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A reliable and reproducible approach for the insertion and maintenance of a tunneled Hickman catheter for long-term vascular access in swine is described. Placement of a central venous catheter allows for convenient daily sampling of whole blood from awake animals and intravenous administration of medication and fluids.


Central venous catheters (CVCs) are invaluable devices in large animal research as they facilitate a wide range of medical applications, including blood monitoring and reliable intravenous fluid and drug administration. Specifically, the tunneled multi-lumen Hickman catheter (HC) is commonly used in swine models due to its lower extrication and complication rates. Despite fewer complications relative to other CVCs, HC-related morbidity presents a significant challenge, as it can significantly delay or otherwise negatively impact ongoing studies. The proper insertion and maintenance of HCs is paramount in preventing these complications, but there is no consensus on best practices. The purpose of this protocol is to comprehensively describe an approach for the insertion and maintenance of a tunneled HC in swine that mitigates HC-related complications and morbidity. The use of these techniques in >100 swine has resulted in complication-free patent lines up to 8 months and no catheter-related mortality or infection of the ventral surgical site. This protocol offers a method to optimize the lifespan of the HC and guidance for approaching issues during use.


The indispensable role of central venous catheters (CVCs) in patient care is owed to their convenience, favorable safety profile, and versatility1. Functions of a CVC include reliable access for total parenteral nutrition, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, plasmapheresis/apheresis, and efficient fluid, blood, or co-drug administration2. In veterinary medicine, CVCs also minimize animal discomfort via the rapid dilution of irritant drugs and blood sampling without repeated venipuncture3. Despite their broad applications, the use of CVCs in large animal research still presents severa....


All animal procedures were conducted in accordance with an animal protocol approved by the Johns Hopkins University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Strains of male and female swine undergoing HC placement include miniature swine from the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) swine colony, Yucatan swine, and Yorkshire-crossed swine from an agricultural vendor (20-40 kg). Swine ranged from 3-10 months of age when the HC was placed. The HC may be placed anytime relative to the animal's experimental procedure. However, it is recommended to place it beforehand to permit the collection of baseline blood values. It is also recommended to give the swin....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Over 100 swine have undergone successful HC insertion in our lab. The HC can be safely and correctly placed and secured in under 1 h with a surgeon, assistant, circulator, and anesthetist. The catheter pouch takes roughly 15-20 min to make. The technique is straightforward and easy to teach and has been performed by veterinarians, surgical residents, and medical students following supervised instructions.

HCs have remained in place without complications or revision for up to 8 months. In a rec.......


While CVCs serve a spectrum of functions in large animal research, current literature lacks a consensus approach for safe and sustainable use in long-term trials over 30 days. This protocol's stepwise procedure for HC insertion, skin securement, and storage in a handmade pouch has undergone significant adjustments for quality improvement. As such, this protocol presents a technique for HC use that permits efficient and effective intravenous access while ensuring animal welfare and minimizing complications.


None of the authors has a financial interest in any of the products, devices, or drugs mentioned in this manuscript.


We would like to acknowledge the support of the Army, Navy NIH, Air Force, VA, and Health Affairs regarding the AFIRM II effort under award CTA05: W81XWH-13-2-0052 and CTA06: W81XWH-13-2-0053. The U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity, 820 Chandler Street, Fort Detrick MD 21702-5014, is the awarding and administering acquisition office. Opinions, interpretations, conclusions and recommendations are those of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by the Department of Defense. In addition, we would like to acknowledge support from the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), Reconstructive Transplantation Research ....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
#10 bladeMedlineMDS15110
0.9% Sterile Sodium ChlorideBaxter 2F7123
0-0 Coated and Braided Nonabsorbable SutureCovidienS-196
0-0 Synthetic, Monofilament, Nonabsorbable Polypropylene SutureEthicon8690H
1 inch Medical Tape3M1548S-1
10 USP units/mL Heparin flushBecton, Dickinson and Company306424
3-0 Braided Absorbable SutureCovidienSL-636 (cutting needle), GL-122 (taper needle)
3-0 Monofilament Absorbable SutureCovidienSM-922 (cutting needle), CM-882 (taper needle)
4-0 Coated and Braided Non-absorbable Suture TiesEthiconA303H
70% EthanolVedcoVINV-IPA7
Adson tissue forcepsMPM Medical Supply132-508
Adson-Brown forcepsMPM Medical Supply106-2572
Air warming blanket and pad3M Bair HuggerUPC 00608223595770
Backhaus towel clampMPM Medical Supply117-5508
Brown needle holderMPM Medical Supply110-1513
BuprenorphinePAR Pharmaceutical3003408B
CefazolinHikma Farmacuetica (Portugal)PLB 133-WES/1
ChlorhexidineVet One501027
Cotton PaddingMedlineNON6027
Debakey forcepsMPM Medical Supply106-5015
Elastic Adhesive Bandage Tape3MXH002016489
Halstead mosquito forcepsMPM Medical Supply115-4612
Hickman CatheterBard Access Systems603710
Hickman Catheter Repair Kit, 7Fr, Red and White ConnectorsBard Access Systems0601690 (red), 0601680 (white), 502017
Kelly hemostatic forcepsMPM Medical Supply115-7014
KetamineVet One383010-03
Lactated RingersBaxter2B2324X
Maropitant CitrateZoetis106
Mayo scissorsMPM Medical Supply103-5014
Metzenbaum scissorsMPM Medical Supply132-711
PantoprazoleJH PharmacyNDC 0143-9284-10
Scalpel blade handleMedlineMDS10801
Vein PickSAI infusion technologiesVP-10
Veterinary Ophthalmic OintmentDechraIS4398
XylazineVet One510004


  1. Pontes, L., et al. Incidents related to the Hickman® catheter: identification of damages. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. 71 (4), 1915-1920 (2018).
  2. Kolikof, J., Peterson, K., Baker, A. M. Central Venous Catheter.

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Hickman CatheterLong term Vascular AccessSwine ModelCentral Venous CatheterTunneled CatheterCatheter InsertionCatheter MaintenanceCatheter ComplicationsInfection PreventionLarge Animal Research

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