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We recently identified retinal capillary stiffening as a new paradigm for retinal dysfunction associated with diabetes. This protocol elaborates the steps for isolation of mouse retinal capillaries and the subendothelial matrix from retinal endothelial cultures, followed by a description of the stiffness measurement technique using atomic force microscopy.


Retinal capillary degeneration is a clinical hallmark of the early stages of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Our recent studies have revealed that diabetes-induced retinal capillary stiffening plays a crucial and previously unrecognized causal role in inflammation-mediated degeneration of retinal capillaries. The increase in retinal capillary stiffness results from the overexpression of lysyl oxidase, an enzyme that crosslinks and stiffens the subendothelial matrix. Since tackling DR at the early stage is expected to prevent or slow down DR progression and associated vision loss, subendothelial matrix, and capillary stiffness represent relevant and novel therapeutic targets for early DR management. Further, direct measurement of retinal capillary stiffness can serve as a crucial preclinical validation step for the development of new imaging techniques for non-invasive assessment of retinal capillary stiffness in animal and human subjects. With this view in mind, we here provide a detailed protocol for the isolation and stiffness measurement of mouse retinal capillaries and subendothelial matrix using atomic force microscopy.


Retinal capillaries are essential for maintaining retinal homeostasis and visual function. Indeed, their degeneration in early diabetes is strongly implicated in the development of vision-threatening complications of diabetic retinopathy (DR), a microvascular condition that affects nearly 40% of all individuals with diabetes1. Vascular inflammation contributes significantly to retinal capillary degeneration in DR. Past studies have demonstrated an important role for aberrant molecular and biochemical cues in diabetes-induced retinal vascular inflammation2,3. Howeve....


All animal procedures were performed in accordance with the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research and approved by the Institutional Animal and Care Use Committees (IACUC; protocol number ARC-2020-030) at the University of California, Los Angeles (OLAW institution animal welfare assurance number A3196-01). The following protocol has been performed using retinal capillaries isolated from adult (20-week-old) male C57BL/6J mice weighing ~25 g (diabetic mice) and ~32 g (nondiabetic mice; Jackson Laboratory).

1. Isolation of mouse retinal capillaries fo....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Mouse retinal capillaries
AFM stiffness measurement of isolated retinal capillaries involves sample handling steps that could potentially damage their mechanostructural integrity. To prevent this and thereby ensure the feasibility, reliability, and reproducibility of AFM measurements, the enucleated eyes are fixed in 5% formalin overnight at 4 °C prior to vessel isolation. This mild fixation protocol with reduced formalin concentration, low fixation temperature, limited fixation time, and lack.......


