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肌腱撞击骨骼会产生多轴机械应变环境,横向压缩应变明显升高,从而引发局部纤维软骨表型,其特征是富含糖胺聚糖 (GAG) 的基质积累和胶原网络的重塑。虽然纤维软骨是健康肌腱撞击区域的正常特征,但过多的 GAG 沉积和胶原网络紊乱是肌腱病的标志性特征。因此,撞击在临床上被认为是肌腱病发生和发展的重要外在因素。然而,肌腱撞击背后的机制生物学研究仍未得到充分研究。先前阐明细胞对肌腱撞击反应的努力已经对细胞施加了单轴压缩,并在 体外切除了肌腱外植体。然而,分离的细胞缺乏对机械反应至关重要的三维细胞外环境,并且 体外 和切除的外植体研究都无法概括 体内肌腱撞击产生的多轴应变环境,这取决于撞击区域的解剖学特征。此外, 腱撞击的体内模型缺乏对机械应变环境的控制。为了克服这些局限性,我们提出了一种适用于研究跟腱撞击机制生物学的新型小鼠后肢外植体模型。该模型将跟腱保持在 原位 以保持局部解剖结构,并再现了在被动应用踝关节背屈期间跟腱插入跟骨上产生的多轴应变环境,同时将细胞保留在其原生环境中。我们描述了该模型不可或缺的组织培养方案,并提供了在 7 天内建立持续外植体活力的数据。代表性结果表明,组织学 GAG 染色增强,继发于撞击的胶原纤维排列减少,表明纤维软骨形成增加。该模型可以很容易地适应研究不同的机械负荷方案,并允许操纵感兴趣的分子途径,以确定介导跟腱表型变化响应撞击的机制。


许多肌腱,包括跟腱和肩袖肌腱,由于正常的解剖定位而经历骨撞击1,2,3,4.肌腱撞击产生横向指向纵向纤维轴的压缩应变5,6,7.肌腱撞击区域表现出独特的纤维软骨表型,其中收缩的圆形细胞(纤维软骨细胞)嵌入无组织的胶原网络中,糖胺聚糖 (GAG) 含量显着增加2,3,4,8,9,10,11,12,13




  1. 在37°C和5%CO2的培养箱中,在Dulbecco改良的Eagle培养基(1x DMEM)中培养所有外植体,其中含有1%v / v青霉素 - 链霉素和200μM L-抗坏血酸。对于最初的 48 小时预处理,在补充有 100 nM 地塞米松74 的 70 mL 培养基中培养每个外植体。预处理后,在没有地塞米松的情况下再培养肢体7天,每48-72小时更换一次培养基。
    注:不建议将血清(如胎牛血清)添加到培养基中,这与 Wunderli、Blache 和 Snedeker 提供的建议一致57。简而言之,无血清条件更能代表 体内存在的无血管、营养不良的肌腱微环境。此外,在某些培养条件下,血清补充剂可以促进组织降解75 ,并刺激细胞增殖和从组织中迁移,这两者都是肌腱病理学的特征57
  2. 对于未上样的组,在 70 mL 培养基中培养每个外植体。对于基线张力组和静态撞击组,每个平台需要大约 125 mL 的培养基来保持肢体浸没。该体积可能因大腿在握把中的位置和 3D 打印参数(主要是填充密度)而异。
  3. <....


TUNEL染色组织切片的代表性图像显示,在实验组的外植体培养7天后,跟腱体内的凋亡核最小(图2A)。这些图像的定量提供了证据,证明在外植体培养 7 天后,组织培养方案在不同负载条件下的外植体培养 7 天后,在跟腱内平均保持高达 78% 的活力(图 2B)。

定性地,与未加载的对照组相比,在静电冲击 7 天后,增强的甲苯胺蓝染?.......


实验性小鼠后肢外植体平台与本研究中描述的组织培养方案相结合,为研究跟腱插入处撞击驱动的纤维软骨形成的机制生物学提供了合适的模型。代表性结果证明了该外植体模型的实用性,该结果表明,在静态撞击 7 天后,甲苯胺蓝染色的显着和空间异质性变化同时维持了细胞活力。这些发现表明继发于机械撞击的富含GAG的基质分子的代谢改变,与其他模型和临床研究一致




