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This protocol offers a method to study cellular dynamics using a simple in vitro culture technique. It provides an opportunity for zebrafish researchers and educators to study cellular processes, such as those related to bone homeostasis and basic cell biology, by visualizing fluorescent nuclei and apoptotic cells within the scales.


Zebrafish scales offer a variety of advantages for use in standard laboratories for teaching and research purposes. Scales are easily collected without the need for euthanasia, regenerate within a couple of weeks, and are translucent and small, allowing them to be viewed using a standard microscope. Zebrafish scales are especially useful in educational environments, as they provide a unique opportunity for students to engage in hands-on learning experiences, particularly in understanding cellular dynamics and in vitro culturing methods. The main objective of this protocol is to describe a method for collecting and maintaining zebrafish scales in culture for use in a variety of biological studies using basic laboratory equipment. Additionally, the protocol details their use in understanding bone homeostasis by examining the activity of bone cells involved in bone resorption and deposition. It also includes additional protocols for general techniques, such as the visualization of nuclei and apoptotic cells. The in vitro culturing protocol produces reliable results with minimal reagents and equipment. This article discusses the benefits of using in vitro cultures of zebrafish scales to foster scientific inquiry and outlines the resources needed to support their integration into educational settings.


In recent years, zebrafish (Danio rerio) have emerged as a valuable model organism in various scientific fields, including genetics, developmental biology, and toxicology1,2,3. Zebrafish are small tropical freshwater fish native to the rivers of Southeast Asia4. They have become a popular model organism in biology due to their easy maintenance, small size, rapid reproductive cycle, and translucent embryos1. This allows for easy observation of their internal development, making them ideal for studying various biological ....


All protocols described here follow the Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines and were approved annually by the Saint Mary's University/Mount Saint Vincent University Animal Care committee under protocol numbers 20-14 and 21-12. Before carrying out this protocol, users must ensure that federal and provincial guidelines on using animals in research or teaching are followed23. The details of the reagents and equipment used in this study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Preparation of reagents for scale culture

  1. Prepare DMEM medium with HEPES (10 g of DMEM po....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Recently, this scale culturing protocol was used to study bone homeostasis11. Scales can survive in the culture medium for at least 2 days. The numbers of apoptotic cells were analyzed on each day of culture, up to a maximum of three days, by counting the labeled cells. These results showed that apoptotic cells increased significantly on the third day of culturing, indicating that culture time should be limited to two days using the method described here.

Comparing scal.......


Zebrafish scales are an easily accessible in vitro model to study a variety of different biological processes that can be maintained for up to 2 days using a culturing method and an incubator to simulate their natural environment11. Scales have a regular and proportional distribution of cells present, which enables researchers to view, count, and label cells and to conduct simple cell biology experiments using basic laboratory equipment. Furthermore, the entire scale is easily visible wit.......


The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


The authors thank Mount Saint Vincent University Aquatic Facility staff and all members of the Franz-Odendaal Bone Development lab for providing the necessary fish care. Specific thanks to Alisha McNeil, Keely A. MacLellan, and Shirine Jeradi for assisting in optimizing some protocols. This research was supported by funding from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) [19HLSRM01] and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.2 mL tubesn/an/a
37% HCl EMDHX0603-4For pH stabilization and prepration of PRS
Concave sliden/an/a
DAPIVectashieldH-1200For cell nuclei visualization
Diazonium salt (Fast Blue B)SigmaD9805For AP substrate solution
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) powder Sigma D5523For scale culture media 
Ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methanesulfonate (MS222) Sigma E10521For preparation of 0.1% MS222
Fetal bovine serum Sigma F4135For scale culture media 
Fluorescence microscopen/an/a
Glacial acetic acid Fisher A38 212For acetate buffer
GlycerolVWRBDH1172-4LPFor 80% glycerol - storage scales
HEPES ThermoFisher 15630106For scale culture media 
Hot platen/an/a
KCl SigmaP217-10For preparation of PBS
LysotrackerThermoFisherL7528For lysosomes  visualization
Maleic acidSigmaM0375For Tris-Maleate buffer 
N,N-dimethylformamideSigma319937For AP substrate solution
N,N-dimethylformamide Sigma319937For Enzyme Substrate Solution
Na2HPO4 EMDSX0720-1For preparation of PBS
NaCl Sigma S9888For preparation of PBS
NaNO2SigmaS-2252For 4% NaNO2
NaOH SigmaS5881For preparation of 4% PFA
NaOH Sigma S5881For scale fixation and pH stabilization
Napthol-AS-TR-phosphateSigmaN6125For AP substrate solution
Napthol-AS-TR-phosphate SigmaN6125For Enzyme Substrate Solution
Pararosaniline hydrochloride SigmaP3750For PRS
Penicillin-streptomycin 5000 units penicillin and 5mg streptomyocin/mlThermoFisher 15140122For scale culture media 
Personal protective equipment (PPE): disposable nitrile gloves, safety glasses/splash goggles and lab coat.n/an/a
PFA Sigma P6148For scale fixation
Sodium acetate Sigma S2889For acetate buffer
Standard compound microscopen/an/a
Stir platen/an/a
Tartaric acidSigmaT6521For Tartrate buffer
Tris baseRoche03 118 142 001For Tris-Maleate buffer 


  1. Nusslein-Volhard, C., Dahm, R. . Zebrafish. , (2002).
  2. Linney, E., Upchurch, L., Donerly, S. Zebrafish as a neurotoxicological model. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 26 (6), 709-718 (2004).
  3. Truong, L., Harper, S. L., Tanguay, R. L.

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Cellular DynamicsBone TissueEnvironmental DisturbancesMicrogravity EffectsVibration EffectsBone Cells CommunicationBone HomeostasisEducational ResearchHands on LearningLab ProtocolsBone ResorptionBone Deposition

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