AFM has been widely used to measure disease-associated changes in the stiffness of larger vessels, such as the aorta and arteries16. These findings have helped establish the role of endothelial mechanobiology in cardiovascular complications such as atherosclerosis17. Based on these findings, we have begun to investigate the previously unrecognized role of endothelial mechanobiology in the development of retinal microvascular lesions in early DR. Success in this pursuit, how.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by National Eye Institute/NIH grant R01EY028242 (to K.G.), Research to Prevent Blindness/International Retinal Research Foundation Catalyst Award for Innovative Research Approaches for AMD (to K.G.), The Stephen Ryan Initiative for Macular Research (RIMR) Special Grant from W.M. Keck Foundation (to Doheny Eye Institute), and Ursula Mandel Fellowship and UCLA Graduate Council Diversity Fellowship (to I.S.T.). This work was also supported by an Unrestricted Grant from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. to the Department of Ophthalmology at UCLA. The content in this article is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Retinal Capillary Isolation
0.22 µm PVDF syringe filterMerck MilliporeSLGVM33RSLow Protein Binding Durapore
10X Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline without calcium % magnesiumCorning20-031-CVFinal concentration 1X, pH 7.4
12-well plateFalcon Corning353043
15 mL centrifuge tubeCorning430791Rnase-Dnase-free, Nonpyrogenic
20 mL Luer-Lok TIP syringeBD302830
5 3/4 inch Disposable Borosilicate Glass/Non-sterile Pasteur pipetteFisherBrand13-678-20A
60x15 mm Tissue Culture DishFalcon Corning353002
6-well plateFalcon Corning353046
Aqua-Hold 2 Pap - 13 mL PenScientific Device Laboratory9804-02
Blade holderX-ACTO
Carbon Steel Surgical Blade #10Bard-Parker371110
Dental WaxElectron Microscopy Sciences50-949-027
Dissecting microscopeAm-scope
Formalin solution, neutral buffered, 10%Millipore SigmaHT501128-4LFinal concentration 5% (v/v)
Kimwipes - wiper tissueKimtech Science34133
Micro spatulaFine Science Tools10089-11
Orbital ShakerLab GeniusSK-O180
PELCO Economy #7 Stainless Steel 115mm  TweezerTed Pella, Inc.5667
Phase contrast microscopeNikon TS2
Purifier Logic+ Class II, Type A2 Biosafety CabinetLabconco302380001
Safe-Lock microcentrifuge tubes 2 mLEppendorf22363352
StereoscopeAmScopeSM-3 Series Zoom Trinocular Stereomicroscope 3.5X-90X
Superfrost Plus microscopy slide - White tab - Pre-cleaned - 25x75x1.0 mmFisherBrand1255015
Tris Buffer, 0.1M solution, pH 7.4 - Biotechnology GradeVWRE553-500MLpH 8 for trypsin solution
Trypsin 1:250 powder Tissue Culture GradeVWRVWRV0458-25G10 % (w/v) trypsin solution
Water Molecular Biology GradeCorning46-000-CM
Subendothelial Matrix
10X PBSCorning20-031-CV
1X PBS with calcium and magnesiumThermo Fisher Scientific14040-117pH 7.4
Ammonium hydroxideSigma-Aldrich338818
Ascorbic AcidSigma-AldrichA4034
Collagen IV antibodyNovus BiologicalsNBP1-26549
DNase IQiagen79254
Fibronectin antibodySigma-AldrichF6140
FluoromountInvitrogen-Thermo Fisher Scientific00-4958-02
Glass coverslips (12mm)Fisher12-541-000
GlutaraldehydeElectron microscopy Sciences16220
Human retinal endothelial cells (HREC)Cell Systems CorpACBRI 181
MCDB131 mediumCorning15-100-CV
Mouse retinal endothelial cells (mREC)Cell BiologicsC57-6065
Triton X-100Thermo Fisher Scientific BP151-100
TrypsinGibco-Thermo Fisher Scientific25200-056
AFM Measurement
1 µm ProbeBrukerSAA-SPH-1UMA 19 micron tall hemispherical probe with 1
micron end radius, Spring constant 0.25N/m
70 nm LC probeBrukerPFQNM-LC-V2A 19 micron tall hemispherical probe with 70nm end radius,
 Spring constant 0.1N/m
 cameraXCAM familyToupcam1080P HDMI
Desktop to run the cameraAsusAsus desktopIntel i5-6600 CPU , 8GB RAM
Dish holder for coverslipCellvisD29-14-1.5-N29mm glass bottom dish with
 14 mm micro-well
Nanowizard 4BrukerNanowizard 4Bioscience atomic force microscope mounted on an optical microscope for sensitive measurement of the mechanostructural properties (stiffness and topography) of soft biological samples
Phase contrast micrscopeZeissAxiovert 200Inverted microscope with 10X objective


  1. Duh, E. J., Sun, J. K., Stitt, A. W. Diabetic retinopathy: current understanding, mechanisms, and treatment strategies. JCI Insight. 2 (14), e93751 (2017).
  2. Roy, S., Kern, T. S., Song, B., Stuebe, C.

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Mouse Retinal CapillariesSubendothelial MatrixStiffness MeasurementAtomic Force MicroscopyDiabetic RetinopathyRetinal Capillary DegenerationLysyl OxidaseInflammation mediated DegenerationTherapeutic TargetsVision Loss PreventionNon invasive AssessmentPreclinical ValidationImaging Techniques

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