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Here, we present a detailed protocol to visualize the microtubule networks in neuromuscular junctions and muscle cells. Combined with the powerful genetic tools of Drosophila melanogaster, this protocol greatly facilitates genetic screening and microtubule-dynamics analysis for the role of microtubule network regulatory proteins in the nervous system.


The microtubule network is an essential component of the nervous system. Mutations in many microtubules regulatory proteins are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders and neurological diseases, such as microtubule-associated protein Tau to neurodegenerative diseases, microtubule severing protein Spastin and Katanin 60 cause hereditary spastic paraplegia and neurodevelopmental abnormalities, respectively. Detection of microtubule networks in neurons is advantageous for elucidating the pathogenesis of neurological disorders. However, the small size of neurons and the dense arrangement of axonal microtubule bundles make visualizing the microtubule networks challenging. In this study, we describe a method for dissection of the larval neuromuscular junction and muscle cells, as well as immunostaining of α-tubulin and microtubule-associated protein Futsch to visualize microtubule networks in Drosophila melanogaster. The neuromuscular junction permits us to observe both pre-and post-synaptic microtubules, and the large size of muscle cells in Drosophila larva allows for clear visualization of the microtubule network. Here, by mutating and overexpressing Katanin 60 in Drosophila melanogaster, and then examining the microtubule networks in the neuromuscular junction and muscle cells, we accurately reveal the regulatory role of Katanin 60 in neurodevelopment. Therefore, combined with the powerful genetic tools of Drosophila melanogaster, this protocol greatly facilitates genetic screening and microtubule dynamics analysis for the role of microtubule network regulatory proteins in the nervous system.


Microtubules (MTs), as one of the structural components of the cytoskeleton, play an important role in diverse biological processes, including cell division, cell growth and motility, intracellular transport, and the maintenance of cell shape. Microtubule dynamics and function are modulated by interactions with other proteins, such as MAP1, MAP2, Tau, Katanin, and Kinesin1,2,3,4,5.

In neurons, microtubules are essential for the development and maintenance of axons and dendrites. ....


1. Dissection of larvae

NOTE: The dissecting solution hemolymph-like saline (HL3.1)18 and the fixing solution 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA)19,20are used at room temperature because the microtubules depolymerize when the temperature is too low.

  1. Pick out a wandering 3rd instar larva with long blunt forceps. Wash it with HL3.1 and place it on the dissection dish under the stereomicroscope.
    NOTE: Wandering 3rd instar larva is identified by branched anterior spiracle and crawls around the tube at approximately ....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

We demonstrated a step-by-step procedure for visualizing the microtubule network in both neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and muscle cells. Following dissection according to the schematic diagram (Figure 1A-E), immunostaining is performed, and images are subsequently observed and collected under a laser confocal microscope or a stereoscopic fluorescence microscope (Figure 1F,G).

Both pre-and post-synapt.......


Here a protocol is described for the dissection and immunostaining of Drosophila larval neuromuscular junctions and muscle cells. There are several essential points to consider. Firstly, avoiding injury to the observed muscles is crucial during the dissection process. It may be worth fixing the fillet before removing internal organs to prevent direct contact between the forceps and the muscles. To avoid muscle damage or separation from the larval epidermis, it is important to ensure that the speed of the shaker .......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Dr. Ying Xiong for discussions and comments on the manuscript. This work is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) to C. M. (31500839).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Alexa Fluor Plus 405 phalloidininvitrogenA30104dilute 1:200
Enhanced Antifade Mounting MediumBeyotimeP0128M
FV10-ASW confocal microscopeOlympus
Goat anti-Mouse antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 conjugatedThermo FisherA-11001dilute 1:1,000
Laser confocal microscope LSM 710Zeiss
Micro Scissors66vision54138B
Mouse anti-Futsch antibodyDevelopmental Studies Hybridoma Bank  22C10dilute 1:50
Mouse anti-α-tubulin antibodySigmaT5168dilute 1:1,000
ParaformaldehydeWako168-20955Final concentration: 4% in PB Buffer
Stainless Steel Minutien PinsEntomoravia0.1mm Diam
Stereomicroscope SMZ161Motic
stereoscopic fluorescence microscope BX41Olympus
Texas Red-conjugated goat anti-HRPJackson ImmunoResearchdilute 1:100
TO-PRO(R) 3 iodideInvitrogenT3605dilute 1:1,000
Transfer decoloring shaker TS-8Kylin-Bell lab instrumentsE0018
Tweezers dumont500342


  1. Halpain, S., Dehmelt, L. The MAP1 family of microtubule-associated proteins. Genome biology. 7 (6), 224 (2006).
  2. Sánchez, C., Díaz-Nido, J., Avila, J. Phosphor....

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Microtubule NetworkNeuromuscular JunctionDrosophila MelanogasterCytoskeletonNeurodevelopmentNeurological DiseasesKatanin 60ImmunostainingtubulinFutsch

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