specialties Corporation, Reading PAAK-0106
2 Dumont #5 forcepsFine Science Tools Inc., Foster City, CA11251-20
2 Halsted-Mosquito clamp curved tipFine Science Tools Inc., Foster City, CA91309-12
6-0 braided silk sutureHenry Schein Inc., Melville, NY, 100-5597
6-0 Polydioxanone PDS II suture andEthicon Inc., Somerville, NJ. Z117H
70% EthanolPharmco Products Inc., Brookfield, CT111000140
Adson forcepsFine Science Tools Inc., Foster City, CA91127-12
Balb/c miceJackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA000651 8–12 weeks; Male 
Bipolar coagulatorValleylab Inc., Boulder, COSurgII-20, E6008/E6008B
C57BL/6 miceJackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA000664 8–12 weeks; Male 
Clear chlorhexidineHibiclens, Mölnlycke Health Care US, LLC, Norcross, GA57591
Fine vannas style spring scissorsFine Science Tools Inc., Foster City, CA15000-03
Halsey needle holderFine Science Tools Inc., Foster City, CA91201-13
Harvard Apparatus Mouse Ventilator VentEliteHarvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA55-7040settings 3L O2/minute, respiratory rate 130 bpm, 0.4 cc tidal volume
Heparin solution Abraxis Pharmaceutical Products, Schaumburg, IL504031100 U/mL
Injection grade normal salineHospira Inc., Lake Forest, IL NDC 0409-4888-20
KetamineVetOne, Boise, ID50107250 mg/kg
Konig Mixter Micro Pediatric Forceps Right-Angled JawsMedline, Northfield, IL,MDS1247714Extra Fine, Overall Length 5 1/2" (14cm)
Medline High Temperature Cautery,W/ Fine TipLeica Microsystems, Inc., Allendale, NJ10 450 290
Microscope Leica M80 F12 Floor StandFine Science Tools Inc., Foster City, CA15396-00
Moria extra fine spring scissorsParkland Scientific, Coral Springs, FLV3000i
Ohio Isoflurane VaporizerVitrolife Inc., Englewood, CO, 19001
Perfadex low-potassium dextran glucose solutionBecton Dickinson Labware, Franklin Lakes, NJ353025Electrolyte preservation solution
polystyrene petridishesFine Science Tools Inc., Foster City, CA00632-11 and 00649-11150 × 25 mm and 60 × 25 mm 
S&T SuperGrip Forceps straight and angled tipFine Science Tools Inc., Foster City, CA18200-20
Small animal retraction systemPuritan Medical Company LLC, Guilford, Maine823-WCtapered mini cotton tipped 3 inch applicators
sterile Q-tipsTerumo Medical Corporation, Elkton, MD SROX2419Z
Surflo etfe IV Catheter, Yellow, 24 G x 0.75"Terumo Medical Corporation, Elkton, MDSROX1851Z
Surflo etfe IV Catheter; Green, 18 G x 2"Terumo Medical Corporation, Elkton, MDSROX2032Z
Surflo etfe IV Catheter; Pink, 20 G x 1.25"Thermocare, Inc., Incline Village, NV 
ThermoCare Small Animal ICU System,A to Z Vet Supply, Dresden, TN00867910 mg/kg
Xylazine Aesculap, Inc., Center Valley, PA, FT480T
Yasargil Clip ApplierAesculap, Inc., Center Valley, PA, FT264T
Yasargil Temporary Aneurysm ClipsMedline, Northfield, IL, ESCT001


  1. Trulock, E. P., et al. Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation: twenty-fourth official adult lung and heart-lung transplantation report-2007. J Heart Lung Transplant. 26 (8), 782-795 (2007).
  2. Truong, W., Emamaullee, J. A., Merani, S., Anderson, C. C., James Shapiro, A. M.

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Mouse Lung TransplantationCuff TechniqueVascularized Orthotopic Lung ModelDonor HarvestRecipient ImplantationTransgenic MiceToleranceRejectionTumor BiologyImmunology

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