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This technique provides a guide to inflicting ex vivo wounds, performing laser capture microdissection and quantifying changes in gene expression related to poor wound healing processes in diabetes using clinically relevant human tissue.


The global prevalence Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is escalating at a rapid rate. Patients with T2DM suffer from a multitude of complications and one of these is impaired wound healing. This can lead to the development of non-healing sores or foot ulcers and ultimately to amputation. In healthy individuals, wound healing follows a controlled and overlapping sequence of events encompassing inflammation, proliferation, and remodelling. In T2DM, one or more of these steps becomes dysfunctional. Current models to study impaired wound healing in T2DM include in vitro scratch wound assays, skin equivalents, or animal models to examine molecular mechanisms underpinning wound healing and/or potential therapeutic options. However, these do not fully recapitulate the complex wound healing process in T2DM patients, and ex vivo human skin tests are problematic due to the ethics of taking punch biopsies from patients where it is known they will heal poorly. Here, a technique is described whereby expression profiles of the specific cells involved in the (dys)functional wound healing response in T2DM patients can be examined using surplus tissue discarded following amputation or elective cosmetic surgery. In this protocol samples of donated skin are collected, wounded, cultured ex vivo in the air liquid interface, fixed at different time points and sectioned. Specific cell types involved in wound healing (e.g., epidermal keratinocytes, dermal fibroblasts (papillary and reticular), the vasculature) are isolated using laser capture microdissection and differences in gene expression analyzed by sequencing or microarray, with genes of interest further validated by qPCR. This protocol can be used to identify inherent differences in gene expression between both poorly healing and intact skin, in patients with or without diabetes, using tissue ordinarily discarded following surgery. It will yield greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms contributing to T2DM chronic wounds and lower limb loss.


The incidence of type 2 diabetes is growing globally, driven by an obesity epidemic and physical inactivity. Poor wound healing is common in these patients and up to 25% of patients will develop a chronic non-healing wound1. The mechanisms underpinning this are complex and incompletely understood, limiting the discovery rate for new therapeutics. One of the contributing factors to this is the lack of a suitable model for studying wound healing in type 2 diabetes patients. Thus, the purpose of this method is to provide a physiologically relevant ex vivo model for examining wound healing in those at risk of chronic wounds, allowing for t....


This protocol relies on the provision of human surgical tissue. Ethical approval and informed patient consent were obtained prior to experimentation, and the study conformed with the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki.

1. Collection of tissue and ex vivo wounding

  1. Collect surgical tissue following limb amputation/surgery into a sterile container containing Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) with 5% penicillin-streptomycin-fungizone, 2 mM L-glutamine and 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; complete growth medium).
    NOTE: Tissue collected in this manner can be stored at 4 °C for up to 24 h prio....


Following the protocol, a 48 h timepoint was chosen to generate representative results. The creation of the initial wound in surplus tissue from elective cosmetic surgery can be seen in Figure 2A where the excised wound is clearly visible. Haematoxylin and eosin staining confirms that this has generated a full thickness wound (Figure 2B). After 48 h, partial closure of the wound is visible under the light microscope (Figure 2C). His.......


As the incidence of chronic disorders such as type 2 diabetes increases globally, the need for techniques that can facilitate pathophysiologically relevant studies becomes more urgent. The protocol described above provides a standardized method for examining transcriptomic data from ex vivo healing wounds utilizing human tissue.

This protocol is dependent on the provision of surplus clinical tissue for which ethical permission has been granted from the relevant authority, and from pat.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


ICP was supported by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development - Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN), Grant agreement no.: 607886. RW was supported by Aveda, Hair Innovation & Technology, USA. RB, SS were supported by the Centre of Skin Sciences, University of Bradford.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Arcturus RiboAmp PLUS kitThermoFisher ScientificKIT0521RNA amplification kit
Diffuser Caps 0.5mLMMIK10028161Laser capture microdissection caps; 50 pack
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM)Sigma-AldrichD6046With 1000 mg/L glucose, L-glutamine, and sodium bicarbonate, liquid, sterile-filtered, suitable for cell culture
Foetal Bovine SerumThermo Fisher Scientific10270106Cell culture supplement
H&E Staining Kit PlusMMIK10028305Rnase-free haematoxylin and eosin staining kit
High capacity cDNA reverse transcription kitApplied Biosystems4368814Reverse transcription kit
L-glutamineThermo Fisher Scientific25030149Cell culture supplement
MembraneSlidesMMIK10028153Laer capture microdissection slides; 5 per box
Netwell Mesh InsertCorning3479Cell culture insert
Penicillin-Streptomycin-FungizoneThermo Fisher Scientific15070-063Cell culture supplement
OCTTissue-Tek Sakura4583Cryostat-compatible cutting medium
PBSThermo Fisher Scientific10209252Five tablets per 100ml sterile water and then autoclaved for cell culture use
RNeasy Micro KitQiagen74004RNA extraction kit
RNase AwaySigma-Aldrich83931RNase spray
Sterile bladesScientific Laboratory SuppliesINS4974Tissue dissection implements
Support SlideMMIK10028159Laser capture microdissection support slide, RNase-free
Surgical scissorsScientific Laboratory SuppliesINS4860Tissue dissection implements
Surgical forcepsScientific Laboratory SuppliesINS2026Tissue dissection implements
SYBR Green SupermixApplied Biosystems4344463Quantitative PCR mastermix


  1. Gianino, E., Miller, C., Gilmore, J. Smart Wound Dressings for Diabetic Chronic Wounds. Bioengineering. 5 (3), (2018).
  2. Song, M., et al. Cryptotanshinone ....

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Laser Capture MicrodissectionType 2 Diabetes MellitusWound HealingGene ExpressionSkinKeratinocytesFibroblastsVasculatureSequencingMicroarrayQPCR

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