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This protocol describes the application of the surgical technique used to transfer cloned pig embryos via laparotomy in gilts.


This protocol aims to demonstrate the surgical technique for transferring cloned pig embryos to the oviduct, a method widely used in the production of genetically modified pigs for biomedical research. Nine gilts underwent hormonal synchronization and laparotomy for the transfer of cloned embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) at stages of up to 4 cells on day 2 to the oviduct. Gestational diagnosis was conducted via ultrasound examination 30 days post-transfer surgery. Six out of the nine operated gilts exhibited signs of pregnancy on ultrasound examination. However, as there was no progression in fetal development as assessed by echography, the gilts underwent necropsy at 60 days for the collection of biological material and assessment of the reproductive system. Adhesions were observed in the uterine horns, ovaries, and oviducts. From the uterine lumen of two of the euthanized gilts, one and four embryonic structures with gestational ages ranging between 12 to 20 days were obtained. Despite the absence of live piglets, likely attributed to the low-efficiency rate of transferring cloned pig embryos, which is influenced by various factors, including the number and quality of transferred embryos, the presented surgical technique proved to be rapid and safe.


Pigs are an excellent experimental model for biomedical research due to their anatomical, physiological, and genetic similarities to humans1. These animals have often been used in research related to xenotransplantation, with the intention of producing organs, cells, or tissues that promote a low risk of rejection when transplanted into humans. Xenotransplantation research aims to increase the organ supply for human transplantation, thus reducing the waiting list of patients2.

The production of pigs for xenotransplantation involves several steps, including the production ....


This study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use in Research of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the University of São Paulo, protocol number 6088030523. Nine seven-month-old gilts from the Água Branca nucleus pig farming, located in Itu city, São Paulo state, Brazil, were used right after the second estrus detection9. The details of the reagents and the equipment used in the study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Animal preparation

  1. Fast the animals for 12 h and restrict water access for 4 h before the surgical p....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

This article aims to demonstrate the laparotomy surgery for transferring cloned embryos to the oviduct of gilts. All animals remained in an adequate anesthetic plane, without any intraoperative incidents or complications during anesthesia recovery. The gilts took, on average, 2-3 h to stand up after the surgery ended.

All surgical procedures lasted, on average, 44 min. Nine gilts underwent surgery, with an average of 185 cloned embryos transferred per gilt, totaling 1,664 embryos transferred b.......


The surgical method described has been previously performed by other research groups working with the production of cloned pigs or genetically modified cloned pigs, with reports of births after the implementation of this technique15,16,17,18,19,20. The pregnancy and birth rates of SCNT embryos produced from various cell lines.......


