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The protocol outlines a feasible, reliable, and reproducible method of left pulmonary hilar clamping that can be used to study lung ischemia-reperfusion injury in mouse models.


Ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) during lung transplantation is a major risk factor for post-transplant complications, including primary graft dysfunction, acute and chronic rejection, and mortality. Efforts to study the underpinnings of IRI led to the development of a reliable and reproducible mouse model of left lung hilar clamping. This model involves a surgical procedure performed in an anesthetized and intubated mouse. A left thoracotomy is performed, followed by careful lung mobilization and dissection of the left pulmonary hilum. The hilar clamp involves reversible suture ligation of the pulmonary hilum with a slipknot, which stops the arterial inflow, venous outflow, and airflow through the left mainstem bronchus. Reperfusion is initiated by careful removal of the suture. Our laboratory uses 30 min of ischemia and 1 h of reperfusion for the experimental model in the current investigations. However, these time periods can be modified depending on the specific experimental question. Immediately prior to sacrifice, arterial blood gas can be obtained from the left ventricle after a 4 min period of right hilar clamping to ensure that the PaO2 values obtained are attributed to the injured left lung alone. We also describe a method to measure cell extravasation with flow cytometry, which involves intravenous injection of a fluorochrome-labeled antibody specific for the cell(s) to be studied prior to sacrifice. The left lung can then be harvested for flow cytometry, frozen or fixed, paraffin-embedded immunohistochemistry, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. This hilar clamp technique allows for detailed study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying IRI. Representative results reveal decreased left lung oxygenation and histologic evidence of lung injury following hilar clamping. This technique can be readily learned and reproduced by personnel with and without microsurgical experience, leading to reliable and consistent results and serving as a widely adoptable model for studying lung IRI.


IRI during organ transplantation is a major risk factor for primary graft dysfunction and later episodes of graft rejection1,2. During transplantation, warm ischemia time is defined as the period of time from donor aortic cross-clamp to initiation of cold perfusion and from organ removal from ice to organ implantation. Cold storage time is defined as the period of time from the start of cold perfusion to the removal of the organ from ice3. Warm ischemia is more deleterious for later organ function than cold ischemia4,5,


All studies were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Washington University School of Medicine. Animals received humane care in compliance with the Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals, 8th edition21 prepared by the National Academy of Sciences and published by the National Institutes of Health, and the Principles of laboratory animal care formulated by the National Society for Medical Research.

1. Anesthesia and intubation

  1. Select a mouse that weighs at least 25 g. This will facilitate easier intubation due to the larger orifice between the....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

After left hilar clamping, partial pressure of oxygenation in the arterial blood (PaO2) attributed to the left lung is ~100 mmHg, significantly lower compared to the ~500 mmHg following sham thoracotomy (Figure 7A, n=6-7). Of note, sham thoracotomies were performed in B6 mice with ABG measurement taken after 4 min of right hilar clamping, representing values attributed to the left lung alone. H&E staining of the hilar clamped left lung demonstrated infiltrating inflammatory ce.......


We describe a hilar clamp technique that involves application of a slipknot on the left hilum which occludes the pulmonary artery and veins and bronchus to induce warm ischemia followed by reperfusion. After hilar clamping, the left lung can be harvested for a variety of experimental techniques such as histology, flow cytometry, bulk or single cell sequencing, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Additionally, the blood and spleen may be used to study systemic effects, while the non-ischemic right lung may serve a.......


The authors report no relevant disclosures.


This work received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10% povidone-iodine solutionAplicareNDC 52380-0126-2For disinfectant
Buprenorphine 1.3 mg/mLFidelis Animal HealthNDC 86084-100-30For pain control
CarprofenCronus PharmaNDC 69043-027-18For pain control
Heparin 1000 units/mLSagentNDC 25021-404-01For obtaining arterial blood
Isoflurane 1%-1.5%Sigma Aldrich26675-46-7For anesthesia
Ketamine hydrochloride 100 mg/mLVedcoNDC 50989-996-06For anesthesia
Puralube Vet eye ointmentMedi-Vet.com11897To prevent eye dessiccation
Xylazine 20 mg/mLAkornNDC 59399-110-20For pain control
Tools and Instruments
Argent High Temp Fine Tip Cautery PenMcKesson231To coagulate blood vessels
Curved mosquito clampFine Science Tools13009-12For surgical procedure
Fine curved forcepsFine Science Tools11274-20For surgical procedure
Fine scissorsFine Science Tools15040-11For surgical procedure
Intubation clamp set-upFine Science Tools18374-44, 18144-30For holding mouse vertically by the tongue during intubation. See Supplementary Figure 1A. 
Magnetic rib retractorsFine Science Tools18200-01, 18200-10For retraction of thoracotomy. Magnetic fixator and retractor should be connected by micro latex tubing below.
Optical Grade Plastic Optical Fiber Unjacketed, 500μmEdmund Optics02-532To make the introducer for the endotracheal tube. See Supplemental Figure 1B. A 1.5-inch length of this optical fiber should have a piece of silk tape secured to one end. It can then be used as an introducer for the endotracheal tube. The end of the introducer should be curves slightly.
Power Pro Ultra clipperOster078400-020-001To clip hair
ScissorsFine Science Tools14370-22For surgical procedure
Small animal heating padK&H Pet ProductsThermo-Peep Heated PadTo maintain normothermia
Small animal ventilatorHarvard Apparatus55-0000For ventilation (TV 0.35 cc, PEEP 1 cm H2O, RR 100-105/min, FiO2 100%)
Spearit Micro Latex Rubber Tubing (1/8 in outside diameter, 1/16 in inside diameter)Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com/Rubber-Tubing-CONTINUOUS-Select-Length/dp/B00H4MT7V0?th=1For retraction of thoracotomy
Stat Profile Prime Critical Care Blood Gas AnalyzerNova Biomedicalhttps://novabiomedical.com/prime-plus-critical-care-blood-gas-analyzer/index.php?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmICoBhDx
For retraction of thoracotomy
Straight clampFine Science Tools13008-12For surgical procedure
Straight forcepsFine Science Tools91113-10For surgical procedure
Surgical microscopeWild Heerbruggno longer producedFor intubation and surgical procedure; recommend replacement with Leica surgical microscopes
½ cc syringe with ½ inch 29G needleMcKesson942665For injecting ketamine/xylazine intraperitoneally
½ inch 31G needle on a 1 cc tuberculin syringeMcKesson16-SNT1C2705For aspiration of arterial blood from left ventricle
1-inch 20G IV catheterTerumoSROX2025CAFor endotracheal tube (ETT)
1-inch silk tapeDurapore3M ID 7100057168To tape ETT to nose and to secure limbs
3/10 cc syringe with 5/16 inch 31G needleMcKesson102-SN310C31516PFor antibody injection into the inferior vena cava
6-0 monofilament suture on a P-10 needleMcKessonS697GXFor closure of thoracotomy, muscle layer, and skin
6-0 silk tieSurgical Specialties LookSP102To make slipknot for hilar clamp
Pointed cotton-tipped applicatorsSolon56225To manipulate lung and for blunt dissection


  1. Bharat, A., et al. Immunological link between primary graft dysfunction and chronic lung allograft rejection. Ann Thorac Surg. 86 (1), 189-195 (2008).
  2. Daud, S. A. Impact o....

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MurineLeft Pulmonary Hilar ClampLung Ischemia Reperfusion InjuryIRILung TransplantationMouse ModelSurgical ProcedurePulmonary HilumHilar ClampIschemiaReperfusionArterial Blood GasCell ExtravasationFlow CytometryImmunohistochemistryQuantitative PCR

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