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This protocol provides an optimized and elaborate preparation procedure for retinal organoid samples for transmission electron microscopy. It is suitable for applications that involve the analysis of synapses in mature retinal organoids.


Retinal organoids (ROs) are a three-dimensional culture system mimicking human retinal features that have differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) under specific conditions. Synapse development and maturation in ROs have been studied immunocytochemically and functionally. However, the direct evidence of the synaptic contact ultrastructure is limited, containing both special ribbon synapses and conventional chemical synapses. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is characterized by high resolution and a respectable history elucidating retinal development and synapse maturation in humans and various species. It is a powerful tool to explore synaptic structure in ROs and is widely used in the research field of ROs. Therefore, to better explore the structure of RO synaptic contacts at the nanoscale and obtain high-quality microscopic evidence, we developed a simple and repeatable method of RO TEM sample preparation. This paper describes the protocol, reagents used, and detailed steps, including RO fixation preparation, post fixation, embedding, and visualization.


The retina, a vital visual sensory organ in humans and mammals, exhibits a distinct laminated structure characterized by three nuclear layers housing neuron somas and two plexiform layers formed by synaptic connections1, including conventional synapses and the specialized ribbon synapse2,3. The ribbon synapse plays a crucial role in transmitting vesicle impulses in a graded manner2,3. The vision process involves electro-optical signal transmission across various levels of neurons and synapses, ultimately reaching the visual cort....


1. Obtaining ROs from iPSCs25

NOTE: ROs were derived from iPSCs by modifying the previously reported procedure.

  1. Dissociate iPSCs at ~90% confluence using a bacterial protease (see Table of Materials). Chop up the colonies into pieces and scrape them with a cell lifter.
  2. After collection, resuspend the clusters of cells in 0.25 mL of ice-cold Matrigel. Following 20 min of incubation at 37 °C, scatter the solidified gel with the DMEM/F12 medium (0.5% N2 supplement, 1% B27 supplement, 0.1 mM β-mercaptoethanol, 0.2 mM L-glutamine substitute....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The establishment of 3D ROs through iPSC differentiation provides a powerful tool for studying retinal disease mechanisms and stem cell replacement therapy. Although others have demonstrated the synaptic connections in ROs functionally and immunocytochemically, direct evidence of conventional and ribbon synapses is very limited. Here we present a method for investigating the ultrastructure of two types of synapses in ROs by TEM. After 180 days of culture, ROs were fixed, stained, embedded, and ultrathin sliced. TEM obser.......


In this article, we presented a detailed protocol for observing conventional and ribbon synaptic ultrastructure in ROs by TEM. This protocol is based on the previously described retinal preparation methods with some modifications20. To improve the success rate of sample treatment and the quality of TEM micrographs, consider the following key points. First, it is important to acknowledge that ROs develop from iPSCs, forming a cell mass lacking vasculature6,


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This work was supported in part by grants from the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFA1105503), the State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience (SKLN-202103), and the Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation of China (Y21H120019), the Natural Science Foundation of China (82070981).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
100 mm Petri dishCorning430167
AcetoneElectron Microscopy Science10000
B27 supplementGibcoA3582801
Cell lifterSanta Cruzsc-395251
Copper gridsBeijing Zhongjingkeyi Technology Co., Ltd.AZH400HH
DigitalMicrograph SoftwareGatan, Inc.Software
DispaseStemCell Technologies#07913Bacterial protease
DMEM/F12 mediumGibco#11320033
Embedding moldBeijing Zhongjingkeyi Technology Co., Ltd.GZ10592
Epon-812 resinElectron Microscopy Science#14900
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)Biological Industries#04-0021A
GlutaraldehydeElectron Microscopy Science16020
hiPSCShownin Biotechnology Co. Ltd.RC01001-A
Lead citrateBeijing Zhongjingkeyi Technology Co., Ltd.GZ02618
L-GlutaMaxLife Technologies#35050061L-glutamine substitute
Microscope slideCITOTEST80312-3161
N2 supplementGibco17502048
Na2HPO4· 12H2OSigma71650A component of PB/PBS
NaH2PO4· H2OSigma71507A component of PB/PBS
Non-essential amino acidsSigma#M7145
Optical microscopeLab Binocular Biological MicroscopeXsz-107bnii
OsO4TED PELLA4008-160501
ParaformaldehydeElectron Microscopy Science157-8
Semi/ultrathin microtomeReichert-Jung396649
Toluidine blueSangon BiotechE670105-0100
Transmission Electron MicroscopesHITACHIH-7500
Uranyl acetateTED PELLACA96049


  1. Andreazzoli, M., Barravecchia, I., De Cesari, C., Angeloni, D., Demontis, G. C. Inducible pluripotent stem cells to model and treat inherited degenerative diseases of the outer retina: 3d-organoids limitations and bioengineering solutions. Cells. 10 (9), 2489 (2021).
  2. Moser, T., Grabner, C. P., Schmitz, F.

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Retinal OrganoidInduced Pluripotent Stem CellsTransmission Electron MicroscopySynaptic StructureSample PreparationFixationEmbeddingUltrastructure

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