To analyze the crystallization images, first open the AI-enabled open-source graphical user interface. Next, click on Import, select Images from the dropdown menu, and then choose From Rar Archive/Directory. Click on Browse For Folder in the popup window and then navigate to the folder containing the images.
Choose the desired files and import them into the interface by clicking Open. Once the selected files appear in the selected paths window, select one or more to download into the interface and then click on Import Runs. To view the image of the first well, click on the greater than symbol to the left of the sample name on the window of the slideshow viewer, then double-click on the appropriate read.
Resize the whole window to enlarge the image. The Image Details box includes information about the image and scoring. The Cocktail Details box contains metadata about the cocktail components.
To move to the next well, click on the Next button in the Navigation panel or press the right arrow key on the keyboard. A specific well can be navigated by entering the well number in the By Well Number window. All reads can be viewed by checking the Show All Dates box.
All spectra can be viewed by checking the Show All Spectrum box. Each individual spectrum image can be viewed by clicking on the Swap Spectrum button. To score the crystal images using the MARCO algorithm, first select a specific run from the list on the left side of the window, then click on Classify Selected Run and view the MARCO scoring information in the Image Details window once all 1, 536 wells have been scored.
To view a subset of the scored images, for example, the images classified as crystals by MARCO, in the Image Filtering panel, tick the crystals and MARCO boxes and then click on the Submit Filters button. To generate a manual human-scored set, assign scores to each well by clicking the appropriate button, located in the Classification panel at the bottom of the window, or use the keyboard number pad to assign a score.