None of the authors disclose any conflict of interest


We would like to thank the Equine Veterinary Hospital and the Ruminants Veterinary Hospital of the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sao Paulo (FMVZ/USP), Sao Paulo, Brazil, FAPESP (grant 2022/11459-3, Sao Paulo Research Foundation), EMS Pharma, CNPq (grant 405254/2022-9), and Água Branca pig farming, Itu, Sao Paulo, Brazil.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.25 mL strawgeneric-Surgical material
1 mL syringeDescarpack341001Surgical material
10 mL syringeDescarpack324601Surgical material
20 mL syringeDescarpack324801Surgical material
3 mL syringeDescarpack324201Surgical material
5 mL syringeDescarpack324401Surgical material
60 mL syringeDescarpack323201Surgical material
9 mm endotracheal tubeRusch112482-000090Surgical material
Allis forcepsgeneric-Surgical instrument
Amox LAJA Saúde AnimalMAPA registration: 8.781/2004Pharmaceutical drug
Bakhaus forcepsgeneric-Surgical instrument
Catheter 20GDescarpack362401Catheter for intravenous access
CetaminAgener UniãoMAPA registration: SP-000292-5.000011 Anesthetic
Conductive clinical gelRMCANVISA registration: 80122200013Surgical material
Dipyrone D-500ZoetisMAPA registration: SP0000728-46Pharmaceutical drug
Disposable scalpel n. 22WiltexANVISA registration: 10150470565Surgical instrument
Disposable sterile sponge-brushRioquimica7.89778E+12Surgical asepsis
Endozime AW PlusRuhof34514Detergent for surgical instruments
Fentanil (Fentanest)CristáliaANVISA registration: 1029800810159Anesthetic
Gosset retractorgeneric-Surgical instrument
Halstead-mosquito hemostatic forcepsgeneric-Surgical instrument
Healing ointment - Unguento PearsonPearson SAMAPA registration: SP0000094-16Pharmaceutical drug
hydrogen peroxide solutionRioquimicaANVISA registration: 218690015Surgical material
IsofluoraneBiochimicoANVISA registration: 100630222Anesthetic
IV Drip set extensorgeneric-Fluid therapy
IV Macro drip setDescarpack410301Fluid therapy
Lactofur (ceftiofur)Ourofino SAMAPA registration: SP0000051-50Pharmaceutical drug
Laringoscope--Surgical instrument
Maxicam 2%Ourofino SAMAPA registration: SP0000051-69Pharmaceutical drug
Micropore adhesive 5 cm x 10 cm generic1530Surgical material
MidazolamHipolaborANVISA registration: 1134301430035Anesthetic
Multi-Way IV Infusion SetDescarpack413201Fluid therapy
Needle 40 mm x 1.2 mmDescarpack353601Sterile needle for applying medicines and anesthetics.
Needle 40 mm x 1.6 mmWiltexANVISA registration: 10150470664Sterile needle for applying medicines and anesthetics.
Needle holdergeneric-Surgical instrument
Nylon 2 suture trheadShalon MedicalN502CTI40Surgical material
Ordinary pengeneric-Regular pen for taking notes
Physiological solution 0.9% 500 mL bagJP FarmaMS:1.0491.0070Fluid therapy
Polyglycolic acid 2 suture threadAtramatG4099-75HSurgical material
Potassium chlorideSamtecANVISA registration: 1559200010139Parenteral drug
Procedure glovesDescarpack122401Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Propofol (Provive)União QuímicaANVISA registration: 1049714490057Anesthetic
Ringer lactate solution 500 mL bagJP FarmaMS:1.0491.0061Fluid therapy
Riohex 0.5% clorexidine alcohol solutionRioquimica218690356Surgical asepsis
Riohex 2% clorexidine solution with surfactantRioquimica218690356Surgical asepsis
Scalp 21 GDescarpack421201Surgical material
Shoe coversgeneric-Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Sterile compressesCremerANVISA registration: 10071150065Surgical material
Sterile gauze padProcitexANVISA registration: 80245210083Surgical material
Sterile surgical drapes 140 cm x 90 cm Venkuri7010003Surgical material
Sterile surgical drapes 150 cm x 190 cm PolarFixF00208Surgical material
Sterile surgical glovesMucamboCA: 39.317Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Stethoscopegeneric-Surgical equipment
Surgical capDescarpack93201Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Surgical gownDescarpack231101Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Surgical maskDescarpack110701Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Surgical scissors blunt-bluntgeneric-Surgical instrument
Surgical scissors sharp-sharpgeneric-Surgical instrument
Surgical staplerTradevet-Surgical material
Tekbond super glueTek Bond78072720030Surgical material
Thermometergeneric-Surgical equipment
Three Way StopcockSolidor374Surgical material
Tramadol hydroclorideAgener UniãoMAPA registration: SP-000292-5.000002Anesthetic
Transparent film dressingSkinupperANVISA registration: 82307460014Surgical material
Waterproof adhesive 10 cm x 4.5 cm generic364828Surgical material


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Embryo Transfer SurgeryLaparotomyGiltsCloned Pig EmbryosSomatic Cell Nuclear TransferGestational DiagnosisUltrasound ExaminationFetal DevelopmentNecropsyBiological MaterialReproductive SystemAdhesionsEmbryonic StructuresPig Embryo Transfer Efficiency

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