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This protocol utilizes light-sheet imaging to investigate cardiac contractile function in zebrafish larvae and gain insights into cardiac mechanics through cell tracking and interactive analysis.


Zebrafish is an intriguing model organism known for its remarkable cardiac regeneration capacity. Studying the contracting heart in vivo is essential for gaining insights into structural and functional changes in response to injuries. However, obtaining high-resolution and high-speed 4-dimensional (4D, 3D spatial + 1D temporal) images of the zebrafish heart to assess cardiac architecture and contractility remains challenging. In this context, an in-house light-sheet microscope (LSM) and customized computational analysis are used to overcome these technical limitations. This strategy, involving LSM system construction, retrospective synchronization, single cell tracking, and user-directed analysis, enables one to investigate the micro-structure and contractile function across the entire heart at the single-cell resolution in the transgenic Tg(myl7:nucGFP) zebrafish larvae. Additionally, we are able to further incorporate microinjection of small molecule compounds to induce cardiac injury in a precise and controlled manner. Overall, this framework allows one to track physiological and pathophysiological changes, as well as the regional mechanics at the single-cell level during cardiac morphogenesis and regeneration.


The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a widely used model organism for studying cardiac development, physiology, and repair due to its optical transparency, genetic tractability, and regenerative capacity1,2,3,4. Upon myocardial infarction, while structural and functional changes impact the cardiac ejection and hemodynamics, technical limitations continue to hinder the ability to investigate the dynamic process during cardiac regeneration with the high spatiotemporal resolution. For example, conventional imaging methods, such as confocal m....


Approval for this study was granted by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the University of Texas at Dallas, under protocol number #20-07. Tg(myl7:nucGFP) transgenic zebrafish larvae12 were used for the present study. All data acquisition and image post-processing were carried out using open-source software or platforms with research or educational licenses. The resources are available from the authors upon reasonable request.

1. Zebrafish breeding and embryo microinjection

Timing: 2 days

  1. Maintain and breed adult zebrafish throu....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The current protocol consists of three main steps: zebrafish preparation and microinjection, light-sheet imaging and 4D image reconstruction, and cell tracking and VR interaction. Adult zebrafish were allowed to mate, the fertilized eggs were collected, and performed microinjection as needed for the proposed experiments (Figure 1). This step provides an entry point to explore zebrafish applications in the investigation of cardiac development and regeneration, and it also plays a crucial role.......


The integration of the zebrafish model with engineering methods holds immense potential for the in vivo exploration of myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, and congenital heart defects. Leveraging its optical transparency, regenerative capacity, and genetic and physiological similarities to humans, zebrafish embryos and larvae have become extensively utilized in research1,2,4. The superior spatiotemporal resolution, mini.......


The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.


We express our gratitude to Dr. Caroline Burns at Boston Children's Hospital for generously sharing the transgenic zebrafish. We thank Ms. Elizabeth Ibanez for her help in husbanding zebrafish at UT Dallas. We also appreciate all the constructive comments provided by D-incubator members at UT Dallas. This work was supported by NIH R00HL148493 (Y.D.), R01HL162635 (Y.D.), and UT Dallas STARS program (Y.D.).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Animal models
Tg(myl7:nucGFP) transgenic zebrafishBurns Lab in Boston Children's HospitalZDB-TGCONSTRCT-070117-49
Software and algorithms
MATLABThe MathWorks Inc.R2023a
LabVIEWNational Instruments Corporation2017 SP1
HCImage LiveHamamatsu Photonics4.6.1.2
PythonThe Python Software Foundation3.9.0
Fiji-ImageJSchneider et al.181.54f
3DeeCellTrackerChentao Wen et al.15v0.5.2
UnityUnity Software Inc.2020.3.2f1
AmiraThermo Fisher Scientific2021.2
3D SlicerAndriy Fedorov et al.175.2.1
ITK SNAPPaul A Yushkevich et al.164
Light-sheet system
Cylindrical lensThorlabsACY254-050-A
4X Illumination objectiveNikonMRH00045
20X Detection objectiveOlympus1-U2M585
sCMOS cameraHamamatsuC13440-20CU
Motorized XYZ stageThorlabsPT3/M-Z8
Two-axis tilt stageThorlabsGN2/M
Rotation stepper motorPololu1474
Fluorescent beadsSpherotechFP-0556-2
473nm DPSS LaserLaserglowR471003GX
532nm DPSS laserLaserglowR531003FX
Microinjector and vacuum pump
Vacuum pumpWelch2522B-01
Pre-Pulled Glass PipettesWPITIP10LT
Capillary tip for gel loadingBio-Rad2239912
Virtual reality hardware
VR headsetMetaQuest 2
30mg/L PTU solution
1X E3 working solution--
1% Agarose--
Low-melt agaroseThermo Fisher16520050
Deionized water--
10g/L Tricaine stock solution
Deionized water--
Sodium bicarbonateSigma-AldrichS6014
150mg/L Tricaine working solution
10g/L Tricaine stock solution--
Deionized water--
60X E3 stock solution
Sodium ChlorideLab Animal Resource Center (LARC), The University of Texas at DallasNaCl
Potassium Chloride-KCL
Calcium Chloride Dihydrate-CaCL2 x 2H2O
Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate-MgSO4 x 7H2O
RO Water--
1X E3 working solution
60X E3 stock solutionLab Animal Resource Center (LARC), The University of Texas at Dallas-
RO Water--
1% Methylene Blue (optional) -C16H18ClN3S


  1. Power, R. M., Huisken, J. A guide to light-sheet fluorescence microscopy for multiscale imaging. Nat. Methods. 14 (4), 360-373 (2017).
  2. Liu, J., Stainier, D. Y. R. Zebrafish in the study of early cardiac development.

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4D Light sheet ImagingZebrafish Cardiac ContractionSingle cell ResolutionGPU based Parallel ComputationVirtual RealityCell TrackingCardiac DevelopmentCardiac DiseaseCardiac RegenerationLight sheet MicroscopeRetrospective SynchronizationTransgenic Tg myl7 nucGFP ZebrafishCardiac InjuryCardiac MorphogenesisCardiac Regeneration

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