作者感谢罗切斯特大学肌肉骨骼研究中心组织学、生物化学和分子成像 (HBMI) 核心的 Jeff Fox 和 Vidya Venkatramani 提供的支持和帮助,部分资金来自 P30AR06965。此外,作者要感谢罗切斯特大学医学中心的光学显微镜和纳米镜中心(CALMN)在多光子显微镜方面的帮助。这项研究由 R01 AR070765 和 R01 AR070765-04S1 以及 1R35GM147054 和 1R01AR082349 资助。



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Absorbent underpadsVWR82020-845For benchtop dissection
Acrylic bathSource OneX001G46CB1Contains the explant platform submerged in culture media
Autoclave binThermo Scientific13-361-20Used as secondary containment, holds two platforms
Base--3D printed from CAD files provided as Supplementary Files
Braided lineKastKing30lb testUsed to wrap around paw and apply ankle dorsiflexion
Clip--3D printed from CAD files provided as Supplementary Files
Cover glassFisherbrand12-541-034Rectangular, No. 2, 50 mm x 24 mm
Cytoseal XYLVWR8312-4Xylene-based mounting media for coverslipping Toluidine blue stained tissue sections
DexamethasoneMP Biomedical LLC194561CAS#50-02-2
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), anhydrousInvitrogen by ThermoFisherD12345CAS#67-68-5, use to solubilize dexamethasone into concentrated stock solutions
Double-sided tapeScotch Brand34-8724-5195-9To attach sandpaper to Grip platens
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (1X DMEM)Gibco by ThermoFisher11965092high glucose, (-) pyruvate, (+) glutamine
EDTA tetrasodium salt dihydrateThermo Scientific ChemicalsJ15700.A1CAS#10378-23-1, used to make 14% EDTA solution for sample decalcifcation
Ethanol, 200 proofThermo ScientificT038181000CAS#64-17-5, 1 L supply
Foam biopsy padsLeica3801000Used with processing cassettes, help hold ankle joints in desired position during fixation and decalcification
Forceps, #SS Standard InoxDumont11203-23Straight, smooth, fine tips
Forceps, Micro-Adson 4.75"Fisherbrand13-820-073Straight, fine tips with serrated teeth
Garnet Sandpaper, 50-D GritNortonM600060 01518Or other coarse grit sandpaper
Glacial acetic acidFisher ChemicalA38S-500CAS#64-19-7, for adjusting pH of sodium acetate buffer used for Toluidine blue histology, as well as 14% EDTA decalcification solution
GripsADMETGV-100NT-A4Stainless steel vice grips, screws and springs described in the protocol are included
Histobond Adhesive Microscope SlidesVWR16005-108Sagittal sections of hind limbs explants reliably adhere to these slides through all staining protocols
In situ Cell Death Detection Kit, TMR RedRoche12156792910TUNEL assay
Labeling tapeFisherbrand15-959Or any other labeling tape of preference
L-ascorbic acidSigma-AldrichA4544-100GCAS#50-81-7, for culture media formulation
Neutral buffered formalin, 10%Leica3800600For sample fixation, 5 gallon supply
Nunc petri dishesSigma-AldrichP7741-1CS100 mm diameter x 25 mm height, maintain explants submerged in 70 mL of culture media as described in protocol
Penicillin-streptomycin (100X)Gibco by ThermoFisher15140122Add 5 mL to 500 mL 1X DMEM for 1% v/v (1X) working concentration
Polylactic acid (PLA) 1.75 mm filamentHatchbox-Choose filament diameter compatible with your 3D printer extruder, in color of choice.
Processing cassettesLeica3802631For fixation, decalcification and paraffin embedding
Prolong Gold Antifade Reagent with DAPIInvitrogen by ThermoFisherP36931Mounting media for coverslipping tissue sections after TUNEL
Proteinase KFisher BioReagentsBP1700-50CAS#39450-01-6, used for antigen retrieval in TUNEL protocol
Scissors, FineFST14094-11Straight, sharp
Slide Staining Set, 12-placeMercedes Scientific MER 1011Rack with 12 stain dishes and slide dippers for Toluidine blue histology
Sodium acetate, anhydrousThermo Scientific ChemicalsA1318430CAS#127-09-3, used to make buffer for Toluidine blue histology
Tissue-Tek Accu-Edge Low Profile Microtome BladesVWR25608-964For paraffin sectioning
Toluidine Blue OThermo Scientific Chemicals348601000CAS#92-31-9
Volume Reduction Insert--3D printed from CAD files provided as Supplementary Files
XylenesLeica38036654 gallon supply for histological staining


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  2. Benjamin, M., Qin, S., Ralphs, J. R. Fibrocartilage associated with human tendons and their pull....


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